Ling Yan slowly gave the order

【Ding... accept the instructions and start upgrading all the rules you created. 】

Supreme will, instantly restore Ling Yan

【Ding... Rules: The physical growth level is increased to LV5! Gain 1 million kg of strength every day! Consumption: 10 million.

Upgrade requirement: 100 million!】

【Ding... Rules: The soul growth level is increased to LV5! Gain 10,000 points of soul strength every day! Consumption: 10 million.

Upgrade requirement: 100 million!】

【Ding... Rules: The automatic enlightenment level is raised to LV3! Gain 100 years of experience in practicing exercises and martial arts every day! Consumption: 20 million.

Upgrade required: 2 billion!】

【Ding... Rules: Combat genius, telekinesis, and flame control level are upgraded to LV5! Improve overall combat effectiveness: 1500%! Combat Genius stacks with the other two rules! Consumption: 30 million

Upgrade requirements: 1 billion/kind! 】

In an instant, beeps came one after another!

In the end, only the final teleportation rules are left.

【Ding... Rules: The teleportation level is increased to LV5!

Rule 1: You can teleport within a radius of 1,000 meters. Daily usage limit: None! But the interval between two uses is at least 5 seconds!

Rule 2: You can teleport within a radius of 10,000 meters! Can teleport a day: 1000 times!

Rule 3: You can teleport within a radius of 100,000 meters! Can teleport a day: 100 times!

Rule 4: You can teleport within a radius of 1 million kilometers! Can be used per day: 1 time!

Rule points consumed: 10 million.

Rule points required to continue upgrading: 1 billion!

Please choose the upgrade direction! You can choose rule four and any of the other three rules at the same time! But you need to pay an additional 10 million rule points! 】

Same as before, there are still three upgrade directions.

Rule 1: Unlimited teleportation for 1,000 meters, but the interval reaches five seconds. Although it is much better than the previous ten seconds, it is still too long.

If you really fight, you will have to teleport dozens or even hundreds of times in one second.

The second and third rules are still the same as before, one has a long distance in a single time, and the other has many times.

After all, 1,000 times is still a good deal.

A thousand times a day is enough to teleport a distance of 10,000 kilometers in one go.

Only this time there is an additional rule four.

It can only be used once a day, but the distance is a bit scary!

A full million kilometers.

Ling Yan can even jump from the earth to the moon in an instant if he wants to

"I don’t know what level it will eventually reach if Rule 4 continues to be upgraded. Maybe it can reach the level of traveling between stars?

However, this is similar to teleportation. It will not be used in a short period of time. It seems unnecessary to spend an extra ten million to get it!

Let’s talk about it later!"

In the end, Ling Yan did not choose to add Rule 4, but chose Rule 2.

After all, Rule 2 was the most cost-effective.

Ling Yan spent a total of 80 million rule points in one go, and in the end he still had 25 million left. Rule points!

"Do you want to keep these 25 million for now?"

Ling Yan touched his chin. It's okay to keep it for emergency use!

After all, if there are some places where you need to use the rules, wouldn't you be very good at it?



However, the moment Ling Yan exited from the backstage, a violent force poured into Ling Yan's body.

In an instant, Ling Yan felt that his power and soul were going crazy in a short period of time.

The original strength of 20,000kg quickly reached 50,000kg!

Then it skyrocketed to more than 1 million kg.

His telekinesis can only cover a radius of 10 meters, but now it can directly reach a radius of one kilometer.

Within one kilometer, his telekinesis can explode with a force of 15 million kilograms.

With the blessing of the fighting genius, this 15 million kilograms.

The power of telekinesis can be divided into dozens of channels in an instant, thus erupting with the destructive power and combat power of an ordinary person's 200 million kilograms.

It can be said that Ling Yan at this time can even fight with some unprofessional war emperors.

Of course, after that.

Therefore, there are no professions, mainly combat professions that can improve combat effectiveness, and most of the professional levels that can reach the realm of war emperor are B+ and above, and many even reach A level and above.

Moreover, if the opponent has cultivated four levels.

In terms of martial arts and martial arts, Ling Yan is no match for the opponent.

However, even so, Ling Yan's combat power is almost invincible in the realm of war king.

Moreover, Ling Yan has hundreds of years of daily training experience.

If he wants to learn it.

The fourth-level skills and martial arts are not too simple!

Even the fifth-level skills and martial arts can be quickly learned and upgraded to the level when Ling Yan is given a few days to face the War King Ling Yan.

Got it

"The basic strength of one million kilograms is indeed powerful! If this was punched out, a 100-meter-tall building could be shattered, right?"

Ling Yan couldn't help but smile when he felt the powerful power contained in his body.

If he used telekinesis, all the buildings within a radius of one kilometer could be blasted into powder.

It was simply a walking humanoid Eastern Express.

It was so far away that it destroyed the sky. The high-level warrior who destroyed the land is one step closer

"It's time to go to Dad to get some exercises and martial arts!"

Ling Yan touched his chin and immediately smiled.



At the entrance of Caiyun City Police Station, Lin Feng followed Liu Yan with a dejected look on his face.

Master and disciple looked at each other in silence.

Until he returned to Lin's house and looked at the rotting and smelly corpses of his family members, Liu Yan's originally angry and resentful heart finally softened.

At that time, all his family members died early, and it was because of the stimulation that he successfully awakened to the profession of spiritual master.

This is why Liu Yan, who was originally not prepared to accept Lin Feng as his disciple after knowing that he had offended the Ling family, could not hold back in the end.

The experiences of the two people in this life are so similar that they are like rebirth.


Finally, he sighed quietly!

With a wave of his hand, several coffins appeared in the Lin family's house.

The bodies of Lin Feng's family were quickly collected.

"master! I was wrong!"

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes, and then he knelt heavily on the ground.

"Get up, you are also taking revenge for your family this time, you did the right thing.

Your master and I did the same thing back then!

If you are wrong, your only fault is that you were caught red-handed!"

Looking at Lin Feng, Liu Yan slowly spoke.

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