“Empire Expedition Plan!!”

“Wandering Earth World……”

At this moment, after listening to the grand blueprint described by Talos, Mitt’s eyes were filled with excitement.

His original rationality and rigor as a scientist had long been forgotten.

“Yache, am I dreaming?”

For tens of thousands of years… no one would have thought that at the last moment, the problem of the Spark Tower losing control could really be solved!!

【Edurawa Spark Tower Separation Technology】

【Dimension Crossing Gate】

【World Power Extraction】

【Collective Evolution of the Kingdom】

These were things he had never thought of! It was beyond his imagination. Even if all the scientists in the kingdom gathered together, they could not research the Spark Tower technology that could cross dimensions.

It was not until this moment that Carter truly understood how important the mission that Lord Tartarus was about to entrust to them was.

This was simply shouldering the future of the entire kingdom.

And there was no need to engage in direct war with the Kingdom of Light!

“Lord Tartarus…your injury?”

Archer’s eyes were filled with sorrow.

For many years, countless elites in the kingdom had spent their entire lives trying to solve this problem.

Now, there was suddenly hope of a reversal.

It can be speculated that behind this unknown…

Lord Tartarus, I don’t know what a heavy price he paid.……

“No problem”

“As long as it’s for the kingdom……”

Talos coughed lightly and then shook his head.

His words were filled with sadness and vicissitudes, and his eyes were full of sincere faith in the kingdom.

How could he be injured?

Since they thought he was injured, then he should continue the tragic hero character who dedicated his life to the kingdom and even sacrificed himself. This would be the easiest way to win people’s hearts.

Mitt and Archer looked at each other and decided to follow him all the way and would never let him down.

“According to the currently known information, that world is a human civilization similar to Earth.”

“Their sun is aging rapidly and is also facing the danger of destruction.”

“You have two missions on this trip.”

“First, build a dimensional star gate to welcome the arrival of the kingdom”

“Second, as the Kingdom’s envoy, make initial contact with the world’s top leaders, collect intelligence, and inform them of the Kingdom’s arrival.”


“I understand that I will not disappoint Lord Tartarus’ trust in this mission.”

The two men bowed their heads and accepted the order.

“Everything is for the kingdom.”Talos looked at them with a solemn expression and a firm voice.

“Everything for the kingdom!!”

Mit and Archer responded loudly, and then retreated excitedly.

At this moment, Talos was the only one left in front of the central palace.


“Archie, am I dreaming?”

Mite walked out of the palace and asked his companions.

“You’ve asked me this more than a dozen times along the way.”

Yaqi rolled her eyes at him impatiently. At this moment, she was thinking about how to complete this mission.

“Are you coming over?”


A loud slap hit him on the face.

“Is it enough?”

“Enough, this is not a dream.”

Mitt looked back at the central palace, and the initial excitement and excitement in his eyes began to fade, returning to his original rationality and calmness.

“The star system of that civilization is about to go out. I will prepare the equipment accordingly, and the task of collecting intelligence will be left to you.”

“This mission is related to the future of the kingdom.……”Archer said coldly,”Any obstacles can be removed.”

“”Understood.” Mitt entered the command on the arm device and teleported away.

Archer looked back at the central palace and seemed to see Talos’ back, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

Lord Tartarus… I will definitely not let you down!


At this moment, a strong figure quickly walked past Archer, and the light gold and silver armor on his body collided with a powerful sound.

“”Master Titan.”

When Archer saw the visitor, he bowed his head and greeted him as usual.


Titan agreed without paying too much attention.

He walked straight into the central palace without even looking back.

Archie looked normal. She knew that Titan looked down on the”dirty” actions that observers like her usually did.

But if she could always stand in the sun… who would choose darkness?

As long as it was for the kingdom and for Lord Tartarus, she could give everything!


“Titan, you are here.”

At this moment, Talos in front of the central palace had already sensed his presence.

“”I came here to confirm, do we have to start a war against the Kingdom of Light?”

Titan asked, looking at Tartarus in front of the throne.

Upholding the spirit of a noble swordsman, he was unwilling to participate in a war of aggression in his heart.

Talos stared at him in silence.

The plan against the Kingdom of Light was proposed by the little golden man a long time ago.

However, due to the gap in national strength between the two countries, there were also voices of opposition to the war within the country, and it has been delayed until now.

Now the kingdom is facing extinction.

The shelved plan was brought up again within the kingdom.

In fact, Talos did not agree to go to war with the Kingdom of Light. Looking at all the dimensional worlds, if there is a utopia, it is the [Kingdom of Light], and many problems can be solved peacefully.

There is a rescue plan now, and this method is not necessary.

But now Talos is one of the current leaders of the [Kingdom] and the future lord of the empire, so he must consider the issue from the perspective of the [Kingdom].

Talos stared at the young swordsman:”Are you afraid?”

“Scared?” Titan was stunned, then shook his head firmly,”No!”

“As the Sword of the Kingdom, are you willing to cut off all obstacles on the kingdom’s path?”

“Of course I am willing to sacrifice my life for the kingdom!

Titan placed his right hand on his heart and looked directly at the throne to express his belief.

“For the sake of the kingdom, many warriors will sacrifice their lives, or even something more precious than life.”

Talos said slowly with deep eyes.

“Something more precious than life?”

Titan showed a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Seeing this, Talos, who had placed high hopes on him, could not help but reveal a trace of imperceptible disappointment.

He turned his back to him and waved,”You still don’t understand, go back.”


Titan, as the strongest swordsman in the kingdom, was very observant. How could he not notice the change in Talos’s eyes?

He was deeply hurt by the unspeakable disappointment and wanted to say something else.

But Talos shook his head, as if he had made a difficult decision. His words were deep and heavy.

“I will not go to war with the Kingdom of Light, Titan. This is my promise to you.”


Titan couldn’t believe his ears. The decision to go to war with the Kingdom of Light was almost irreversible. Now he just came to ask with a glimmer of hope.

Now that he got this response, he felt uneasy.

He was one of the people who knew the current situation of the kingdom best.

Destruction was imminent.

Now that his elder brother made such a promise, he didn’t know what kind of determination he would face behind it?

“The kingdom…will be fine.”

Talos shook his head, and his body paused for a moment as if he was feeling unwell.

Then, with Titan’s eyes trying to keep him, he forcibly opened the Nalak universe with both hands and traveled away.

Titan was left alone in the palace, thinking back in silence.

Why, why did he get the answer he wanted?

But he still couldn’t be happy.……


“Ding, loyalty value increased by 3”

“Titan’s current loyalty index: 83.”

At this moment, the [Narak Universe] is a golden infinite space.

Talos was in it and heard the system’s prompt. His performance just now was not bad.

But it was not enough.

If it is not 90, there is a possibility of wavering and changing sides.

After completing the first expedition, this problem can be solved.

Talos’ eyes are calm.


(Is there anyone who can give me some flower reviews? The first day is very important and I would really appreciate it.)

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