Banquet Island Central Clearing.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk were separated by a distance of 100 meters, looking at each other from afar.

Clearing edge.

Hula surrounded a large circle of people.

All the members of the Red-haired Pirates were full of expectations.

Wait for the upcoming legendary duel.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who is very distressed about lending his ‘wife’, is still fully engrossed at this time.

For this battle between Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk.

He was also curious.

There is no warning.

The confrontation begins.

Suddenly, a rootless wind blew between heaven and earth.

An oppressive atmosphere ensued.


The high-pitched loud sound of the knife exploded.

The world’s largest sword Hao, Hawkeye Mihawk, domineeringly pulled out the strongest black sword night behind him.

The surging and powerful Ling Li Sword rushed towards Qi Yu like a tidal wave.



A crisp sword groan sounded.

Qi Yu pulled out the famous knife Griffin borrowed from Shanks.

Under the sacrifice of the four emperors and red-haired for decades.

Griffin has already reached the point of returning to the basics.

Looks unremarkable.

But in terms of quality, compared to the Eagle’s Eye Black Knife Night, it is not much worse.

The moment Griffin unsheathed.

Qi Yu’s restrained sword intent was also immediately ‘unsheathed’.

The powerful sword momentum that belonged to the superior great sword master burst forth.


The clash of invisible sword momentum and sword intent made the sky crack open one by one.

The cloud of snow that enveloped Winter Island was shattered at this moment.

The sky is shining.

“Such a strong sword intention.”

Feel the terrifying sword momentum that emanate from Qi Yu and Hawkeye.

The look on the faces of the red-haired pirates was extremely solemn.

Compared with the sword meaning that is as huge as the sea.

They’re still far away.

“Hawkeye’s sword is very strong, I know, but I didn’t expect Qi Fu’s sword to be so strong!”

The newcomer Locke Star shouted in amazement.

The last time I was on the Whitebeard Pirates.

What he saw more was the overlord color duel between Qi Yu and Whitebeard.

However, he never imagined that Qi Yu’s sword path would be so outstanding.

Compared to the world’s largest sword master, it was almost a lot.


“Newcomer, there are many things you don’t know?”

“Our Qi Vice is also a true genius sword master!”

The old people of the red group laughed.

“Qi Vice is the genius who really lives for the sword!”

The sword cadre carrying a long knife on his shoulder sighed.

Back then.

The first time they saw Qi Yu swinging his sword, they were almost shocked to see their eyeballs on the ground.

After all, they had never seen Qi Yu practicing kendo.

However, Qi Yu’s casual knife cut open the sea.

What a terrible ‘talent’!!!


Mo said it was the average crew.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who was comparable to the world’s largest sword master, was self-exclaiming.

“Your sword is outstanding!”

In the middle of the field, Hawkeye Mihawk opened his mouth.

The resolute face, which has never been smiling, is full of excitement and excitement at this moment.

“I feel decisive!”

“You are also an opponent worthy of my best efforts!”

Hawkeye Mihawk crossed the knife and set up the offensive posture.

“Mihawk, to be honest, I’ve wanted to fight you too!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Griffin followed his footsteps in a half-spin.

Draw a perfect arc in the sky.


“Come on!”

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk invariably stopped drinking.


The earth was torn apart at their feet.

The figures of the two suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The reappearance is already in the center.


Gold and iron handover.


Then came the roar of heaven and earth.

The supreme fast knife in Eagle Eye’s hand, the Black Knife Night, touched and collided with Qi Yu’s Griffin.

The terrifying sword qi escaped from between the blades.

Cut the sky from the earth.

This is the battle of the world’s top swordsman.

There is no picture of the sky falling wildly.

No bells and whistles.

Some are just the simplest splits and chops.

However, the simplest is often also the most dangerous.

Every confrontation between Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk.

The blades burst out from between the world’s most powerful sword intents.

Just the sword light that escaped was enough to tear apart the sky and the earth.

Avenue to Jane.

Kendo is nothing more than that.

In the Pirate World, Kendo has a total of three thresholds, representing the realm of triple kendo.

The first is the introduction to kendo.

This heavy threshold, as long as you exercise hard, everyone can step over.

After entering kendo, he became a swordsman.

At present, more than ninety-nine percent of the swordsmen above the sea are still in the entry stage.

After the entrance, you will enter the house.

The most important thing that distinguishes ordinary swordsmen from swordsmen is to chop iron.

‘Slashing iron’ is the second threshold of kendo.

When the sword in his hand is enough to cut through the hard steel, it is the sign that Kendo enters the room and becomes the Iron Sword.

Under the stacking of the huge swordsman base, there were still some iron swordsmen on the sea.

After becoming an Iron Swordsman, you are facing the last threshold of kendo

Chop Island!!!

Only by crossing this threshold can we be qualified to be called a true great sword master.

This is also the most difficult threshold to cross.

Count the whole sea.

There are only a few who are qualified to be called great swordsmen.

Right now.

There were two top sword masters in this sea, and they were fighting.

Not long ago, by picking up the purple level sword art dropped by Gion.

Qi Yu’s Kendo accumulation was finally enough.

The kendo realm officially entered the ranks of the superior great sword master.

Hawkeye Mihawk is now also the superior Grand Sword Lord.

This duel.

It can be said that the situation is evenly matched!!!

“Qi Yu’s guy, silently, the kendo is refined again!”

Looking at Qi Yu who relied on Kendo alone to be equal to Hawkeye and did not fall behind.

The red-haired Shanks’s face couldn’t help but appear shocked and surprised.

He still had some understanding of Qi Yu’s kendo realm.

Not long ago, it was one level weaker than him.

I didn’t expect to come back from this trip to the White Regiment.

It was even higher.

In Kendo, it was enough to compete with him and Hawkeye.

If you add other helps、、、

“Qi Vice is Qi Vice Minister!”

“Sure enough, it will always surprise people!”

“Qi Fu’s kendo has even reached this level!”

“It seems that the position of the world’s largest sword hero has one more powerful competitor!”

Everyone in the red-haired pirates was excited.

The battle between the world’s most superior swordsmen was in full swing.

The people outside the battle were amazed and mesmerized.

Between ignorance and unconsciousness.

An hour passed.

The time went to eleven o’clock in the morning.

The hot sun shines on the earth.

Tear it up!

Qi Yu’s upper body clothes cracked open.

However, it was not torn apart by Hawkeye’s sword.

Instead, he was propped up by his own swollen muscles.

The red-haired Shanks’s face changed.

The first one reacted.

“What time is it?”

Shanks asked anxiously.

“It’s eleven o’clock!”

“No, the arrogant form is coming!”

Jesus looked stunned.

“To this point is -”


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