“Vice Qi, all the way to the wind!”

“Go back quickly, Vice Captain Qi Yu!”

“We’ll wait for you to come back for the banquet!”

“Newcomer, this time you are really lucky!”

“Being able to follow Vice President Qi out to see is a blessing that you have cultivated for eight lifetimes!”

“Must have a good look! Study hard! ”

“Let Vice Qi help you endorse it behind your back, not many people have such an opportunity!”


On the shore, the red-haired pirates shouted, waved, and said goodbye.

A small sailing ship flying the flag of a double-knife pirate drifted away.

Until you see the sailboat disappear at the other end of the sea level.


The red-haired Shanks suddenly burst out laughing.

“What’s wrong? Head”

The little fat man Raqiru asked.

“Nothing was too much, I just suddenly thought of something happy.”

Red-haired Shanks waved his hand hurriedly.

“Hey alas”

“What’s the happy thing?”

“Say it out so everyone can share it!”

The little fat man Raqiru and the others were curiously coaxed.

The redhead just smiled and didn’t say a word.

Only Beckman knew the real reason.

Finally sent Qi Yu away.

No longer affected by that strange ability, can Shanks not be happy?

Just 、、、

“Shanks, although it’s already over at this time, is it really okay to let Qi Yu go to the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment?”

Beckman’s brow furrowed, his face worried.

“It’s all right, it’s all right!”

“What can I do?”

“As long as you don’t encounter it at noon!”

“Twenty-four hours a day, two hours at noon is one in twelve chances, where so easy to meet!”

Red-haired Shanks said lightly.

“What if?”

Beckman Road.

“Well, there’s always a way to fix it.”

Red-haired Shanks smiled.

Not poisoned by Qi Yu’s voice now.

He only felt that his legs and feet were also sharp, and he was not upset.

The whole person is more relaxed than ever.

“Little ones, get ready, the banquet is about to start again!”

Red-haired Shanks raised his arms and shouted.

He wanted to make up for the feast he had missed for the past two days.




Endless sea.

Small sailing boats flying the flag of the two-bladed pirate leisurely moored above the sea.

“Vice Captain Qi, we went to the White Regiment to deliver important letters on the orders of Captain Shanks this time, is it really okay to be so leisurely?”

The stumbling-looking red hedgehog-headed Great Hanlock Star couldn’t resist asking.

It has only been half a day since I left the Redhead Pirates.

Qi Yu suddenly ordered the sails to be collected and the ship stopped.

This is followed by the preparation of fishing rods and bait and the start of a leisurely fishing.

Where is this out of the task?

If they just went with the flow, they didn’t know what year and month they would be able to reach the Whitebeard Pirates.

The newcomer Locke Star was secretly anxious in his heart.

“Don’t panic, newcomer!”

“What a frizzy body!”

“You know, you’re now part of the world’s strongest pirate group!”

Qi Yu sat at the bow of the boat, holding a fishing rod, and opened his mouth unhurriedly.


“I’m really sorry!”

“I see!”

Locke Star nodded obediently.

Then he moved a small stool, learned from Qi Yu and began to fish patiently.

“Vice Qi, I heard everyone say that you are a master of fishing?”

“Never the Air Force!”

Locke Star asked curiously.

“It was ok.”

Qi Yu did not comment.

With the blessing of passive five, there is no false hair, and Qi Yu’s shooting never fails.

Similarly, the role in fishing, naturally never the air force.

Just occasionally need to wait a little longer.

An hour passed.

The fishing rod still floats without moving the bullet.

Just when the Locke Star couldn’t hold back, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks.


A thunderbolt on a sunny day.

The originally clear sky was suddenly overcast.

The sea rippled violently under the strong wind.

This is the sea of the New World.

The previous second was still calm and the sky was clear.

The next moment you don’t know what’s going to happen.

“Not good!”

“Vice President, something is wrong!” The storm is coming! ”

Locke Star narrowed his eyes and cried out in panic.

“Calm, in my experience, this is not a storm, just a thunderstorm!”

Qi Yu said casually.

The look is still relaxed.


Locke Star’s eyes widened in shock.

Of course, he had heard of such terrible weather.

I was in a state of shock.


A bolt of lightning pierced through heaven and earth.

Broke the main mast of the sailboat.

“Stay behind me, newcomer, if you run around, you’ll die!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.


Locke Star hurriedly crouched down behind Qi Yu with his head in his arms.

All I could hear was a flash of lightning and thunder around me.

Thunderstorms fall like rain.

However, it never fell on him who was hiding behind Qi Yu.

Thunderstorms come and go fast.

Five minutes later.

The clouds cleared.

The sky cleared again.

“Deserved… Saved! ”

Locke Star collapsed on the deck as if it had collapsed.

Looking at the messy, scorched black deck, his heart couldn’t help but palpitate and tremble.

Look at Qi Yu in front of you.

Locke Star’s little heart that was afraid of beating suddenly calmed down.

“It was okay and fine!”

“Thanks to the Qi Vice-Chancellor!”

“My life is all right!”

Locke Star moved his heart.

He knew that the reason why the previous thunderstorm did not affect them was that Qi Yu had done something.

“Here it comes!”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

The rod jerked backwards.

A fishing rod made of a special alloy is bent into a full moon.

Just by looking at the curvature of the fishing rod, you know that the guy below is absolutely not small.

Just let Locke Star want to break his head and didn’t expect it.

Hooked was a giant sea king!!!

What surprised Locke Star even more.

The Neptune was pulled out of the sea by Qi Yu.

When the gaze of Qi Yu was at that moment.

The ferocious Neptune is honest.

It was actually tamed by Qi Yu at a glance.

This was exactly the ability to awaken in Qi Yu’s seventh year of coming to this world three years ago!

Passive Seven – The Power of the Beast King!


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