“Make the kingdom great again?”

Talos was stunned.

I would like to. But who can fulfill the first two conditions under the current circumstances?

“System testing”

“【Kingdom】The Edurawa Spark Tower is out of control, the Cascade light is infinitely amplified, breaking through the critical point of containment, and the kingdom’s mother planet is about to explode”

“Failure to meet mission prerequisites”

“Develop a rescue plan”

“Plan 1: Analyze the structure of the Edurawa Spark Tower and start resetting the tower core… Reduce energy output and reset the Cascade limiter……”

As the system sounded, everyone in the kingdom looked towards the Spark Tower.

An unknown strange energy wave rose from the void and converged directly towards the central tower.

For a moment, the originally out-of-control Cascade light actually began to stabilize.

“Is this an illusion?”

Mitt, a scientist in the Kingdom, felt the fluctuation just now and couldn’t help wondering.

“Reset failed. The underlying logical architecture of Spark Tower is wrong. Forced changes will cause premature collapse.……”

“Start plan 2. It is detected that there is a plasma spark tower with the same properties in the universe. The target architecture is perfect and the situation is stable, which is suitable as a transplant container.”

“Transplant the tower core to the plasma spark tower and rebuild the Edurawa spark tower to resolve the crisis and create the second kingdom”

“At the same time, it was detected that there were multiple super-dimensional energies in the target area. There was a high probability that a direct conflict would occur during the transplantation process. A comprehensive assessment of Plan 2 was now conducted.”

“Operability: Low”

“Development potential: Moderate”

“Danger: Extremely dangerous”

“It is not recommended for the host to choose.”

Super-dimensional energy? Isn’t that King Ao and Noah?

Transplanting the Spark Tower in front of them, are you asking Benboerba to get rid of Tang Seng and his disciples?

Come up with a more reliable plan.

Talos shook his head helplessly.

“Scan Host Tartarus……”

“Possessing the ability to travel through time and space [Narak Alien Dimension】”

“Extract this talent, the system [Empire] is integrated and upgraded to the [Dimensional Empire] system”

“【Nalak Space] is upgraded to Nalak Universe】”

“Based on the upgrade capability, the third plan is formulated:”

“1. Use the Nalak universe as a channel to open the dimensional star gate and cross the dimensional world to create the [Edurava Spark Tower] sub-tower. Divert and purify the energy of the main tower, extend the life of the main tower, and stabilize the light output frequency.”

“2. Use the sub-tower to extract the power of the other world, sublimate the kingdom’s mother planet, promote the collective evolution of the kingdom’s people, improve the level of life and the planet, until it can completely carry the infinite amplification of Castara light”

“The combination of the two can completely solve the problem of [Kingdom] Spark Tower overload and collapse”

“Now we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the third option.……”

“Maneuverability: Very high”

“Kingdom Development Potential: Very High”

“Danger level: Moderate”

“After comprehensive judgment, it is recommended that the host choose option three.”

This option given by the system is like a floating bridge given to a drowning person. For the current kingdom, it is simply a life-saving straw.

Talos forced himself to suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart, and carefully watched the information.

【Nalak Space】I understand it myself.

This is the little golden man’s unique talent, using his own energy to create a special space similar to a pocket universe.

In the original plot world, the little golden man used this to open a portal as a transit station to travel back and forth between various time and space and parallel universes.

But the system seems to have been upgraded.

【Nalak Universe]: You can build a cosmic channel to travel through the dimensional world.

Originally, it was traveling through time and space, but now it can travel through dimensions.

Thinking of this, Talos still has a few questions

“Will the sub-tower have an impact on the main tower, or will the life in the world where the sub-tower is built evolve to surpass the main tower?”


“First of all, the sub-tower is built to serve the main tower, and the energy radiation of the sub-tower will not be higher than that of the main tower.”

“Secondly, the host has control over all sub-towers and can determine the degree of evolution of the sub-towers for the world’s life.”

“In this case, we can also build sub-towers on other civilized planets in this world.”


“However, building a sub-tower to absorb the power of the world is essentially assimilating and annexing the world. The original world cannot extract the power of the world. The sub-tower only has the ability to divert the load of the main tower.”

“That’s fine. If we build a few more, we can temporarily alleviate the problem of the Spark Tower being out of control, and the kingdom won’t have to face destruction!”

Talos thought carefully. He didn’t have to be a space wanderer, and he could also expand the influence of the kingdom.

But soon the system’s prompt broke his fantasy.

“Building a sub-tower requires world power. The current initial sub-tower is 1. Please choose carefully.”

“Still need the power of the world?”

Talos was shocked. Where did he get the power of the world now?

“Conquer a dimensional world and extract the power of the world through the sub-tower.”

Now there is only one initial sub-tower, which means that it is necessary to expand into the other-dimensional world.

If it only has a one-sided effect, it is really not worth the cost to build it in the universe.

But in any case, the kingdom that was originally heading for destruction finally has hope.

“Please select a rescue plan……”The cold system sound rang again

“Choose option three.”

Talos said firmly.

“The plan has been selected”

“This project is named: [Empire Expedition】”

“At the same time, the side quest (1): The Kingdom’s Redemption is launched. As an empire that will dominate the world, it should not be destroyed like this.”

“Please build the first sub-tower, conquer the first world, extend the life of the kingdom, and save the kingdom from danger.”

“Now start selecting the dimension world……”


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