The hands of the clock have walked by one-twelfth.

The sun hanging high in the sky set slightly.

The time came to 1 p.m.


The last white steam steamed up from around Qi Yu.

Passive two arrogant sun, over!

Qi Yu also laughed from the four-meter strong man who returned to his normal posture.

The arrogant temperament around him is also gradually introverted and quiet.

An hour of time.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, who were unconscious under the shock of Qi Yu’s domineering spirit, also woke up one after another.

The deck atmosphere gradually stirred.

“Captain Marko”

“Captains, what the hell is wrong with us?”

“It hurts, my head feels like I’ve been hit by a hammer!”

“What about the arrogant big man before?” Where is he? ”

“Why is that new man in the red-haired pirate group still there?”

“So didn’t that big man go too?” Where is it? ”

The pirates who had awakened from their coma opened their mouths and tongues.

A moment later.

When it was learned from the friends who witnessed the whole process, the man sitting in front of the whitebeard was the previous big man.

The huge whale boat deck was silent at first.

Then there was a loud noise and an uproar.

“Hey, hey, it’s really fake!”

“That man is the arrogant guy he was before!”

“No, that arrogant guy has to be taller and bigger!”

“How does it look different?”

Some people questioned.


“Since the captains say yes, it’s almost inseparable!”

“After doing these things, how can he still dare to lie on the boat, how can he continue to be proud?”

Someone is hot-blooded.

Before he could wait, he was reprimanded and stopped by the captains and powerful elites.

Previously, they had witnessed the picture of Qi Yu suppressing his own father in a head-on confrontation.

Even if that is a special time period bonus.

But Marco and others also knew.

Even if there is no blessing of noon.

Qi Yu is also one of the top strong people in this sea.

He is the uncrowned emperor of this sea!!!

“Vice President Qi, the people with the white beard, especially the white beard himself, look at our eyes as if it is not quite right!”

Locke Star opened his mouth weakly, and his heart secretly tightened.

Although Locke’s brain is not very good, he will also judge the situation a little.

At present, the time period that belongs to Qi Yu’s strongest has passed.

The white-bearded crowd began to stir.

He naturally thought that the Whitebeard gang was preparing to make trouble when Qi Yu was ‘weak’!

For the vigilance and worry of the Locke Star, Qi Yu knew it in his heart.

But from beginning to end, the look on his face was still calm.

This stems from self-confidence in one’s own strength.

Even without the blessing of arrogance, he was still one of the strongest in this sea.

Not to mention that a golden legend just blew up not long ago.

His strength has reached a higher level.


Watching Qi Yu still drink his treasured wine.

Whitebeard was annoyed and his teeth were creaking.

From time to time, it was a peek at Qi Yu.


When Whitebeard peeked at it for the fifteenth time.

Qi Yu finally stopped ignoring him.

“Whitebeard, thank you so much for your hospitality today!”

“These treasures of yours are really good!”

Qi Yu nodded.

Recognition of the collection of Whitebeard.

“Ku la la la la, who do you think Lao Tzu is?”

The white-bearded cow roared with a raised jaw.


Qi Yu’s words turned sharply.

“The only thing that is a little bit of a fly in the ointment is that it’s a little bit less than enough, and I’m still far from having fun!”

Qi Yu’s gaze fell on the two unopened altars of fine wine beside Whitebeard.

Watched him drink so fast before.

Whitebeard decisively hid two altars for himself.

Perceive Qi Yu’s gaze.

The proud expression on Whitebeard’s face immediately stagnated.

He pulled twice in a hurry, blocking the two remaining altars with his body.


Qi Yu sighed softly.

[I didn’t expect the white beard to be so stingy with thick eyebrows and big eyes].

[Don’t you just drink your two altars of wine?] Can it be used like a thief? 】

[Thanks to me for being the old man of the treasure before].

After half an hour, I heard Qi Yu’s voice again.

Whitebeard came at first, but after hearing Qi Yu’s complaints.

The white-bearded nose is almost crooked.

Two altars?

Are you drinking two altars?

Lao Tzu’s treasures have made you glaze over!

The more Whitebeard thought about it, the angrier he became.

Two streams of white air rushed out of his nostrils.

Qi Yu glanced at the white beard obliquely, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

I don’t know what kind of moth this white-bearded old man suddenly made again.

But how to say, I also drank a lot of wine with Whitebeard today.

Eat people’s mouths short.

Take people’s hands softly.

Qi Yu only spat out a few dozen words in his heart.

But he didn’t say anything.

It’s just that Qi Yu doesn’t know.

His complaint in his heart, Whitebeard just happened to be able to hear it all.

Look at Whitebeard’s bull-like gaze.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but become more and more inexplicable.

“Forget it

Qi Yu corrected the color slightly.

The mission of the Whitebeard Pirates on this trip is to deliver Shanks’s handwritten letter.

Now the letter was unilaterally torn up by Whitebeard.

But at least they’re still here.

Let’s take the words with us.

Lest you go back to Shanks and nag.

Come to think of it.

Qi Yu opened his mouth.

“Whitebeard, the wine is almost drunk!”

“Let’s get down to business!”

“Something about Ace!”


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