Chapter 241

“I said, the strongest will always belong to me!”

“I will prove it too!”

The silver-white eyes were fierce again, shouting a declaration, fiercely breaking through the enemy who was blocking him, and then slamming the ball into the basket.


I couldn’t resist the increasing strength of Keigo Shirasawa’s arm, and the strength contained in Aomine Daiki’s arm was lost step by step, and finally there was nothing left.

Sitting on the ground embarrassedly, he became the existence of the white figure looking up in front of him.


Even if Keigo Shirasawa is no longer hanging from the rim, the rim is still wailing.

“A lot of power…”

This is the voice of the reporters on the sidelines.

They are closer than the audience, so they have a deeper feeling. The strength of the ball just now is definitely an unimaginable horror.

Probably those players who are known for their strength will be deducted from the game just now, right?

“That guy…”

The reporters looked at Keigo Shirasawa at the same time, and they all had only one thought in their hearts——

too terrifying!


In the law of the jungle, there are always beasts above everything else, and they are top predators.

Keigo Shirasawa, this is the case right now.

Incarnate as a top predator.

A fierce beast?

Tear him to pieces, crush him!

“Hey! You guys! All cheer up, don’t be fooled by him.”

Jin Jixiang shouted to several of Tonghuang’s players, their score is still behind, but there is no time to marvel at the strength of the opponent.

Must find a way to score!


“Next, is the problem!”

Midorima Shintaro said seriously.

Because, Emperor Tong does not have a good offensive line!

Ace showdown?

Too uncertain.

What they need now is a way to stabilize the score, but is there any?

Every guy in the mountain king is not weak.

“Hey! It’s really amazing!”

In this regard, Coach Harazawa can only say the last sentence, obviously it is just a very ordinary style of play, but it can make them so embarrassed.

Even Rakuzan can’t.

“Sa, Emperor Tong…How would you choose? Or is it a ace singles?”

Domoto Goro didn’t worry at all.

The attack of Emperor Tong is just as defense.

“What’s the matter?”

“Emperor Tong hasn’t even begun to attack.”

Super-offensive teams like Tong Huang usually get the ball and start attacking.

Like this, it is rare that there is no substantial attack in ten seconds.(Read more @

In the end, I chose Aomine Daiki.

“bring it on!”

“I’m not the kind of big talker, so…I will prove it.” Keigo Shirasawa said to Aomine Daiki while defending.

Did not give him a point of defending flaws.

‘Prove? ’

‘Prove that you are better than me? Prove that you are the strongest? ’

“Do not joke!”

Aomine Daiki’s face was cold.



The acceleration of the Zone state is simply terrifying, more than twice as fast as before!

At least, there are not many who can be calm and calm in the face of Aomine’s starting speed.

The few who can be calm and comfortable also need a specific state, and the ordinary state simply won’t work.

However, Keigo Shirasawa has all the conditions.

Therefore, he has no reason to be thrown away.

The footsteps first retreated, and then took a step, which perfectly blocked Aomine Daiki’s breakthrough.

“How fast? For me, there is no difficulty.”

Friends of the past, opponents of today.

Keigo Shirasawa has never thought of putting water, of course, Aomine Daiki doesn’t need it either.


Aomine Daiki stopped in his own footsteps.

Withdraw and change hands, then turn around and break through.

“Don’t be too naive.”

Start your own steps again and cross over to prevent Aomine Daiki’s breakthrough.


Upon seeing this.

Aomine Daiki’s eyes were sharp, and once again he stopped in his footsteps and shot backwards!

It is completely different from the general backwards, a huge backwards!


Keigo Shirasawa squats to accumulate energy.

Then he jumped up suddenly.

The arms were also raised high, covering a huge defending range. Under Aomine Daiki’s astonished gaze, Basketball was shot down…


“Oh! That Aomine…”

“It’s been blocked again!”

“Shirasawa, too strong!”


“Basketball is not dead yet!”

“Scramble for the ball with all your strength! You must not let the mountain king get it!” Jin Jixiang yelled vigorously.

If they are continuously defended and then counterattacked, how can they still talk about chasing the score?

Sakula lyo, got the ball.

“Hey! I didn’t grab it!” Minoru Matsumoto gritted his teeth angrily. The Emperor Tong, who loves to apologize, is really desperate.

At the same time, with the help of his teammates, leaving Minoru Matsumoto off, naturally he wouldn’t be polite.

This goal must be scored!

The body leaps up, the delay shooting action is ready, and the wrist pulls out Basketball.


But soon, an arm that didn’t know where it came from, fanned his basketball.



The most surprising thing is Shinyoshi Shoichi and Sakula Lyo. They both paid special attention to the location of Keigo Shirasawa and stayed with Aomine Daiki.

Why can I still run over and make trouble? Still came from an unexpected position, the explosive force was too fast!

“The ball is not dead yet!”

Basketball slapped by Keigo Shirasawa did not go out of bounds. Instead, it bounced once on the ground and was picked up by another person.


“whispering sound!”

Keigo Shirasawa gritted his teeth, he is still delaying, and he can’t catch up at this distance.

However, it was not that his choice was wrong.


In Zone status, Aomine Daiki almost rushed into the basket, and Keigo Shirasawa was also fighting back, but it was too late.


Naturally, Masashi Kawada didn’t directly open the basket to let Aomine Daiki score or something.

The result, but it is no different.

Falling in a backward posture, he can only look up at the guy in front of him.



Even after Aomine got off the rim, the rim that had been severely ravaged did not stop shaking, and kept making a slight shaking and rubbing sound. .

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