"Lord Admiral, Sister Yoshinori, it's time for breakfast."

Besmarck shouted at the two.


......Breakfast is over.

Lin Ziyun said goodbye to Yoso and took the three daughters of Besmarck back to the City of Hope on a pelican transport plane.

He did not go to the winery, but went directly to the unyielding home.

Since it was already discussed yesterday, Unyielding will take Lin Ziyun to the headquarters of the coalition government to meet their current commander and sign the contract by the way.

The headquarters of the coalition government is located in the eastern district of City of Hope, not far from Buqu's home, and it takes a few minutes for everyone to arrive by car.

"Welcome to Mr. Lin Ziyun, I have heard Senior Unyielding mention you many times, and I finally have the honor to meet you today."

As soon as I came to the door of the Coalition Government Headquarters, a big sister with an umbrella greeted me personally.


Lin Ziyun was surprised by the identity of the big sister in front of her.

That's right, this... the big sister who is holding the umbrella is the big sister of the department! "Yes, I am Yamato."

Yamato gave an elegant smile.

"By the way, Yamato is the current commander of our coalition government."

Unyielding next to him also added.

Lin Ziyun heard the words and asked: "No, didn't you say before that the coalition government was established by some senior ships? Why is Yamato here and still as the commander?"

Unyielding explained: "The coalition government is indeed set up by us... A battleship girl, but not all members are a battleship girl."

"Some of the ship girls who were born on the sea and have no destination will be absorbed into the coalition government as officials, and the Tuba is the first World War II ship girl to be absorbed into the coalition government."

"I see."

That's right, the ship girl born on the sea does not necessarily join other guards or set up guards by herself.

Lin Ziyun really forgot about this before.

"Let's go, I'll show you around our coalition government headquarters."

Tutu sent an invitation to Lin Ziyun to visit.

Lin Ziyun didn't refuse, anyway...isn't in a hurry to sign the contract.

The coalition government is very large, at least ten times that of the independent government!

And it's not wrong to say that it's a super-large garrison.

After all, this was the world's first fortress a long time ago! Because the area of ​​the fortress was so large, everyone didn't visit all the places.

After a symbolic visit to a few places, the tuba brought Lin Ziyun and others to the conference room.

Chapter [-] Chang Meng is a rich loli!

"First of all, I would like to thank you very much for agreeing to deal with us."

Yamato bowed slightly to Lin Ziyun to express his gratitude.

Not only did Lin Ziyun sell them a lot of advanced technology at a 'low price' before, but this time he even agreed to trade with them again.

And this transaction is very important to them, it is almost related to the future of the ship's mother and human beings! Lin Ziyun waved his hand: "You don't need to thank you, just as Miss Unyield said before, this transaction is not for my family's ships. Mother also helped a lot, and it was a win-win: a good deal."

Hearing this, Yamato smiled noncommittally.

"Let's see, if there is no problem, take out the contract and sign it."

Lin Ziyun handed over the design drawings he brought to Yamato.

"Don't look at it, I trust Mr. Lin Ziyun."

Yamato handed the long-prepared contract to Lin Ziyun, with her signed name on it.

Lin Ziyun simply looked at the contract and signed his name.

From now on, the independent city government and the coalition government formally reach a cooperation.

"By the way, when are you going to upgrade the ship girl?"

Lin Ziyun asked suddenly.

He now wants to see what the ship girls will be like when they become space ship girls.

Yamato said: "You can do it today, does Mr. Lin Ziyun want to see it?"


"Then ask Mr. Lin Ziyun and a few ships to move, and I'll take you to the construction room."

Less than ten minutes after entering the conference room, everyone came out again.

It is estimated that only Lin Ziyun and the others can sign the contract in such a fast time.

Of course, this is also because the two sides trust each other to be so fast.

If there are other people, it is estimated that they have to sit in the conference room for an hour.

After all, contracts between some large groups or organizations require a team of lawyers to investigate the loopholes hidden in the contracts, which takes a long time.

Ahem, the topic is too far away, let's get down to business.

A few minutes later, Lin Ziyun and others came to the construction room of the United Government Headquarters.

It should be said that it is indeed the construction room of the Coalition Government Headquarters. To describe it in one word is...—big! Outrageous! Rows of construction furnaces are neatly arranged in three rows! Lin Ziyun made a preliminary estimate, There are about [-] construction furnaces here! "There are several ship girls with admiral attributes in your coalition government"

Lin Ziyun couldn't help asking curiously.

There are so many construction furnaces, and it is estimated that there are also many commanders, but to Lin Ziyun's surprise, Yamato gave the completely opposite answer.

"There are only three ships with admiral attributes, and I'm one of them. There are also my sister and the indomitable senior's friend, the former fearless senior."

So it turns out, two WWII ships plus a Royal First Battleship.

But then again, I didn't expect that the Yamato sisters had such good luck, and they all acquired the admiral attribute.

If Yamato and Unyielding knew what Lin Ziyun was thinking, they would probably cry and laugh.

They can get the admiral attribute, and they have almost used up all their European energy! It can be seen from the large number of destroyers and light cruisers built by the two sisters.

That's right, Yamato and her sister Musashi are just like the lions around Lin Ziyun, they are a group of non-chiefs! At this time, in addition to Lin Ziyun and others, there are several ship girls in the construction room.

When they saw Yamato's arrival, the ship girls stepped forward and handed Yamato a blueprint.

Yamato overlaid the blueprint on the blueprint given to her by Lin Ziyun.

I saw a faint blue light lit up, and when Yamato picked up the blueprint, there was already a design drawing of the battleship on it.

This world is very magical, especially everything related to the ship girl is very magical.

Just like the blueprint in Yamato's hand.

There is no need to draw with a pen at all, as long as the complete design drawing, it can copy it.

And it doesn't need to consume anything at all.

"I'll trouble you next time, don't give in."

Yamato handed over the blueprint to this, and Lin Ziyun asked, "Are you planning to make yourself accept the upgrade?"


Yamato answered without looking back.

"It's the first time, after all, there's always someone going to try it, will it be dangerous?"

Lin Ziyun raised his eyebrows, "Hey, hey, you made the blueprint yourself, don't you know if it's dangerous?"

"Theoretically there is no danger."

The answer to the question is unyielding.

"But just in case."

"All right."

Lin Ziyun shrugged and stopped talking, he quietly watched Yamato enter the construction furnace.

Then Unyielding put the blueprint into the construction furnace, and in the next second, a large number of fonts and numbers were displayed on the display on the other side of the construction furnace.


This is the resource needed for Yamato upgrades! Unlike construction, the upper limit of resources for construction is [-], but upgrades can exceed hundreds of thousands or even millions! Unyielding is also short-term stunned.

After reacting, she took the soul core that had been prepared long ago from a ship girl next to her, put it into the construction furnace, and then input the resources to start the construction.

4: Forty-four hours! It has completely exceeded the construction time of all the ships! Unyielding said: "It seems that we will not be able to see the upgraded Yamato for a while."

Although I was disappointed because I couldn't see Yamato for a short period of time, I was actually very happy to be unyielding.

Because the longer the time, the stronger the upgraded Yamato! Just like the longer the construction time, the stronger the battleship is.

This is a rule that cannot be changed in this world! "In this case, let's say goodbye."

Lin Ziyun said to Unyielding.

Now that he sees the resources needed for Yamato's upgrade, Lin Ziyun is already eager to continue to acquire the soul core! With so little soul core in his hand, it is not enough to support even one upgrade of the ship girl! After all, he does not intend to use the level The design drawings of the ship are used by their own ships.

This lowest-level battleship is not worthy of his own ship's mother! Since it is his own ship's mother, he must use good design drawings! And the design drawings he prepared for his own ship's mother are the firm-class escort, the clarification-class battleship, and the new era class. Aircraft carrier and Protoss aircraft carrier! Of course, these four are only temporary, and other advanced battleship designs may be added in the future.

And the higher the level, the more resources and soul cores are needed! This is something that can be guessed.

"Then I won't keep you all."

Unyielding obviously knew what Lin Ziyun was thinking, and she watched Lin Ziyun and others leave.

"Come on, let's go back to the winery!"

Lin Ziyun waved his hand and left with the three ships behind him.

Bismarck and others are also looking forward to it.

They also wanted to level up, especially Bismarck was a little impatient and wanted to go back to the guard house to level up immediately.

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