Chapter 243



“this is……”

Keigo Shirasawa has never seen his movements so smooth and able to maintain such a fast speed.

Obviously, he was sealed by himself at the edge of the bottom corner, and he would be out of bounds if he took a wrong step.

However, Aomine Daiki actually broke through his defend without breaking the law and rushed directly into the post.

“what happened!”

Keigo Shirasawa is not the only shocker.

There are also Fukatsu Kazunari and others.

Shirasawa didn’t react either? how is this possible!

“How could I lose!”


Aomine Daiki yelled and slammed Basketball into the rim with the ball.

Kawada Masashi, just like Wakamatsu confronting Keigo Shirasawa, couldn’t resist, and slumped on the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Break through yourself?

Still making myself completely unable to react?

This is not what Aomine Daiki of Zone can do, but…

“So that’s the case, did you come in too? Daiki!” Keigo Shirasawa grinned.

“This is really…”

Akashi Seijūrō also laughed, and this match really became more and more interesting.

The second door that represents the ultimate individual, both of them can step on, what kind of duel will this be?

“Shirasawa, don’t lose.”

‘what! Who is worried about this kind of thing? ’

Although I don’t know who said it, but to be honest, Keigo Shirasawa is a bit angry.

Such worries are completely unnecessary!

“I won’t lose!”




Keigo Shirasawa yelled, rushed into the inside and flew into the dunk. As a result, Wakamatsu, who wanted to stop him, suddenly knocked to the ground.

Aomine Daiki reached out his arm from behind him, trying to stop it.

But it is also useless.

“real or fake…〃〃…”

“So strong! Ruosong, totally unstoppable.”

“Compared to this, Aomine… how many times has this match been broken?”

“Idiot, does this kind of thing need to be so surprised?”


The audience started talking lively.

Keigo Shirasawa’s dominant performance is worthy of No1 in the university.

“You entered the second door, but you won’t forget, I can do this kind of thing too?”

After landing, Keigo Shirasawa said to Aomine Daiki, and then followed his teammates back to defend his own halftime.


Aomine didn’t respond, just grinned.

This restlessness in my heart…

Hey! Sure enough, the best!

“It’s okay? Wakamatsu.” Suwa reached out his hand and pulled Wakamatsu, who was knocked to the ground by Keigo Shirasawa, and pulled him up.(Read more @

“Ah! Damn it!”

Ruosong could do nothing but gritted his teeth.

The power of Na overbearing can’t resist it at all.

“Okay! It’s offensive.”

Today Jixiang urged, they didn’t have any leisure time to drag.


Just transported to Sanno halftime, he passed Basketball to Aomine Daiki.

Reversing the match is what the ace should do.

“So fast……”

“Breakthrough! Aomine broke through Shirasawa.”

“No, not yet…”

Aomine Daiki, who was in the second door state, rushed into the front of the mountain with an instant effort before the start speed was even faster.

However, it does not mean that Keigo Shirasawa has been completely thrown away.


Everyone only heard a violent rubbing sound, and then Aomine Daiki’s figure appeared on the other side.

High-speed change direction breakthrough!

“Are you underestimating me?”

“Use what I’m good at to score points in my hands?”

“Is it too smug, Daiki.”

Keigo Shirasawa said coldly, his body activated and stepped across to block Aomine Daiki’s breakthrough.


Aomine Daiki didn’t say a word. He pulled up backwards and grabbed the ball with one hand. This position can never be dunk, there is still some distance from the basket.

“Irregular shots!”

“It’s all said, who are you looking down on?”

Keigo Shirasawa squatted to accumulate energy and jumped up suddenly.

Even after taking off, with his excellent explosive power, he reached the highest point at about the same time as Aomine Daiki.

As for Basketball, Aomine hasn’t shot yet.

“Quick! Fast beyond imagination!”

Jin Jixiang couldn’t calm down in his heart.

It doesn’t matter if the reaction nerves are fast, why can the take-off speed be so fast.

This guy……

It’s really amazing!


Aomine Daiki took a deep breath.

The arm holding the ball is pulled back, and at the same time the body is tilted to the right in delay, as if trying to throw Basketball out of it like that.

“¨. I knew you would fight like this a long time ago.”

However, it is not only Aomine but also Keigo Shirasawa who can control the tilt of the body during delay.

The body was also leaning to the right, and the open arms and figure filled Aomine Daiki’s sight again.

However, this does not mean that this ball offense has ended here.

Aomine’s eyes were sharp again.

Pull back the arm holding the ball and throw Basketball from behind.

Upon seeing this.

Keigo Shirasawa also hurriedly manipulated his arm, raised it high, and basketball passed by without blocking it.

However, the touch on his fingers told him that he had touched it!

“whispering sound!”

Aomine saw it too.

According to his guess, this goal has not been scored.


As soon as he landed, he burst into extreme speed, rushed into the basket in one fell swoop, and jumped up suddenly.


The members on both sides of the inside line are also the members who are preparing to rebound. While their bodies are still rising, they saw (Li Li Zhao) a dark figure that suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden, it surpassed them.

what is this?

Wasn’t he in that position just now?

Soon, a black shadow filled the sights of Kawada Masashi and Wakamatsu.


Keigo Shirasawa.

Over there, Aomine Daiki has caught Basketball.

There will only be one thing to do.


“The strongest person is me!”

“Even if it were you, I would be defeated!”


The arm grabbed the ball and slammed it into the basket.


“Damn it!”

Keigo Shirasawa gritted his teeth secretly.

He had just pressed his hand on Basketball, and he felt the tremendous force from the other side of Basketball.

Aomine also suddenly increased his strength again, making him unable to resist.

In the end, it was dunked. .

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