Chapter 253

“Okay, that’s it for the layout.”

“Normal play is fine, don’t take it lightly.”

Goro Domoto has some expectations in his heart. What kind of level will such a lineup show them?

no doubt.

The current lineup is much better than their winning lineup of Mountain King!


The five starters responded.

“Ready?” Kazunari Fukatsu was the captain of the Akita Prefecture team. With his leadership ability, he had no objections.


Keigo Shirasawa pushed his neck and moved his body a little. For his level, a little movement is enough.

The rest of them all warm up very seriously.

Of course, Murasakibara did not.

“No problem, get ready for Ok!”

“Then…, let’s go!”

Kazunari Fukatsu got up and walked towards the court, followed by the other four.

“Oh! It’s on the court!”

“The strongest lineup from Akita Prefecture!”

“come on!”

With the entry of athletes from Aichi Prefecture, the match officially began.

“The players from both sides line up, salute!”

“Please advise!” x10.

Aichi: Shooting guard Zhuxing Da, center Mori Shigehiro, Power Forward Aono Souji, point guard Shimiyazawa, Small Forward Kashiwamura Takuya.

Akita: Shooting Guard Himuro Tatsuya, center Murasakibara Atsushi, Power Forward Eiji Sawakita, point guard Kazunari Fukatsu, Small Forward Keigo Shirasawa.

The players on both sides preparing for the jump ball are already in place.


Morijikuan’s face was dignified.

Meet this guy again!

This time, it can’t be like before.

“Adon, please don’t jump ball flagrant foul.”

“I got it~”

Murasakibara responded lazily to Keigo Shirasawa.

Referee took the ball and walked to the center of the court, and then threw the ball high. After Basketball reached the highest point, both big hands simultaneously approached the delayed Basketball.

“Sure enough, is that so〃〃?”

Zhu Xing whispered loudly and loudly, they couldn’t get the first ball right, which was also expected by them.


Jumping up, leading the guy Moriju so much, somewhat unacceptable.


Murasakibara Atsushi shot Basketball to Kazusei Fukatsu.

The first ball was won by Akita Prefecture.

“very good!”

Kazunari Fukatsu picked up Basketball and started attacking Aichi’s halftime.

However, Aichi’s defense was timely.

“Oh! Defend is a good job.”

Fukatsu Kazusei praised, “But…”(Read more @

The body was pulled up and put on a shooting posture in delay.

‘Are you going to do it yourself? ’

‘No way? ’


The success of the first ball is the most morale-boosting thing. To be honest, Shimiyazawa believes that this attack should be launched more steadily.

Shimiyazawa cleared the distracting thoughts in his mind, and in any case could not stand by and watch the opponent shoot the basket.


Fukatsu Kazunari smiled slyly.

For this ball, there are actually many routes for him to choose, he just chose this one.

Pull back your arm and throw Basketball to the left.

The area where Basketball flies is where Himuro Tatsuya is located.


Himuro Tatsuya held the ball, took a deep breath, leaped high, moved his wrist, Basketball shot.


“Slightly bad, isn’t it?”

As a top shooter, Zhuxingda can naturally rely on the arc of some shots to judge whether he will enter.

The arc of this ball is simply perfect!

If there is no interference, it will definitely go in!

And he can’t stop it.

Although he has jumped up, Basketball has passed his fingertips, and his reaction to the ball is too slow.


Akita, go to the next city first.

“Sorry! This ball is my problem.”

“No, it’s not your problem.”

Zhu Xing shook his head. The defender took off and prepared to shoot. Don’t you think you can’t make it?

Although, they don’t know how Fukatsu Kazun’s shot hit rate, but letting it go is another matter.

It can only be said that the pass of that person is indeed very accurate.

It should be that they didn’t look at the position of their shooter, but they could pass to him accurately.

Fukatsu Kazusei, amazing!

“Let’s take it slowly. Since the first ball has been taken by the opponent, it is useless for us to be anxious.”

Urgency represents the origin of all bad factors.

For example, Turnover.

Therefore, there is no reason to be anxious.

“Prevent this ball well!”


At the beginning, Akita was full of vigor.

However, the athletes from Aichi Prefecture are still in danger, pass in an orderly manner, and use the player’s running guidance to find Akita’s defend loopholes.

In the end, Zhuxing made a big shot to win the ball.

“¨. Aichi, don’t let the wind fall at all!”

“We defend this ball!”

Zhu Xingda also took the opportunity to boost the morale of the team.

Because Murasakibara Tun stayed in their own halftime and did not attack, as long as they took advantage of the numbers, they still had a chance to defend the ball.

“Ahaha…, you are really not bad.” Fukatsu Kazusei smiled, not worried about whether the ball will succeed.

That kind of worry is completely unnecessary.

It is the task of that guy to break this balance of power.


“Oh! The strongest player in college is about to take a shot!” The moment Keigo Shirasawa got Basketball, the court screamed fiercely again.


Shirasawa shot the ball slowly, and didn’t rush to attack.


Kashiwamura Takuya’s face was unprecedentedly solemn.

This person again!

To be honest, there is really no confidence in his heart (Li Wang’s).

I haven’t forgotten the things about summer.

“Don’t be so nervous, relax.” Keigo Shirasawa laughed.


Kashiwamura didn’t speak either.

not nervous?

Except for a few, who will not be nervous when you meet you?

Even the stars are nervous.

“I just want to move my body a little bit.”

When the voice fell, Keigo Shirasawa burst into extreme speed in an instant, just like that, breaking through the opponent’s defend and breaking into the inside.

“Mori Shige!”

When Taku Kashiwamura recovered, he quickly turned his head and shouted anxiously towards the inside.


Mori Shigehiro did not reply.

He doesn’t have that kind of idle time now, he must concentrate, concentrate, and concentrate again!

Otherwise, you will be scored.

But he should have made a mistake. .

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