Two o’clock in the afternoon.

USS Redford Infirmary.


Hawkeye Mihawk’s brow furrowed, and a little pain appeared on his face.


The curtain is pulled open.

Qi Yu stepped forward.

Hawkeye Mihawk opened his eyes darkly.

A gritty face with a slightly bitter smile.

“I’m not embarrassed to lose to twelve o’clock in the afternoon!”

“It’s better to be able to survive my strongest state, you are proud enough!”

Qi Yu’s calm opening was relieved.

Hawkeye: “…”

More than two hours ago.

After that earth-shattering collision.

Hawkeye Mihawk didn’t fall even when he lost.

He still has the strength to fight.

At the insistence of Hawkeye.

The battle continues.

Hawkeye Mihawk just stood up to the pressure of Qi Yu’s increasing strength every minute and every second until twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

It wasn’t until after three o’clock at twelve o’clock that he finally collapsed with exhaustion.


The responsible Qi Yu carried the unconscious Eagle Eye directly back to the ship’s infirmary.

The treatment rested for two hours.

Only then did Hawkeye regain consciousness.

“By the way, Mihawk, I crushed you with the blessing of the sun in the previous battle!”

“On kendo or you are more powerful, so now you are still the world’s number one sword master!”

Qi Yu said seriously.

“The world’s first is not the first, and it means nothing to me at all!”

Hawkeye Mihawk smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“It doesn’t mean anything to me!”

Qi Yu smiled.

“I’ve heard from Shanks that you don’t seem to pay much attention to the practice of kendo on a normal day!”

“However, you can reach this level in just ten years, and you are the genius who really lives for the sword!”

“If you can focus, you must…”

The expression on Hawkeye’s face grew agitated.

“Don’t, stop!”

Qi Yu interrupted decisively.

“I’m not very interested in practicing kendo, don’t persuade me, now I think it’s almost enough.”

Qi Yu casually made an excuse.

After all, he couldn’t say that his kendo didn’t rely on cultivation, but on ‘picking’.

It will make the world’s number one sword man doubt life!

“Mihawk, if your body is not in serious trouble, let’s go first!”

“Shanks, they’re probably still nervously waiting for news!”

Qi Yu gestured.


Hawkeye nodded yes.

Not much time.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk return to the original banquet hall.

The people led by the red-haired Shanks are … Celebrate.

Obviously, it wasn’t what Qi Yu was worried about.

“Oh, Hawkeye, is the body all right?”

“Isn’t that a given, because there is Qi Vice here!”

“Qi Fu’s medical skills are not covered!”

The people of the Red League burst out laughing one after another.


Red-haired Shanks strode forward.

Look up and down twice, then pat him on the shoulder.

“Ahahaha, it’s okay to be okay and it’s okay to be okay!”


Qi Yu shouted and casually threw Griffin back to the redhead.

“Ah this…”

Looking at the sudden return of the ‘wife’, Shanks couldn’t help but be stunned.

“What’s wrong? If it’s inconvenient, I don’t mind keeping it for a few more days. ”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Ahahaha, no need, very convenient.”

Shanks hurriedly put Griffin on his waist, a large square opening.

In his heart, he couldn’t help but sigh that Qi Yu was just talking, and he didn’t really want to take his ‘wife’.

This is not.

Volunteered to return so quickly!

In this way, you should also be polite!

“Next time, if you need to, you can say it directly.”

Shanks said.

“Then I’m not going to be rude.”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

[It is not difficult to borrow and borrow again, and the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.”

Red-haired Shanks: “??? ”

“Chief, what is the pestle doing there?”

“Hurry up and let Hawkeye and Qi Vice also come to drink together!”

The little fat man Raqilu urged.

The lively banquet resumed.

It’s just that the red-haired Shanks is no longer the pleasure he once had.

There was a faint sad expression on his face.

I can’t wait to go back to the past and give myself a “polite” slap.

What a courtesy of the good end!


Beckman raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Beckman, do you think we have any tasks that will allow Qi Yu to go out for a while?”

Shanks asked.

Beckman furrowed his brows.

A moment later.

He groped for a bounty order from his arms.


The red-haired Shanks’s eyes lit up and he nodded knowingly.

It’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone!!!

“It’s really Beckman!”

Shanks is not stingy to praise.



The night grew darker.

The banquet continues.


Qi Yu’s heart moved.

I don’t know when.

The progress bar of the tenth unknown passive ability that had awakened not long ago was once again full.

Delegates can play the second draw.

For oneself this passive ten ability.

Qi Yu still hadn’t figured out the principle.

Through a period of observation, he discovered.

When he was in the red-haired pirate group.

The progress bar grows slowly.

However, after going out not long ago, it stopped growing.

After arriving at the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, it grew a lot.

On the way back, there was another break for food.

Only now has it finally been pulled full.

This trajectory is truly elusive.

But forget it.

Anyway, as long as you can draw the lottery.

I hope that this time there is not something as strange as the first time.

Qi Yu burped.

The heart moves.

The progress bar fades quickly.

Back to the pre-liberation period.


The system’s mechanical prompt sounds.

【Congratulations on getting Dragon Ball World Sendou X10】


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