He took a deep breath, and a few thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

Now that they have divided the spoils, they will have to pursue them in two ways no matter what.After all, the exits at both ends of the canyon are about 30 kilometers apart, and a team is simply too late.

By the time they pull their weapons and equipment back to the barracks, it's too late to say anything.

But acting now, they don't have any retreat route.

Once discovered by the opposing forces and sent in support, they can easily be bitten.At that time, let alone one or two squadrons, even a few times more people will not be able to carry it.

(Li Li's)

With a move in his heart, he said: ".. Demon pupil, ghost eye, you two are waiting for us where you are. Remember, when you receive my news, immediately call the commander and ask him to contact Dongsha Emirate and call They receive weapons and equipment on the border."

"Yes!" As the team responsible for communication and information, the two of them do their part in this task.

Xu Shu nodded and said to Cai Yan and the others: "Bring me out all the anti-infantry mines immediately. I want this canyon to become a minefield. Pay attention to me and leave a route for retreat."


Next, everyone moved quickly.

Anti-infantry mines, although not conventional weapons, as special operations commandos, each of them will carry two out.

With Xu Shu himself, a total of 220 anti-infantry mines, this canyon with a width of less than 30 meters has become a large minefield. .

Chapter 150

In less than a quarter of an hour, all 220 landmines were buried.

However, on the edge of the stone wall near the canyon, a path about half a meter wide was left, which was the only safe passage.

"Report, Ksitigarbha, it's done." Wang Xuexin came to Xu Shu and said.

Xu Shu nodded and said, "Bai Wuchang, you and the water ghost lead the team to the east exit. Remember, you need to act fast."



Wang Xuexin and Li Dakun both saluted.

Xu Shu looked at Cai Yan again and said, "You and Zombie, lead the squadron and quickly chase in the south direction. I will support your group."

"Yes!"... After the two took their orders, they set off immediately.

Xu Shu glanced at the magic pupils and ghost eyes behind him, and said, "The tasks of the two of you are very critical. Hide yourself well and wait for my news."

"Understood!" The two said in unison.

After doing all this, Xu Shu immediately picked up his weapons and equipment and quickly chased after Cai Yan and the others.

They ran a full 5 kilometers and finally got out of the canyon.

Then follow the wheel marks and quickly chase the past.

Xu Shu was not with Cai Yan and the others, but moved closer to the right, about a kilometer away from Cai Yan and the others, and ran forward quickly.

At the same time, his eagle eyes and hearing skills are fully open, his eyes are scanning ahead, and his ears are constantly picking up everything around him.

woohoo hoo...

There was a lot of wind and sand on this land, but it didn't affect his hearing.

After rushing out for nearly 8 kilometers, he stopped to look at the tactical tablet, and he was less than 10 kilometers away from the nearest stronghold of the Eagle Country.

If they can't catch up with the enemy within 5 kilometers, then they can withdraw.This task is no longer possible.

But even if he couldn't get those weapons and equipment back, Xu Shu would do everything possible to blow them up.Even if your own things are destroyed, they will not be left to these garbage.

Put away the tactical tablet and continue running.

Just when he ran about 1 kilometer, his face suddenly condensed, and he heard the sound of the car engine.

So he stopped immediately, took out the binoculars, and observed the situation ahead.

Sure enough, through the night vision binoculars, he found a convoy of 8 vehicles in total, driving forward at a high speed.

"Black Impermanence, the opponent is about 2 kilometers in front of you, speed up!" Xu Shu shouted, and ran out first.

The distance of two kilometers, people and cars are racing, to be honest, this is a big challenge for Xu Shu and the ghost of the jungle.

Fortunately, it was dark and the road conditions were not good, so the speed of the team was not fast.

About half an hour later, Xu Shu and the others caught up with the team less than 200 meters behind. Xu Shu's listening skills quickly gave an overview of the situation in the car.

"Haha! These idiots from the Xia Kingdom, do you think there is no way to transport us from the Shata Kingdom? Now, these weapons are all ours. 3 assault rifles, as well as a number of heavy sniper and pistol accessories, we can Form a rapid response division."

"Haha! That's right, the idiot of Xia Guo, that Fei Teng military industry, this is giving us equipment!"

"We will arrive at our station in less than 5 kilometers, and the general will definitely reward us as a royal commando."...Some wild voices entered Xu Shu's ears.

Xu Shu's eyes narrowed, secretly saying that it was them.

If it wasn't for these guys mocking Xia Guo and Fei Teng Military Industry, he might have to go forward to confirm whether it was them.

Okay now, confirm that it is correct, and start it directly.

There are 8 cars, each with 3 people, a total of 24 people. In addition, there is a team of about 12 people in the last car. They seem to be in charge of the rear of the palace and are always observing the environment behind. .

Xu Shu made a decisive decision and said in a deep voice in the communicator: "Black Impermanence, Zombie, you two will lead the team to the front of them immediately, hurry up, we are running out of time. Once the battle starts, it must be within three minutes. Settle the fight."

"Understood!" Cai Yan and Zhang Zhenqi answered in unison.

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he quickly detoured in the right direction. In less than 10 minutes, he ran for a distance of nearly 2 to XNUMX kilometers, and finally circled in front of the opponent's team.

And not long after he took his seat, Zhang Zhenqi and Cai Yan brought the team to the left almost at the same time, just looking at him from a distance.

"Black Impermanence is in place." Cai Yan said in a deep voice.

"Zombie in place."

"The red-haired ghost is in place."

"The horse is in place."

"The bull's head is in place."... One after another voices sounded, and everyone was in the form of a skirmish line, laying in ambush at the place where the convoy must pass.

"Prepare for battle! The c22 is equipped with a sniper scope and a muffler. I'll destroy the vehicle in front of the opponent first, and you are responsible for the vehicle behind."

"When the three cars in front are destroyed, the cars behind them will definitely find out. Zombies, your team is responsible for the rear team on the last car. These people are not easy, be careful."



In the communicator, the voices of everyone sounded.

Xu Shu took a deep breath and looked at the approaching headlights. He took out the sniper scope and installed it on the C22 assault rifle, and then installed the silencer.

The sound of the c91 heavy sniper was too loud and the silencer could not be used, so Xu Shu chose the c22 first.

The first car gradually approached them, and when they were 500 meters away, Xu Shu took the lead in pulling the trigger.


As a faint flash of fire flashed from the muzzle, the car in front spun out of control.And Xu Shu pulled the trigger again and again.

Puff puff……

The bullets shot through the glass and directly killed the two crew members inside.

Three shots, two headshots, this is his limit.

And the other party's car was still moving irregularly. If it weren't for the distance of less than 500 meters, Xu Shu would never take such a risk.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

Just after the first car rushed out more than 30 meters and stopped, the car behind was also instantly attacked by Cai Yan and others.

Their assault rifles kill the driver and entourage in a row.

In less than 5 seconds, all four cars were killed.

However, the car in front continued to lose control, which also alerted the three cars behind.

In the third-to-last car, the driver slammed on the brakes and was about to get out of the car with the other two people to check, but suddenly the driver's head was directly blown.

When the other two saw it, their faces changed greatly, they immediately lowered their heads, jumped out of the car, and shouted.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Their voices alerted the commandos in the car behind, as well as the driver and two accompanying people in the penultimate car.

In the last car, a 12-person assault team immediately rushed out of the car one by one.

However, just as they got off the car, more than XNUMX flames appeared from the right side, and this team suffered a devastating blow.

12 people, each of whom was slaughtered, and each was hit by more than 10 rounds.

You must know that Zhang Zhenqi and his two teams are equipped with c22. 24 c22 assault rifles have a fast rate of fire, high accuracy, and a large magazine capacity.

Just a face-to-face, these so-called royal special commandos were destroyed directly, unable to withstand even a second.

This was Xu Shu's tactic, to hit the front of the car first to attract all the attention.And what he really did ruthlessly was the commando in the rear.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

However, just when they killed the commando, the sound of gunfire suddenly rang out, and the drivers and accompanying personnel of the two cars behind rushed out, and they immediately lay down and counterattacked Zhang Zhenqi and the others.

Although it was not very strong, it was killed by Cai Yan and others who pressed up from the front, but after all, the gunshots had already sounded.

This place is less than 5 kilometers away from the resident of the Eagle Country, and it is still a wilderness. A gunshot is enough to alarm the other party.

(ps: Chapter XNUMX, there are two more chapters later in the afternoon, so stay tuned.).

Chapter 151

In the late night of the Eagle Country's military base in Domeng, Phu Quoc, Han, almost all the officers and soldiers were already sleeping, except for the sentry.

But suddenly, there were a few faint gunshots in the distance.

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