After a while, a group of old ghosts appeared in front of Xu Shu.

Xu Shu immediately glanced at the three stretchers, and then came to the seriously injured and unconscious Heisha.

This guy's bad luck, the bullet pierced his spleen, and he was able to hold on to this day. It was already Jose who asked a brilliant doctor to perform an emergency operation.

However, the doctor also said that the operation could only help him survive for three days at most.Three days later, he is still certain to die.

Hearing Wang Xuexin talking next to him, Xu Shu waved his hand and said, "With me, he won't die. Hurry up and stuff him with this ointment into the wound."

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin had unreserved trust in him, separated the sutures without saying a word, and stuffed a ball of ointment into the front and back wounds.

After all this was done, he stitched up Heisha himself.

Simple stitching on the battlefield, every old ghost of them has been trained.Although not as good as those professional surgeons, it's not bad.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Cai Yan asked.

Xu Shu: "Enter Steyi, there is a comrade of our dark line in there. But before that, we have to make some noise."

"What's going on?" Cai Yan was a little confused.

Xu Shu: "According to the above information, there are 4 arms dealers in this Stey, and one of them is ours (Li Li Zhao). Now... our task is to directly eat all 4 arms dealers. Lose."

"What?" Cai Yan's expression froze as soon as these words came out.

If all four were eaten, wouldn't that have eaten their own people?

A wicked smile appeared on Xu Shu's mouth, and he said, "If we don't eat our own people, wouldn't we expose the other party?"

"But if he is eaten, then it would be meaningless for him to stay." Wang Xuexin frowned and said pretending.

Xu Shu: "How can it be meaningless? Bring me the identity of the poison triangle before, won't it be enough?"


Wang Xuexin slapped Cai Yan on the shoulder fiercely, the latter bared his teeth in pain, and said angrily, "Can you pat yourself next time?"

"Haha! Sorry, I was excited for a while." Wang Xuexin laughed.

(ps: My daughter-in-law has a stomachache. She has been in the hospital for a long time, and the update is late. I apologize to everyone.) .

Chapter 160

According to the above information, Xu Shu knew that in Stey County, there were an arms dealer from the Overlord, an arms dealer from the Eagle Kingdom, and an arms dealer from Israel.

The last one is the arms dealer of the Xia Kingdom.

However, this person's identity to the outside world is a vicious mercenary-turned-arms dealer who sells a variety of weapons and equipment.

There are the equipment of the White Bear country, the equipment of the hegemony country, the equipment of the Eagle country, the equipment of the country of Belgium, the weapons and equipment of the country of Israel and so on.

It was a grocery store anyway, with everything, even some assembled weapons, or second-hand goods.

Those who buy weapons from him are also those who are shy and can't afford a few dollars.

This way of doing business can help him hide his identity.

But even if he was well hidden, he was noticed by the overlord.After all, it is really easy for people with yellow skin to do this kind of business here.

Xu Shu remembered all the information in his mind, and he said to Cai Yan and others: "The first target is the arms dealer of the hegemonic country south of the county seat."

"According to the information, the arms dealer of this hegemonic country has hired an armed force of about 100 people for a long time. This armed force can be regarded as an elite mercenary, and its strength is not bad."

 560 "Of course, the most important thing is that the guy is very afraid of death, so the manor is heavily guarded, and ordinary people can't get in at all. If we want to break through, the best way is to make a quick assault. The battle will be resolved within two minutes."

"Understood!"... All the old ghost team members began to check their equipment.

Xu Shu looked at Gao Dingbang and Chang Sheng, and said, "Magic Eye, Ghost Eye, you stay and take care of the wounded."

"Yes!" The two nodded in unison.

Then Xu Shu took the old ghost troops who had checked their weapons and equipment and quickly rushed into Stuy County.

In less than half an hour, they came to the county seat and locked a large manor south of the county seat.

This large manor has more than ten acres of land.

What's even more surprising is that this manor is full of green plants.

You know, the desertified environment here.In this environment, so many plants have been planted, let's not talk about how they did it, it is this cost, I am afraid that there is no way to estimate it.

"Report, the cable soul is in place."

"Report, take your life in place."

"Report, the King of Hell is in place."


Four squadrons, all 8 snipers are in place.

Xu Shu asked them all to use c22 assault rifles, because this firearm can be equipped with a silencer, which can kill opponents without knowing it.

Xu Shu and the others were divided into 8 teams, entering from all directions of the manor.

They slowly approached the manor, and at this time the heavily armed military personnel outside the manor had appeared in their field of vision.

"Do it!" Xu Shu shouted in a deep voice.

puff!puff!puff! ...

Each subtle gunshot sounded from eight commanding heights in all directions, less than 8 meters away. As the snipers of the old ghost, their hit rate was 600%.

The lone people on the periphery were cleared almost at the same time.

Xu Shu immediately rushed forward with a team of people.

"Who?" An exclamation came from the mouth of a patrolling mercenary.

However, the next moment, his head was blown off by a sniper.

Xu Shu and the others continued to rush forward, but the exclamation just now had already alerted the guards in the manor.

Soon, a large group of people rushed out of a house in front.

These people use the top equipment of the hegemony, but after encountering Xu Shu and the others, no matter how good the equipment of these people is, it will not help.

Puff puff……

The gunshots of the assault rifles sounded continuously, and in just a short moment, more than ten people lay in front of them.

Da da da……

However, the other party finally fired, and the sound of the assault rifle alarmed the entire manor, and even the entire Stuy County was awakened.

Although the sniper quickly dealt with the two shooting mercenaries, it still alerted the owner of the manor.

Quinn, the Overlord arms dealer, is also a notorious villain.

This guy committed a lot of crimes in the hegemony country, but in the end, he was arranged by the military and the arms company to go to Stuy County and came here to be an arms dealer.

According to the information obtained by Xu Shu, this guy, whose original name was Med, killed more than 30 intelligence personnel of the Eagle Nation in the hegemonic country.

At the same time, more than 20 civilians in the hegemonic country were killed and nearly 80 injured due to the wrong placement of a bomb.

However, due to his special status as a soldier, the upper echelons of the hegemonic country announced to the outside world that he would be put to death. In fact, he had already arranged a retreat for this guy.

It's just... he can't go back to the hegemony in this life.

After hearing the sound of gunshots outside, Quinn immediately jumped off the bed on which the two beauties were lying, and then with an assault rifle in each hand, he shouted at the outside: "Nell, I will catch them alive, I will kill them with my own hands. The skin is peeled off."

"Yes! Boss!" A voice sounded outside, and then there was no movement.

Da da da……

Quinn heard the constant sound of gunfire outside, including his own m assault rifle, and some gunshots with silencers installed.

After a while, the entire manor suddenly fell silent.

Quinn, who couldn't hear the gunshots, showed a sneer on his face and shouted to the outside: "Nell, it's done, right? Bring everyone in!"

He is very confident, because all along, dozens of individuals or armed teams who have attacked and killed him have been eliminated by Nair's team.

He spent a lot of money to recruit Nair's group of retired soldiers from the hegemonic country, and each of them started from the special forces.

Therefore, he absolutely believes in them.

But this time it seemed different, because he didn't hear any answer from outside.

So he immediately pulled the bolt, an assault rifle in each hand, and pointed at the door.

dong dong...

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Quinn asked, "Nair?"

Without getting an answer, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Da-da-da...Assault rifles swept across the door, and bullet holes were pierced through the thick female door.

Until his two magazines were finished, the mother door suddenly collapsed.

There was a flurry of dust outside, and Quinn looked carefully, and there was no one outside the door at all.

At this moment, a woman's scream suddenly sounded behind him.

He immediately turned back and looked at the two women on the bed, only to find that someone had already sat on the sofa at some point, with a pistol in his hand pointed at him.

"Should I call you Quinn, or should I call you Jas Med?" Xu Shu said with a smile. .

Chapter 161

Hearing what Xu Shu said, Quinn's face changed dramatically.

These few words are simply more deadly than killing him.

He can guarantee that if his identity as Jas Med is revealed, he guarantees that there will be many people who will try their best to kill him.

Not to mention others, even the upper echelons of the hegemonic country will be the first to choose to silence them.

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