The six eyes of the unicorn snake blinked wildly, not knowing what to do in the face of the current situation.

Especially looking at Lu Yu's arrogant and aggressive aura, it seems that there really is an evil god standing behind him! However, having said that, if there is no evil god standing behind Lu Yu, then how can they dare to be so rude? Have a negotiation?"

Suddenly a word came out of his mouth.

I saw huge eyes like six huge portals opening in front of Lu Yu's eyes.


The corner of Lu Yu's mouth drew a sinister smile, and his whole body was filled with supreme majesty.

Although he wears an elephant headgear, his aura is unstoppable! "Worship me as the Lord God, but you know that the Evil God King has already felt dissatisfied with this attack on this small planet!"

"I haven't captured it for such a long time, and the Evil God King is even more angry. Therefore, if I have built immortal feats here, then the credit for this planet is mine!"

When Lu Yu opened his mouth, he must have asked the one-horned giant snake to worship him as the main god. It was non-negotiable, and his tone was aggressive and loud! The one-horned giant snake's eyes were rolling wildly, unable to see Lu Yu's face, and could not guess Lu Yu's mind.

This guy Lu Yu is crazy! "This, I have already worshiped!"

"To shut up!"

Lu Yu said coldly.

The realm of terror has slowly floated from the back of his head, like a deep, vast, boundless space passage.

"To tell you the truth, our little master, just because he has a father of the Heretic God King, now even his father

I promised, after the event is completed, the human powerhouses on this planet will be distributed by me, and I have already contacted the evil gods such as east, west, north, south and other to contribute together!"

Lu Yu strode forward, the radiance of the evil god all over his body made the one-horned giant snake retreat in the corner of the metal wall, and the huge body became smaller and smaller! "Then what good is it for me?"

The style of the one-horned giant snake suddenly changed, and the momentum of this guy Lu Yu was strong, invincible, and unstoppable.

The Evil God King's divinity is incomparably powerful! If it wasn't for the Lord Evil God King personally bestowing it, Lu Yu would never have had such a privilege! "Follow me and you will know, as well, my current body is already equal to half the Evil God King. Now, this is all promoted by the Heretic God King, and he expects another Heretic God King to handle things for him!"

"If you wait for me to become the Evil God King, then your prestige will rise. Maybe you can get one-tenth of 10% of the benefits on this planet!"

Lu Yu's exit: The temptation of heavy profit, now this one-horned giant snake is still afraid of him.

He didn't have the time to discuss anything with this one-horned giant snake.

The surrounding field of fear has surrounded the unicorn! "Okay!"

The one-horned snake man had to bow his head under the eaves and formed a blood alliance with Lu Yu! But the blood wheel was formed.

In an instant, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Since Lu Yu can be the same as the Evil God King, and has supreme power, then the Evil God King disdains to form a blood alliance with him! Lu Yu agreed quickly! Moreover, when Lu Yu's thousand-handed gods and demons formed an alliance, It is bound to appear! "You"

With a long scarlet tongue, he rushed towards Lu Yu! "Humph! You are already my god, how dare you let it go!"

Lu Yu sneered, the arm above the Thousand Hands Demon God was holding a huge snake.

Just saw a faint purple light flashing out of his fear field! "Shu!"

The one-horned giant snake was actually caught alive by Lu Yu into the spiritual space! "Damn it, you are not the Evil God King at all, you are a human!"

After the one-horned giant snake entered Lu Yu's spiritual space, he was dumbfounded! He read it right! The thousand-handed demon god that straddles the heavens and the earth is simply a template for human beings, and the hand behind him is not the disorderly violence displayed by the evil god Instead, it is a rhythmic beauty! What makes him even more angry is that there is a power of light here, and sanctions make him weakened all the time! : Please collect! Please subscribe! chapter

Chapter [-]: Chaos World Corrupts Reality, Thousand-handed Demon God's Pollution Ability!

The evil gods will never allow such beauty to exist.

Because they represent destruction and killing, all the beauty in the world is what they hate , The real body was held in the hands of the Thousand-handed Demon God, and was directly suppressed by the body! "Since you have formed a blood alliance with me and are my subordinates, I think you will obey me honestly!"

Lu Yu sneered, took big steps and glanced around, no one has come yet, it seems that there is something tricky in the base! Stepping into the warehouse, suddenly found a difference.

Antia held a long knife in her hand, while the other arm was holding Alos' head, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Alos waved his arm and saw that Alos' neck had been pressed against a long knife.

The cold light flashing on the long sword, as long as he moves the divine personality, I am afraid that Alos' body will be wiped out immediately! "Lu Yu save me! Save me!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said anxiously, now only Lu Yu can save him.

Antiya's mouth curled into a joke, and now Lu Yu's face is calm, looking at this appearance like a delicious dessert! "Human is a delicious food, but the stronger the human being, the more It made me more curious, when you just cleaned up the unicorn, your subordinates have become my playthings!"


Lu Yu shook his head, and while waving his arms, the metal saw door directly merged into one and closed.

He looked at the weapons cast by the Chaos Stones around him, and the amount was all gold.

Although there are a few things that are not, most of them are weapons made of Chaos Stone! It can be seen that the Chaos Stone on the planet of his era.

A Chaos Stone is quite a lot of Chaos Qi.

If you don't collect it here, it will be a waste of money.

Antiya looked at Lu Yu, and actually absorbed the Chaos Qi on the spot here, as the strength of her own Thousand-handed Demon God to condense.

Suddenly frowned slightly! "Hey!"

She called Lu Yu, but Lu ignored him! Lu Yu's body slightly released spiritual power, and beams appeared.

The half-house-sized one in my heart: Godhead! "Stop screaming, if you want to kill, then do it as soon as possible!"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth. Anyway, it wasn't Alos who killed him, so he wouldn't have the power to fight back! And after Antia appeared in front of him and killed Alos, she would never be able to escape! "Haha"

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