There is no trace of arrogance in their bones.

Of course, they mainly greeted Lin Ziyun.

Nowadays, Lin Ziyun's name is widely spread among the Protoss, and there are hardly any Protoss who don't know Lin Ziyun.

Zhen Qi pinched her chin and thought for a while, "How can I say it, there is a touch of magic in science fiction."

"Protoss' technology is undoubtedly very advanced, but those... Crystal towers that can be seen everywhere have brought a touch of magic world elements to this city. I like this city very much."

"I really can't see it, since our Arachnid likes a city full of technology."

After listening to Zhen Qi's words, Lin Ziyun was greatly surprised.

"It's not the same."

Zhen Qi gave Lin Ziyun a blank look and explained.

"When human beings develop technology, they will cause damage to the environment of a planet.

But Protoss is different, they know how to use and recycle cleverly, and while developing technology, they protect the planet's environment as much as possible."

Lin Ziyun nodded, exactly as Zhen Qi said.

Don't look at the city of Protoss, which is huge and full of technology.

But as long as you look up, you can find that the sky of this planet is very blue! The air is also very clear! There is no trace of industrial pollution.

Well, it seems that I will learn how to protect the environment from the Protoss in the future.

Lin Ziyun thought so.

"I don't know if there are any facilities like amusement parks in the city of Protoss."

Zhenqi's eyes looked around the city, as if she was looking for something.

Lin Ziyun said: "Amusement parks....No, but there are facilities for play, but it doesn't seem to be open yet."

Now that Kerui Mountain City has just resumed operation, who would open the entertainment facilities at this time, Zhen Qi looked back with disappointment.

"Let's go, let's keep walking, maybe we can find some interesting places."

Lin Ziyun took Zhen Qi's hand and moved on.

......In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

Now the El has been re-mastered by the Protoss.

With the help of powerful technology and the help of Lin Ziyun and others, Protoss rebuilt El in just one week.

Although the scale of the society after reconstruction is not comparable to that of the past, it is already very good.

"Mr. Lin Ziyun, on behalf of all Protoss compatriots, thank you for your selfless help!"

Inside the bridge of the Pride of Ortalis.

Artanis bowed to Lin Ziyun.

Lin Ziyun shook his head, "You're welcome, are we?"

"Yeah, we are friends, one of the best friends of your star spirit clan!"

Artanis said excitedly.

He couldn't remember how many times Lin Ziyun helped Xingling, and every time it was a great kindness.

To be honest, he doesn't even know how to repay Lin Ziyun in the future! If he knew that there is a saying in human beings that 'I would like to be a cow and a horse for you in the next life', he would definitely say this to Lin Ziyun on the spot! "Report to the Archbishop, A spaceship has been detected outside the fleet, it is the Void Seeker!"

This is, a fanatic who is in charge of manipulating the radar said to Artanis.

Void Seeker Zeratul! After hearing the name of this spaceship, Lin Ziyun was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, an old friend came to his mind.

Speaking of which, Zeratul had never been seen in Sargeras and the Golden Fleet before.

And he also kept forgetting to ask where Artanis Zeratul went.

"Artanis, I heard that the Prophet is great... It seems that there is no need to ask."

Zeratul's figure soon appeared on the holographic stage.

When he saw Lin Ziyun standing with Artanis, half of his words changed suddenly.

"Lord Prophet, I'm really happy to see you again!"

Zeratul's eyes were filled with joy.

"Me too, Zeratul, and I'm glad to see you again."

Lin Ziyun laughed.

I didn't expect these to happen so quickly.... All the old friends gathered, but unfortunately one Tasada was missing.

Thinking of Tasada, Lin Ziyun couldn't help sighing.

"By the way, Zeratul, how did you know I was back?"

Zeratul replied, "Commander Vorazun told me."

"So, you went back to Sargeras before"

Artanis asked.


"Have you found anything for half a year?"

This time it was Phoenix.

Zeratul didn't answer, just shook his head.

"What do you mean Zeratul left for half a year?"

Lin Ziyun was a little dumbfounded.

Why did Zeratul leave Artanis and the others, and once he left, he left for half a year! Could it be impossible for him to follow the route in the original book! He has already revealed the existence of Amon, and it is impossible for Zeratul to return To find those...prophesied.


Zeratul nodded, "Because of your departure, Lord Prophet, we can no longer rely on your strength, Lord Prophet. Therefore, in order to defeat Amon, during the past six months, I have been searching for the ruins of Xel'Naga everywhere in the universe, trying to defeat Amon. Find everything that can help us!"

"I see."

Lin Ziyun nodded and understood.

Xel'Naga, as the creator of their protoss, must have left a great and powerful weapon in the universe.

And Zeratul believes that these weapons can definitely help them fight against Amon in the future! "Unfortunately, I did find a lot of Xel'Naga ruins, but I didn't find anything useful."

Finally, Zeratul sighed, looking a little disappointed and helpless.

After all, he wasted half a year or so, if he spent the half year or so: time doing something meaningful, it would be much better than searching for ruins.

"No need to be sad, my friend, you'll be better off when you're back."

Artanis comforted.

"We are discussing future plans, it is indeed time for you to come back."

Starting tomorrow, they will be looking for keystone fragments.

At that time, it is inevitable to fight against the Tal'darin, and Zeratul's return will undoubtedly add a lot of combat power to them.

"What to plan"

Zeratul looked bewildered.

Obviously, during the half year he left, he did not know that all the keystone fragments had not been collected.

Later, Artanis began to tell Zeratul the situation.

After listening to Artanis' words, Zeratul nodded involuntarily.

"It seems that fate is guiding me."

As soon as he returned, Artanis and others were about to start looking for keystone fragments.

Zeratul didn't think it was a coincidence, but a big invisible hand was pushing him forward! "Come here too, our meeting has just begun."

Lin Ziyun Road.

"Okay, my friends, please wait a moment."

After the communication ended, Zeratul hurriedly drove his Void Seeker into the port of the Pride of Ortalis.

Then he came to the bridge without stopping.

...Meanwhile, on some human planet on the other side.

A dark-skinned middle-aged man sitting in an office chair suddenly stood up.

"What's going on, this ominous premonition has appeared again!"

If Lin Ziyun was here, he would definitely recognize this person.

He is Samir Duran! Maybe not many people know the name Samir Duran, but another name must be heard by many people.

That's Narud! Narud, who appears several times in 2's series, is also a Xel'Naga and a follower of Amon.

Because he is a Xel'Naga, his appearance can be changed at will.

For tens of millions of years, he has been constantly switching identities, lurking in the universe looking for opportunities to resurrect Amon.

Chapter [-] The battle in the Menglai star field

As a Xel'Naga, Narud possesses a powerful psychic power far exceeding that of humans and protoss.

It also makes him have a strong sixth sense.

The appearance of Lin Ziyun and his interference in this world undoubtedly caused considerable obstacles to his plans.

Therefore, he immediately felt an ominous premonition.

In fact, a similar premonition appeared six months ago, but it was not very obvious at the time, so he didn't care too much.

And this time is completely different from the last time! If the last premonition was a spark of fire, this time it was definitely the light of the sun! It made him feel very uneasy.

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