The sky is vast, vast than the sea.

A magnificent fairyland-like group of islands floats in the sky.

There are mountains and rivers and rivers.

There are even more powerful waterfalls, floating in an extremely unnatural posture.

This is the secret stronghold of the legendary Flying Sea Thief, the Golden Lion Shiki, who has disappeared for twenty years!!!

Qi Yu, who was unfortunate enough to be swept away by the clouds of the flowing island, casually swept a shot to catch such a huge creature.

Such a ‘surprise’, Rao Qi Yu had never imagined.

“Oh, that’s a coincidence!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly and put away the fishing rod.

He turned his head to look at the eagle eyes beside him with a look of surprise and doubt.

“Mihawk, do you know whose turf is down there?”

Qi Yu asked.

Hawkeye Mihawk pursed his mouth and his brow furrowed slightly.

It seems to have thought of something, and it seems that nothing has been thought of.

It took a long time before he shook his head and said he didn’t know.

“I don’t know if you still want to be so half a day.”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him and squinted his eagle eyes.

Hawkeye Mihawk: “…”

Qi Yu did not sell Guanzi.

The sight fell back on the floating island.

“Here’s the Golden Lion Scie’s turf!”

Qi Yu reveals the answer.


“Golden Lion Stoney!”

Hawkeye Mihawk looked slightly moved.

After Qi Yu’s reminder, he had obviously reacted as well.

The legendary sea thief of the last era with Whitebeard and Roger!

Golden Lion Stone, his title is the Flying Sea Thief!

In addition to the Flying Sea Thief, Golden Lion Shiki has another title.

The Great Sword of the Last Era!!!

And that’s what Hawkeye Mihawk is most interested in.

“Don’t think about it!”

“The current Golden Lion Shiki is just an old lion that has lost his hair!”

“Really fight, Mo said it was me, even if you can easily clean up him!”

As soon as Qi Yu looked at Eagle Eye, he knew what he was thinking.

When even the opening reminder.

Hawkeye: “…”

What is called me?

I’m also the world’s first great sword master!

Is this already arrogant before noon?

Even if he was not angry inside, Hawkeye really couldn’t find any points to refute.

“Well, there’s still some time before that island floats by.”

“Mihawk, do you want to know the story about the golden lion?”

Qi Yu sat directly on the island clouds.

“Then let’s listen to it!”

Hawkeye Mihawk also sat down on his knees.


A slight sigh appeared on Qi Yu’s face.

Memories of the Golden Lion Sciskey come to mind.

The life of this legendary flying sea thief is really a bitter history.

A capital ‘miserable’ word ran through his life.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but want to sigh for him and mourn for three minutes.

Forty, fifty years ago.

As a super newcomer on the sea, Golden Lion Shiki is invited by the Sea Overlord Locks Pirate Regiment.

The Golden Lion Shiki, who has the ability to flutter fruits that he considers invincible, is arrogant and naturally does not want to join.

Then the Golden Lion Skey received the first severe beating in his life.

Had to succumb to the terrifying power of the overlord Locks.

However, after joining the Rox Pirates.

The Golden Lion Shiki also ushered in a peak of his own.

With great strength, he quickly established his own flying legion, and the mixture was called a wind and water.

It was one of the few highlights of the Golden Lion.

Then came the Battle of the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago.

It’s all subversive.

The Valley of the Gods battle.

The sea overlord Locks is dead.

The Rox Pirates fell apart.

The commanders of the major armies fled and died.

The most powerful Whitebeard left alone.

Locks’ most trusted First Legion Commander, John, absconded and lost his heart.

Bigmom Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beasts Kaido climate is not successful.

As a result, the Golden Lion Shiki became the biggest beneficiary of the post-war period.

After the death of the overlord Locks, the Golden Lion Shiki relied on his own means to win people’s hearts.

Inherited most of Locks’s ‘legacy’.

His Flying Legion rises and transforms into his own Flying Pirate Grand Fleet.

The life of Golden Lion Shiki also ushered in a second highlight moment.

Even Roger’s Pirates were steadily suppressed by him for a while.

This situation continued until twenty-five years ago.

The Battle of Atvo changed everything again.

The battle that caught the world’s attention.

The Golden Lion took full advantage of everything and surrounded Roger’s Pirates with an invincible fleet

In the end, it was because of a sudden storm that caused his Grand Pirate Fleet to be nearly completely destroyed.

And he himself was inserted into the middle of his head by the flying rudder in the chaos.

Although he survived, he became a funny ‘rooster’.

Later, after learning that Roger the One Piece had been arrested, the golden lion with a funny head was unexpectedly unexpected by everyone and attacked the naval headquarters alone.


Defeated by the combined efforts of the two great heroes of the Navy, the hero Karp and the general Sengoku.

Since then, he has been imprisoned in the Great Prison of the Deep Sea.

For the next two years, the Golden Lion became the first pirate ever to successfully escape from prison at the expense of a pair of feet.

Since then, it has become a legend and disappeared.

At the same time, Roger achieved the name of One Piece that had never been seen before.

Whitebeard is now also the Sea Emperor of the New World, propping up the era after Roger’s death.

However, twenty years later, there is almost no one on the sea to spread the name of the flying pirate Golden Lion Shiki.

“A generation of tyrants has ‘fallen’!”

“Life has always been up and down!”

“It’s just that the golden lion’s rise and fall range is slightly larger than that of ordinary people!”

Qi Yu, who finished telling the life of the golden lion, made a final statement and summary.

Qi Yu thought again.

Follow the original plot line.

The legend of the golden lion is to become a stepping stone for the fledgling rookie straw hat.

He is defeated by the Straw Hat Luffy, who does not even know what the domineering is, by relying on the ‘theatrical version of the invincible aura’.

But now Qi Yu and Eagle Eye are coming.

Also count the golden lions lucky to meet them!

The curtain that was supposed to be blown up by the straw hat will naturally not happen again.

“Is this the life of the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Stone?”

From Qi Yu’s mouth, he learned in detail about the tragic life of the golden lion.

Hawkeye Mihawk could not help but sigh and sigh.

Although he had heard about the legend of the golden lion, it was far less detailed than what Qi Yu knew.

It’s like seeing it with your own eyes.

“Qi Yu, how do you know so much about the Golden Lion Shiki?”

Hawkeye Mihawk asked curiously.

“You should be my personal interest, plus the intelligence network of the Red Haired Pirates.”

Qi Yu smiled.

I can’t say that I watched a thousand episodes of One Piece is not.

“Okay, almost.”

Qi Yu stood up and looked at the group of floating islands that had come directly below them.

“The timing is just right, Mihawk, look at the big lake below, this should be no problem!”

Qi Yu asked.


Hawkeye nodded.

A few hundred meters.

There is also a lake barrier.

Naturally, he had no problem at all.

“Then let’s go!”

Qi Yu opened his arms, greeted the sky, embraced his faith, and jumped down.


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