Chapter 284

“Don’t come over and make trouble!” Keigo Shirasawa said, starting the footsteps the moment he landed, and before Mu Shenyi, he got the ball.

“not good!”

Mu Shen was shocked suddenly, “Return to defense!”

He ran back, but couldn’t reduce the distance between him and Keigo Shirasawa.

It’s like a chasm, it can’t be crossed.

However, it is not that no one has come back to guard.

Shinzong Ichiro appeared in front of Keigo Shirasawa because he was the first to run back.

“Here, stop you!”

He has a firm look and no weakness in his eyes.

I know that this guy in front of me is a very incredible guy, but what about that?

This is definitely not a reason for him to escape and be weak!

He wants to win!

Even if the chance is slim, try.

“Do you think you can guard me?” Keigo Shirasawa said to him.

“Try to know! How can you know if you don’t try?”

“Interesting! You don’t seem to understand the gap between us. However, I don’t hate a guy like you, but unfortunately, I will still pass you.”

When the voice fell, Keigo Shirasawa burst into extreme speed again, like a silver-white lightning, moving horizontally out of Shinzong Ichiro’s line of sight, and swiftly passing his side.


Shenzong Ichiro didn’t react to a single move, just standing silly on the spot.

“too fast!”

“The defender, he didn’t even react to one move…”

“Of course, because of that guy, but Keigo Shirasawa!”

The audience exclaimed again and again.

“The guy in Kanagawa is pretty good, but in front of the guy Shirasawa, it really doesn’t look good at all.”

Kotaro Hayama has a deep understanding of that kind of breakthrough. In summer, isn’t it exactly the same as Kanagawa’s current shooter?

Isn’t their defend just a piece of paper?

It was broken at the touch of a touch, and there was no way to stop Keigo Shirasawa’s footsteps.


Kanagawa’s iron fans are no longer willing to watch the next scene, and the ending is obvious.


No one was able to stop Keigo Shirasawa from the open mid-range shot, and he didn’t make any accidental scoring.

As for Kise Ryo, too…

In the end, it was a little too close.

Although I have jumped from the side, there is still a gap between my fingertips and Basketball, let alone want to block?

After scoring the goal, Keigo Shirasawa gave Kise Ryota a quick glance and then started to run towards his halftime.

But Kise Ryota was stuck in place.

The expression and look of the golden hair hanging down the curtain made people hard to see.

“Are you okay? Kise.”(Read more @

As soon as Mu Shen walked over, he asked with concern.

“No, I’m fine.” Kise Ryota responded.

“Then, attack! We can’t give up, we must recover the score.”

After that, Mu Shen dribbled the ball towards the halftime of Akita Prefecture, his face was full of determination, and he was also purely eager for victory.

The same is true for the others.

Including Sakuragi Flower Road.


Kise Ryota took a deep breath.

Forget it? The tears and unwillingness of the predecessors, as well as their own unwillingness!

Lost, do you have to repeat it again?

Do you want to taste that taste again?

When am I going to chase?

If you don’t go beyond now, when will you go beyond?

To win!

Kise Ryota started the pace and followed the footsteps of his teammates to attack.

“Kanagawa’s offense…”

“How will they fight?”

No matter what Kanagawa’s offense tried, Fukatsu Kazunari and others followed closely and did not give them an open shot.

Defend without leaking!

It’s as if Kanagawa would be crushed here in one fell swoop.

“That’s it.”

Domoto Goro sat on the bench in the rest area with his arms around his chest, very satisfied.

Everything is leaning towards them, but the match hasn’t reached the last moment, and I don’t know what will happen.

Only when time is completely zero is the time to truly relax.


Basketball came to the hands of Shinzong Ichiro.

Himuro Tatsuya quickly pressed on, the defending pressure was even greater than before, and he didn’t give the opponent a chance to shoot at all.

“I have no idea of ​​mercy!” Himuro Tatsuya said.

After several entanglements, Shenzong Ichiro knew that he hadn’t had a mobile phone meeting, so he pulled away some positions and wanted to pass Basketball to Mu Shenyi.

However, the intention was too obvious.


Himuro Tatsuya made a shot and intercepted the basketball that had just passed.


Shinzong Ichiro’s eyes trembled suddenly, and he was actually Stealed?

“It’s Akita’s counterattack again!”

After grabbing the ball, Himuro Tatsuya initiated a single fast break. There was no Kanagawa player in front of him.

Because it was too sudden, Mu Shen and others didn’t react at the first time. If this goes on, the ball will be lost again!

It should be like this…

However, a black shadow suddenly rushed into Himuro Tatsuya’s line of sight and blocked him.

Kise Ryota.

“too fast?”

Himuro Tatsuya was extremely surprised. If Keigo Shirasawa was still there, why did he catch up?

“Lose up!”

Suddenly, Kise Ryota stretched out his arm and aimed directly at the Basketball in Himuro Tatsuya’s hands.



Himuro Tatsuya was taken aback and was taken out? The shot is too fast! Not caught at all.

“not good!”

There was another exclamation in the ice room. After taking out the ball, Kise Ryota rushed to pick up Basketball and prepared to shoot behind him. He couldn’t stop it.

Keigo Shirasawa is too.

Although, he has been rushing over here very hard, but Kise Ryota has already shot Basketball.


Basketball left his hand, dashed through the air, leaving a beautiful orange arc, and finally passed through the net cleanly.


“It’s so beautiful!”

If this goal weren’t for Kise Ryota, then Kanagawa has a high probability of losing points again.

“Hey! It’s a little regrettable.”

Fukatsu Kazunari sighed. If it weren’t for Kise Ryota, Higuro Tatsuno’s fast break could be effective.


“Why can Kise get rid of Shirasawa?”

“Could it be that he is faster?”.

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