Chapter 42

Even though the chances are slim, Nemutani Yongkichi wants to fight for it.

‘hateful! Almost! ’

Even though Nemutani Yongkichi took off extremely fast, in terms of time, it was still a little slower.

And this is a bit slower, it is fatal to lose points again!

Offensive, it’s Star City Middle School’s turn.

Talking more is not helpful!

“I’m going to attack!”

Nemutani Yongkichi tightened his nerves, earnestly to the extreme.

Since there is a clear goal, then do everything to chase it!


In the eyes of Keigo Shirasawa, who has reached the ultimate concentration, Keigo Shirasawa’s footsteps are indeed easier to capture.


With super strong will, ignoring the exhaustion of the body.

It also followed his footsteps faster than the previous few times.

However, Keigo Shirasawa’s offense is far more than that.

Emergency stop, tilt change direction.

Between the electric light and flint, Nemutani Ekichi quickly reacted to Keigo Shirasawa’s attack this time.


Keigo Shirasawa’s body tilted slightly, but this time, it did not start to change direction as before.

Rather, at the moment when Nemutani Yongkichi shook his body.

Straighten your body, take off and shot!


It is not difficult to see his surprise in the trembling eyes of Nemutani Yongkichi.

What kind of body is this to allow this person to do such an offensive way to do whatever he wants.

“Monster among monsters”!

That’s what Nemuya Nagakichi can only comment on Keigo Shirasawa.


Basketball cut through the air with a perfect arc, and finally swish through into the net, cleanly.

at this time……

Those loyal fans of Nagakichi Genmuya have extremely complex expressions.

The victory of the team may be able to criticize the problems of teammates. However, after a full three quarters match, Keigo Shirasawa and Nemutani Nagayoshi duel.

They couldn’t find any reason to defend Nemutani Ekichi.


Nemutani Nagakichi himself never needed these things.

To lose is to lose, and to win is to win.

Victory and defeat cannot be concealed with ‘excuses’. .

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