
Da da da……

The sound of gunshots rang from the inside of the manor immediately, and everyone in Stuy County could hear the gun battle between the two sides.

But after less than 20 minutes, the shootout was over, and then one body after another was thrown out the door, transported outside the county seat, and buried.

In this scene, many people with good deeds can see it truly after opening a gap in a window upstairs.

The four major arms dealers were all over in one night.

With an assault rifle in his hand, Xu Shu came to the innermost room of the manor.

"Dong dong dong!" He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Are there any venomous snakes for sale? Get me two rattlesnakes," he said with a smile.

"I don't have a rattlesnake, can a silver ring snake? Or, three five-pound ones?"

"Haha! Five pounds is fine, but I want 10."

As soon as these words came out, the door slowly opened, revealing the face of a middle-aged man with some vicissitudes.

"Scorpion Li." After seeing Xu Shu, he immediately stretched out his hand.

Xu Shu stretched out his hand: "Ksitigarbha."

The two hands clasped tightly together.

"Brother, well done." Scorpion Li received the order from above and knew that he would fully cooperate with Xu Shu.However, he was also shocked by Xu Shu's courage and strength.

Too strong.

In less than three hours, all four arms dealers were wiped out.

Although he said that he had deliberately recruited a group of vicious scapegoats, no one would know if he didn't say anything about it.

"It's okay!" Xu Shu said with a smile.

Scorpion Li: "Then what are you going to do now?"

Xu Shu: "Wait for the commander to send a message tomorrow, and then we will act. By the way, I'm sorry, it may be difficult for you to stay here in the future?"

"Haha! Brother, you are wrong. I am here, but I have changed several identities and still live freely." Scorpion Li laughed.

After Xu Shu heard this, his expression was slightly startled...  

Seeing him a little incredulous, Scorpion Li smiled and rubbed the position of his collarbone under his neck with a smile, and soon a layer of yellow things was rubbed off by him.

Then he saw an incredible scene.

I saw Scorpion Li's face, a thick layer of human skin was peeled off, revealing a young face about 30 years old.

"Hi!" Xu Shu took a deep breath when he saw it.

This is so magical!

"The ancestral one, the Disguise Technique. Of course, it's been lost now. I guess I'm the only one in the world." The unfamiliar young man said with a smile.

Xu Shu nodded and said excitedly: "Great, brother, can you teach us about this?"

"Uh..." Scorpion Li froze for a moment.

Then he looked at Xu Shu and the group of old ghosts with shining eyes behind him, nodded and said, "Yes! I will call you from tomorrow."

"Haha! I can't believe that you are so knowledgeable. If it wasn't for the fact that the ancestors were a tomb robber, and the inheritance of this stunt skill was discovered in an ancient tomb, it might have been lost. My ancestors accumulated virtue."

Xu Shu didn't care much about these.He was very pleasantly surprised when he heard that Scorpion Li was willing to teach him and others this stunt.

This unique skill has a miraculous effect on future makeup investigations.

He said: "Since this is the case, brother, then you will be incorporated into my army for the time being."

"Okay! I'm fine, I can also learn your combat skills from you. You are really strong. I just saw it from the observation port. Your tactical moves are really not covered."

Xu Shu nodded. He didn't hide his secrets either. If Scorpion Li really wanted to learn, then he would teach him all his skills about ghosts in the jungle.


Time passed, and the night passed in a blink of an eye.

The next morning, a message was posted on Xia Guo's official website, strongly condemning the collusion between the overlord and the devil mercenary group to snatch Xia Guo's weapons.

And it is stated that they are already collecting evidence.

As long as the evidence is complete, it will immediately be handed over to the International Court of Justice to prosecute the hegemony.

At the same time, they also condemned the Dongsha Emirate.Because they didn't keep their promises, they bought that batch of c-series weapon suits from the devil mercenary group at a low price. …….

Chapter 163

Xia Guo sent out two consecutive messages, which immediately caused an uproar.

The Eagle Country, the hegemonic country, responded one after another, saying that the Xia Country was a slander.

They even accused the Xia Kingdom of secretly sending people to attack their military power in the Arbor country... Anyway, it was an endless bullshit.

Everyone knows well that there are two points to the truth, and the rest... How many words are true, then no one knows.

Inside the military base of the overlord Zike City, David Rhodey looked at the official statement of the Xia State sent from the headquarters of the overlord with a gloomy expression on his face.

He looked up and slammed the tactical tablet on the ground.

In front of him, Xiels and a group of officers from the hegemonic country were all silent.

After a long time, David Roddy said, "I just got the news that Quinn's site was cleaned up. Except for Quinn, everyone was killed by that devil mercenary group."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Xiels and others changed.

Moore took a step forward and said, "General, who are our enemies? Are they the special commandos of the Xia Kingdom, or what kind of devil mercenary group?"

David Roddy shook his head and said, "I personally prefer the Devil's 16th Mercenary Corps. The means of those people are definitely not something that the soldiers of Xia Guo can do."

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help nodding their heads.

Then David Roddy acted almost the same according to some information about the Devil's mercenary group from the Poison Triangle.

He said: "According to Quinn's words, the other party gave James face and did not kill him. Obviously, they still have something to ask us. Because, only those arms dealers in our country can provide them with high-end products. Weaponry."

David Roddy is very confident.

But he would never have thought that in order to keep himself and his family alive, Quinn would of course not be able to tell him that he had done everything.

Otherwise, the upper echelons of the hegemonic country would be the first to spare him.

Not only that, but also handed over the defense map of their base to the other side.Of course, he also recruited the defense map on the Eagle Country side.

He has been a local snake here for so many years, let alone a defense map. He can even get very certain information about who some key figures of the other side are in contact with every day. This is Quinn's confidence.

Of course, Xu Shu kept this guy for this reason.


Inside the base, David Roddy received a call from above.

"Admiral Collind, yes, I'm David." He replied quickly.

The call was from Samsung Army General Collind, who had lived in the headquarters. The first sentence the other party said was to ask him: "David, I want to know, who are those people?"

David Roddy said, "General, I am 80% inclined towards the Devil's Mercenary Corps, because their behavior is completely different from that of the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom."

As soon as these words came out, the other side was silent for a while, and then said: "Try to find out the details of the other party, if you can immediately kill them without leaving any trouble."

"Yes! General." David Landing hurriedly stood at attention and shouted.

But his heart was bitter, if it was so easy, then they would have been killed by their own people long ago.

Even the most elite Seraphs have been wiped out, and the Moore commandos have also lost more than half of them. Ordinary marines are simply not enough for the opponent to watch.

Unless... bomb those people directly with cannons and missiles.

But since they fired two missiles from the drone that day, those people have disappeared, and no one knows where they are in Stey County.

If they slaughtered the entire Stuy County, they might be able to kill them.But if that's the case, then his lieutenant general will come to an end.

Not only that, but the upper echelons of the hegemonic country will be in endless trouble.Perhaps, a large number of third world countries will jump out and fight against them.

Once it reaches that point, hehe... Even if the hegemonic country is the largest country in the world, it might be dragged to death there.

"Sheet! It's easier said than done to get rid of them?" David Roddy couldn't help cursing.

Moore, Xiles and others around him were silent. It was better not to speak at this time. If they asked for their lives, they might be the next ones to be killed by those terrible guys.

"Fake! Fake!" David Roddy cursed.

However, there was an order from above, and even if he couldn't complete it, he had to do it.Otherwise, it won't take long for him to be transferred back to the country for downgraded use, or even beaten to the end.

"Moore, send your team members to keep an eye on what's going on in the direction of Stey County. If anything happens, report back immediately. Remember, don't fight with them." David Roddy suddenly looked at Moore.

Hearing this, Moore's mouth twitched, but he nodded and accepted the order.

He secretly said in his heart, you don't need to say more, if I see each other, I will definitely let them run away immediately.


In Stey County, Xu Shu divided the old ghosts and the others into three teams. They were counting the property and weapons from the hands of Quinn and other three arms dealers.

I don't know the exact point, but I was shocked when I saw it.

There are nearly 10 billion meters in cash alone, and nearly 20 tons of gold, as well as various weapons and equipment, which makes people dazzled.

"Boss, these equipments are enough for us to turn Stuy County into a powerful military fortress." Cai Yan said excitedly.

This guy is a war madman, and his eyes light up when he sees these weapons and equipment.

Xu Shu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Aren't you awake yet? These weapons and equipment are enough to equip three regiments. Can you pull up three regiments?"

"Besides, this is the country of Shata, not our country. Do you want to destroy the peace as a whole? I don't care about other places. Since we are here, the peace here will be guarded by us. Don't forget, We go to war to protect peace."

"Hey! I just said it casually, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." Cai Yan smiled.

"Boss, there are still good things here." At this time, Gao Dingbang carried the computer and came to Xu Shu.

"Look, this is the contact information for all the armed forces, and their transaction records, and the websites where they do transactions."

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