The sea of the new world with its strange waves.

A small coffin boat goes with the flow.

Not much on deck.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk stared wide-eyed and small-eyed.

The silence lasts for a long time.

“Speaking of Qi Yu, why are you with me?”

“Don’t you red-haired pirates have no boats?”

Hawkeye Mihawk finally couldn’t help but confide in the groove that had been pressed down on his heart for so long.

An hour ago.

When he learned that Qi Yu was going to take his boat to follow him to the paradise.

Hawkeye is rejected.

However, the final result will not change because of his will.

Whether it is Qi Yu or Shanks, they are all self-righteous people.

Didn’t listen to him at all.

“What’s the matter, Mihawk, you’re going back to Paradise anyway, just so you can be together!”

“Moreover, two people are better than one person, at least when they are bored, they can talk and relieve boredom!”

Qi Yu smiled and explained.

“And if you want to talk to me about kendo, you can do it at any time now.”

Hawkeye Mihawk thought about it, and Qi Yu had some truth in what he said.

Take advantage of this opportunity to travel together.

He also wanted to take a good look.

How exactly Qi Yu’s sword was trained.


Hawkeye Mihawk nodded, reluctantly responding.

However, it didn’t take long.

Hawkeye regretted it.

Paid for this hasty decision for himself.

When the time comes to eleven o’clock in the morning.

Qi Yu’s passive second arrogant sun launched autonomously.

Qi Yu, whose height and size soared, severely squeezed Hawkeye’s space of activity.

A small boat that could have been used for several ordinary people.

Now Qi Yu alone was almost full.

Luck in misfortune.

Qi Yu developed the habit of taking a nap.

I’m asleep.

The sad Hawkeye was helpless at this moment, and had to sit on the fragile mast.

Also always be careful not to make a sound to wake up Qi Yu.

After all, he didn’t want to talk to Qi Yu in an arrogant form.

Absolutely will be hit by the body!!!

Two hours are fleeting.

Qi Yu, who had regained his normal human form, stretched out a lazy waist.

Looking at the eagle eye sitting on the mast, Qi Yu almost laughed.

“Cough, sorry, Mihawk.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Didn’t… That’s okay”

Qi Yu apologized, and Hawkeye had to reluctantly respond.

I thought about sitting on the mast for two hours a day before arriving at the park.

Hawkeye couldn’t help but look up at the sky and sighed sadly.


Qi Yu coughed in embarrassment.

Decided to compensate Mihawk’s wounded heart.

He took the simple fishing rod from the duffel bag he was carrying.

An hour later.

A deep-sea fish suitable for cutting sashimi was caught for Qi Yu’s good luck.

“Mihawk, count yourself lucky today.”

Qi Yu smiled confidently.

Under the throbbing gaze of Hawkeye Mihawk.

He directly dissected and sliced deep-sea fish with the famous knife Griffin.

Mix another serving of his unique recipe sauce.

Not much time.

A deep-sea fish dish that looks simple but tastes nothing but is never simple.

“Try it!”

Qi Yu smiled and invited.

Hawkeye Mihawk nodded, picked up the chopsticks, and picked up a piece of fish as thin as a cicada’s wing.

When I used to make small talk with Shanks.

He’d already heard about it.

Qi Yu is a true all-round genius.

Even the cooking is amazing.

It’s just that very few can be tasted.

Even Shanks rarely tastes them several times a year.

Every time, I had to ask my grandfather to visit my grandmother.

Think about that.

Mihawk brings the fillets into his mouth.

Entrance, that is, melting!


His sharp eagle eyes widened suddenly.

In the dark.

It was as if he had seen the life of a fish swimming in the deep sea.

It was an unprecedented experience.

So far.

Hawkeye never imagined that tasting gourmet cuisine could produce such a strange experience.

Tear it up!

The trench coat on his body showed two tear marks.

“Oh, how’s it going, Hawkeye, it’s not bad!”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him, and the old god asked.


Hawkeye Mihawk emphasized.

There was a hint of excitement on his resolute face.

He was able to give birth to such emotions as he had always been in the past.

It can be seen that Qi Yu is powerful in this casual burst of clothes.

“Just like what you like.”

Qi Yu smiled and nodded.

Very satisfied with Hawkeye’s reaction.

Moreover, in this way, he can also naturally occupy this coffin boat.


Three days in a flash.

Life on the coffin boat was peaceful.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye discussed kendo without a word during the day.

In the evening, it’s drinking, chatting, and spanking.

It’s a good time.

The only thing that embarrassed Hawkeye was the midday hours of the day.

He had to sit on the mast.

Fortunately, I didn’t meet anyone along the way.

There were no outrageous rumors.

Plus Qi Yu’s cooking compensation.

Hawkeye was relieved.

The fourth day of leaving the Redhead Pirates.

A specially shaped island appears in the sight of Qi Yu and Eagle Eye.

Looking at the island with the ‘Avenue of Heaven’ in the distance, Hawkeye Mihawk couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.

“Qi Yu, aren’t you going to the park to find the Straw Hats?” What are you doing here? ”

Hawkeye couldn’t help asking.

“Don’t ask so much first, you’ll know later!”

Qi Yu smiled mysteriously.

According to his estimation.

The Straw Hat gang who experienced the Alabastan incident.

Their next stop is the Golden Township of the Empty Islands.

There are two ways to get to the empty island.

One of them is the soaring currents of Gaya Island.

As for the second kind.

Originally, Qi Yu didn’t understand.

But before that day of departure.

Qi Yu once asked Beckman for a detailed understanding.

Only then did I know that there were no longer a few people who knew the existence of the empty island.

Even the New World has formed a special Empty Island Golden Township Challenge.

Through the starting point of the cloud road ahead, along the way to several transit islands, to the white sea at a height of 7,000 meters.

Finally, find the empty island of Golden Country in the vast sea of clouds.

The route is already planned.

But whether it can succeed or not depends on creation.

After all, this road, if there is no strength, it is impossible to succeed.

However, the uncrowned Emperor Qi Yu and the world’s number one sword hero Eagle Eye Mihawk.

The combination of the two of them is naturally invincible.

No matter what kind of cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods, they couldn’t stop them in the slightest.

After learning of his next plan from Qi Yu’s mouth, he was ready to take himself to the empty island.

Hawkeye Mihawk initially refused.

But it can’t resist the temptation of good food.

Hawkeye finally nodded shamefully.

All procedures were quickly put to life.

Qi Yu and Hawkeye Mihawk, the two of them in the empty island of Golden Township big challenge, began to !!!


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