Looking at the familiar patterns, Lin Ziyun was shocked.

Goliath's armed robot is fine, but why does Banshee know that Banshee is a product of the Empire in Starcraft 2.

The most important thing is, what the hell is the Valkyrie? You must know that the Valkyrie frigate is something brought from Earth by the Earth Expeditionary Force. How could the Federation have such a thing, but this question was quickly dismissed by him, because He saw another good thing at this time, and this time he was completely overjoyed.

"Tech Ball!"

Lin Ziyun looked at the round object with a smile.

The technology ball is a good thing. Not only does he have many unique skills, but he can also launch nano-robots to repair the damage of the battleship! This function is exactly what Lin Ziyun urgently needs! Think about it, if you build a bunch of technology balls to follow the back of the fleet, Then he doesn't need to keep the Infinity at the front of the ship when fighting ship-to-ship.

"Well you know these things"

Kerrigan looked at him a little surprised. He wanted to introduce him himself, but he didn't need it.

"Well, it is."

Lin Ziyun nodded, then changed the subject and said, "Stop talking about this, where are those things now?"

"In the storage room on the east side, it's not too far from here, only about [-] meters."

Kerrigan said, pointing in one direction.

Afterwards, everyone started to get dressed up again.

When everyone came to the door of the storage room, they encountered a big problem.

"Tsk, the door is locked..."

Kerrigan knocked on the combination lock of the door, and said with a displeased face, after all the hardships, he finally came here, but he was blocked by a door unexpectedly.

Lin Ziyun put his hand in front of the gate and sighed lightly, "This is a security gate, it is very strong, and it is estimated that there are at least 300. It is difficult to open it with ordinary methods."

It's hard to do this now, everyone didn't bring heavy weapons or breaking tools before they came here.

"Then what should we do now, do we just give up?"

Olympia Valle spread her hands and said, "But we can't do it for nothing."

Lin Ziyun touched his chin and looked at the door. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said, "No, maybe I have a way to open this door."

Lin Ziyun's words made everyone puzzled.

Is there any way to know that there are only a few guns in the crowd now: how can you open this door without even a grenade?

Lin Ziyun quickly gave the answer, and saw that he took out the teleportation device and threw it in his hand, "The ordinary method won't work, then we will use the unusual one."

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood what he wanted to do, Kerrigan said: "You want to teleport this door away"

Lin Ziyun smiled and nodded, indicating an answer.

The door in front of you is not a hydraulic door or a pneumatic door. The shape of this door is like a huge gear. When this door is opened, it will be recessed inward, and when it reaches a certain position, it will turn left or right. Rotate to open a channel.

The design of this door is so good that most door-breaking techniques don't work against it, but this design also has a huge flaw.

That is, the door and the door frame are independent. As long as someone uses the space technology to remove the door, there is no need to consider whether the door frame will affect the teleportation. What Lin Ziyun has to do is to 'move' the door away. .

When Lin Ziyun placed the teleportation device on top of the door, he pressed the button on it, and then the door was shrouded in white light, and in the next second, the huge door was particleized and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing the situation, everyone immediately picked up the grab in their hands and rushed in, but to their surprise, since there were still a group of people inside.

"Don't move! All hands up!"

Hearing this, the people in the storage room were stunned. They never expected that this door, which was strong enough to withstand the frontal attack of the nuclear bomb, disappeared at once.

Chapter [-] Evacuation

"Don't move! All hands up!"

Hearing this, everyone in the storage room was stunned, and everyone immediately raised their hands, fearing that someone would accidentally kill them.

Lin Ziyun looked around in the crowd and frowned. Since there are no guards here, all of them are non-combatants, and the few wearing power armor are female medical soldiers. Have all the guards here been killed? Whether that's the case or not, just ask someone to find out.

"Hey! That woman over there... the woman in white power armor, where's the guard here?"

Lin Ziyun pointed at a medical soldier and asked in an unquestionable tone.

The named medic trembled with fright, shaking his head desperately and tremblingly said: "No... I don't know, they all went out an hour ago, and then...then they didn't come back... "

It seems that the guards here are indeed dead, which is the best and saves a lot of trouble.

Lin Ziyun pouted at James Locke and the others, "Concentrate control on them all. If they dare to do unnecessary things, shoot them directly without showing mercy."

When speaking, Lin Ziyun deliberately amplified his voice so that everyone present could hear it, which immediately made those who... who were weird in their hearts become honest.

Afterwards, Lin Ziyun took Nova and Kerrigan into the storage room.

The area of ​​the storage room is very large, and it is no problem to hold at least three monster-class battlecruisers. It is estimated that one-third of the area of ​​the entire base is occupied by this storage room.

When Lin Ziyun and others entered the storage room, the first thing they saw was a neatly arranged Banshee fighter plane and Goliath armed robot, and then... several Valkyrie frigates.

In fact, calling them a frigate, Lin Ziyun, felt that they were too flattering. After all, these... Valkyrie is really too small, less than [-] meters in length, and only in the early [-]s. , A warship of this size is placed in the world, and at most it is regarded as an orbital defense speedboat.

However, the firepower of the Valkyrie is quite good. She can quickly strike dozens of 10 targets at the same time, or saturate a target like a warship. They are definitely good against dense enemies.

Since most of the space of her 30-meter-long body is used to install weapons, ammunition and heavy armor, she can only carry up to [-] members of various types.

Looking at these Valkyrie frigates, Lin Ziyun nodded with satisfaction. It might be of great use to bring this thing back for renovation.

Finally, Lin Ziyun came to the last row of the storage room. There was a spaceship with a strange shape. She was about [-] meters in diameter and [-] meters high. There were several radar antennas above her head. The fragile body inside is surrounded.

That's right, this is Lin Ziyun's favorite technology ball. In fact, the word "ke" is called "Science Ship". As the name suggests, she is not a combat ship, but her function is special, so she often appears on the front line of war.

And because the first generation of science ships looks like a ball, many players are used to calling it a technology ball.

"So many things, what do we want"

Just as Lin Ziyun was fascinated, Kerrigan suddenly spoke.

"We don't need to take all of them, just bring a few samples back. I believe Glassman can come up with better ones."

Lin Ziyun came to the side of the technology ball, reached out and gently stroked its icy surface, "But this must be taken away."

"However, even the samples can't be taken away by us."

"We really can't take much with us, let's go, but don't forget, besides... us, there are them."

Saying that, Lin Ziyun pointed to the hostage in the distance.

"You mean to use these hostages to help us carry things, which is indeed a good idea."

Kerrigan said, rubbing his chin.

"That's nature, and it can be considered waste utilization."

As long as he pointed a gun at them, Lin Ziyun didn't believe that they would dare not cooperate.

Drop "Report Commander! We found a large number of Zerg life signals are moving from the ground, fast in your direction!"

At this time, the voice of the emperor Li Luo Nijia came from the ears of everyone.

"Damn, it's time for these worms to come!"

Lin Ziyun complained angrily, and then came to the hostage.

"You all listen, if you don't want to die, then follow my orders next, do you hear me!"

Hostages, look at me, I look at you. In the end, under the leadership of an old man, they all nodded. After all, if they can live, who would want to die? After that, Lin Ziyun began to allocate people. Lin Ziyun took Nova and Kerrigan and Several medics entered the technology ball, while more than a dozen Spartans such as James Locke took the remaining dozens of researchers into the four Valkyries.

Boom! As soon as everyone started their temporary cars, there was a violent vibration from the entire base, followed by an alarm sounding in the base.

"WARNING! Sectors 3, 7 and 11 are severely damaged, anomalous lifeform invasion detected! Repeat..."

Unfortunately, in the so-called official storage room of Area 11, where the Goliath armed robot was parked, a huge Nydus worm suddenly sprang out from the ground, it opened its hideous mouth, and a group of zerg came out of it. gushing out.

At this time, several medics in the technology ball saw these.... The terrifying creatures were so frightened that they swore that they had never seen each other since they were born until a few minutes ago. More terrifying creatures than these....

Boom boom! Dozens of missiles flew out from both sides of the Valkyrie, blasting the approaching zerg into pieces, but several of the missiles did not hit the zerg on the ground, but directly hit the zerg in the storage room. on the ceiling.

The violent explosion ripped open a huge hole in the ceiling, and seawater began to pour in desperately. In just one minute, the entire storage room was filled with seawater.

This just gave everyone a chance to breathe.

"Quick, get out of this ghost place now!"

As Lin Ziyun's words just fell, a Valkyrie frigate flew out of the hole in the ceiling with its head, and the next second, the technology ball driven by Lin Ziyun followed closely behind.

Just less than a minute after everyone left the base, fire began to come from every corner of the base, and with an explosion, finally, the base came to its end.

Chapter [-]: The arrival of the ued fleet

On the high-altitude orbit of Planet Glacius, that is, next to the endless fleet, five [-]-meter-class battleships with several small battleships suddenly jumped out of the hyperspace and slowly sailed towards the endless fleet. Lin Ziyun and others who came back from Tarsonis.

As soon as he left the hyperspace, Lin Ziyun was a little surprised, because he actually saw another... fleet next to the endless fleet, and this fleet was his old friend Renault's Hyperion fleet. .

"Why did that guy Renault come here? Shouldn't he follow Artanis and the others to find the keystone fragments?"

With doubts, Lin Ziyun began to send a communication request to the Hyperion.

After a while, Jim Raynor appeared in front of him, and Raynor said in surprise: "Hey, man, you're back, we have big trouble here and need your help."

"oh what trouble"

Lin Ziyun said unhurriedly, he had already guessed that there must be something wrong with Renault coming to him, so he was not surprised at all.

"Your fellow villager came a few days ago and started wars everywhere in the sector, which greatly hindered us from finding keystone fragments. The day before yesterday, they had a fight with Mengsk's federation."

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun frowned.

Where does fellow traveler come from, fellow fellow, etc...! Could it be that what he said was true... "The fellow fellow you said was"

"Who else is there besides them, but the Earth Expeditionary Force of your hometown is really fierce! On the first day of his arrival, Mengsk's troops were beaten and bruised, hehehe..."

Speaking of this, Renault smiled, as long as Mengsk was not happy, he would be happy.

"You'd better talk about what the trouble is."

Looking at his nervous smile, Lin Ziyun was really speechless, this was nothing like the... Lei Ritian who walked sideways in the Koprulu star area.

"Ah, if you didn't say it, I almost forgot."

Reno rubbed his stiff face, and then said seriously: "Those guys got a bug-controlling machine out of nowhere, and they plan to use bugs to attack all human colonies in the Koprulu sector, even Protoss doesn't even plan to let it go, it's just... a bunch of lunatics."

Hehe, they are more than lunatics, the current Earth government was originally established by a group of terrorists, and it is strange if they are not crazy, Lin Ziyun thought with disdain.

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