
Talos thought about it without paying attention to the two [Kingdom] warriors.

Suddenly he remembered going to the past time and space, the little golden bull on the planet D60 of Draco.

According to the current time node,

Diablo has almost begun to secretly contact the Magma Legion and prepare to attack D60.

Talos groaned for a while.

In the original world line, the loss of control of the [Kingdom] Spark Tower was irreversible.

In order to seize the strongest fantasy beast, the cosmic buffalo, Diablo disguised his identity and joined the D60 planet.

After deceiving the trust of his fellow disciples, he ignored the teachings and kindness of Master Thunder.

With Admiral Magma, he killed everyone in the Universe Fantasy Beast Fist Sect.

The little golden man was also involved.

In the end, in order to study the Ultra Warriors, the little golden man imprisoned Regulus for who knows how many years.

In Talos’s view, the little golden man at that time was completely broken and didn’t care about anything except the [Kingdom].

But now the [Kingdom] has My revival is a matter of time.

It is not worthwhile to destroy D60 like this and to draw the hatred of the Kingdom of Light before having the strength to crush everything. Wouldn’t it be a better choice to develop D60 into a [Kingdom] planet…

Why should I take the evil path when I can take the royal path?

But the conversation between the two warriors does reflect a problem.

Although I have brought hope to the kingdom and gained the trust of the people.

But there are still differences among the warriors, most of which are led by Diablo.

In order to completely complete the reform of the kingdom, it seems that Diablo must be conquered first and go to the planet D60.

Talos pondered.

But before that, solve the problem of Titan first.

The kingdom currently has three giants, and occupy two of them first.

The mental power radiated away, and in an instant, he found the small golden sword still lingering under the stairs of the central palace.

Isn’t this guy going back?

There was suspicion in Talos’ eyes, and he teleported away.

Arrived in front of the central palace


“Big… Big Brother!”

Titan, who was silently guarding the foot of the palace, was overjoyed to see Tartarus actually come to him.

“Have you always been here?”

Talos was very natural with this title.

Although they were all Ultimate Lifeforms, Titan was indeed the youngest among the three in terms of age.

In the little golden man’s original memory, he had always regarded him as his younger brother.

“My brother sent someone to tell us that if it is really for the sake of the kingdom, we should not act rashly.……”

Titan lowered his head, not daring to look Talos in the eye.

Logically speaking, now that Tartarus has returned victorious from his expedition, the problem of the Spark Tower losing control has also been solved.

【Kingdom】No need to face the end of imminent destruction.

It should be a happy moment.

But Titan felt very confused.

Talos smiled in his heart, he is really an obedient child, but unfortunately he is a little stubborn.

Then he asked calmly:”Do you have an answer to the previous question?”

Titan lowered his head and thought:”Something more precious than life……”

He had been thinking about this problem for the past few days, but he could not figure it out. It was not until he saw the Spark Tower revived… his elder brother returned with the fleet… and the people shouted the name of Tartarus that he seemed to understand something.


“Honor, the honor of a swordsman……”

Titan replied slowly, his eyes under the helmet still revealing a trace of yearning and hesitation.

Talos did not deny:”If one day, the kingdom has reached its end”

“Are you willing to abandon the honor of a swordsman and fight for the kingdom, even if it means bearing all the infamy?”

“I… am willing!”

Faced with this question, Titan hesitated for a moment. He respected the strong and was loyal to the kingdom. He also had his own sense of justice in his heart.

But if there really came such a day, he was willing to give everything for it.

“You hesitated, Titan.

Titan’s heart tightened.

“Look straight at me.”

Talos said in a serious tone, with an unbreakable majesty in his voice.

Since entering the realm of legend, Talos’s every word and action has been filled with the mystery of order.

Titan looked up and met those platinum eyes directly.

Talos directly opened the [Future Vision] and showed the original future of the [Kingdom] in full.

“What is this?!”

Titan’s eyes narrowed, and then the world in front of him changed rapidly.

He was still in the central palace.

But he saw another self and Tartarus.

“The kingdom is about to be destroyed, we need a second home planet”

“Titan, the kingdom needs your sword”

“Is this the future?

Titan reacted instantly. This was the unique [Future Vision] of his elder brother Tartarus.

He clearly saw that in this future, the Spark Tower continued to lose control and could not be saved.……

【Kingdom] finally declared war on the Kingdom of Light.

“This is an invasion, Titan.”

After the battle at the Noah Ruins and the joint efforts to break through the Meta Domain, Titan faced Libut’s words.

He had doubts about this war when he fought for the kingdom for the first time. He left the battlefield in despair.

After the battle on the Blizzard Planet, he was confused again.

The values of justice and the honor of the swordsman in his heart were constantly in conflict with the orders of the kingdom in his mind.

In the end, the balance of the battle was broken.

Diablo died in the battle.

The soldiers of the kingdom who went out to fight were all destroyed.

Only Tartarus was left fighting alone.

And the future self was still hesitating and wandering.

The last picture… was the advent of the god of the Kingdom of Light… the King of Ultra.

Its incomparably dazzling brilliance directly buried the lonely figure of Tartarus.

On the side of the [Kingdom of Light], there is hope.

But on the side of the [Kingdom], there is bottomless despair.

The future vision ends.

No one knows what the final result will be.

“Is this the original future of the kingdom?”

Titan stared blankly, with endless self-blame and guilt in his heart.

His body retreated weakly and leaned against the wall.

He looked at the golden sword in his hand weakly, his eyes trembling.

The kingdom was defeated…

Diablo died, the tribesmen disappeared, and only the eldest brother was left fighting alone…

And himself… what was he doing?

Only now did he understand why his eldest brother did not choose himself when he went to the battle…

Talos saw Titan’s reaction and asked:”Titan, in your eyes, what kind of existence is an observer like Archer?”

Titan remained silent.

“Are they a group of second-class Absoluts who live in the shadows… dare not challenge the enemy head-on, and use despicable means to achieve their goals and humiliate the reputation of the Kingdom?”

Talos knew what he was thinking and spoke slowly, and every word hit his heart directly.

“I said that every member of the tribe will sacrifice their lives for the kingdom at the last moment.”

“The Observers are not true ultimate life forms, and they do not have the power as strong as you. In the kingdom that is gradually collapsing and heading towards destruction, they can only protect it in their own way, doing the dirty things that the so-called first-class Absoluts are unwilling to do.”

“Even so, they did not retreat, but chose to fight to the last moment.”

“They have only one belief, that is [Kingdom】”

Titan’s eyes flickered under his helmet, thinking about his future self, he was always hesitant.

Even if he seemed to have made up his mind in the end, he could not deceive people every time he swung the sword in his hand.

Weakness and lack of willpower could not defeat the enemy at all.

Thinking of this, Titan’s long sword, which he had been holding tightly in his hand, finally fell to the ground with a clang, and his words were very painful.

“I… am not worthy of being the Kingdom Sword……”

“What should I do?”

Talos’ eyes were deep.

He actually understood the huge sense of tearing between the ideal justice and the reality in his heart. For a swordsman with a pure heart, what kind of torture it was. He slowly picked up the sword of Absolut on the ground and handed it to him. His voice was as gentle as an elder.

“The future has changed”

“The kingdom will not fall, Titan”

“If you still feel confused, just leave it to me.”

“Leave it all to me. You don’t need to bear any sins. You just need to keep swinging your sword to find your own answers.”

“Because I promised you that I would lead the Kingdom Restoration”

“Before that, I will bear the burden for you… until the day you truly find the answer.”

Titan looked directly at Talos, feeling the tranquility and tolerance in his words.

His eyes under the helmet trembled for a long time. He did not expect that his elder brother would still be willing to accept him without complaint despite his unbearable condition. He was silent for a long time, and then made a decision.

He reached out and took the long sword handed to him by Talos:

“Can I be your sword?……”

“Just be the sword in your hand”

【Loyalty +7】

【Titan’s current loyalty: 95】

【Congratulations, you have gained the loyalty of the Kingdom cadre Titan.】



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