“I know!”

“Now I can’t keep up with the times at all!”

“But what can Lao Tzu do?”

The golden lion roared with emotion.

“Battle with Roger Atvo, I luckily retrieved a life!”

“After losing my feet in the Deep Sea Prison, my strength is deteriorating!”

“Now I can’t even use my domineering power freely!”

“I can’t go back to the way I was.”

Golden Lion Shi Ji smiled miserably, and the whole person seemed to be suddenly ten years old.

“Be able to let go of arrogance and recognize your own weakness!”

“It’s not too late to wake up in time!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

“There are two paths in front of you now!”

“One: Give up everything, be your landowner with peace of mind, and enjoy your old age in peace!”

“Two: Do you want to try to come to our red-haired pirate regiment?” Golden Lion Stoney! ”

Qi Yu grinned.

On a whim, an invitation is extended to the Golden Lion.

Truly speaking, there is no unending deep hatred between him and the Golden Lion.

If you can take it for your own use, it is naturally the best.

Strength aside.

At least the Golden Lion Stone’s ability to flutter fruit is very convenient.

With his ability, going to the empty island is not simple.

It’s just a pity.

A kind invitation to Qi Yu.

Golden Lion Shiki did not mean to appreciate it.


When he heard that Qi Yu had decided his future without permission.

The old face of the golden lion was completely gloomy.

The green tendons on his forehead suddenly swelled and jumped.

The anger in the old eyes seemed to materialize.

The anger in my heart is like a volcanic eruption, constantly emerging.

“Don’t look down on people too much! Bastard! ”

“Lao Tzu is the Golden Lion Shiki!”

“Even if Lao Tzu falls down again!”

“It’s not your turn to be a little devil to dictate my future!”

The Golden Lion Shiki roared in anger and changed his previous decadent appearance.

The whole person exudes a domineering momentum of lions roaring all over the world and swallowing the world.

At this moment, he finally had a hint of ‘legend’ temperament.

“Good value for money”

Listen to the golden lion’s angry scolding.

Instead of getting angry, Qi Yu praised him.

“I like to overwhelm everything!”

“Let me have more fun!”

“Golden Lion!”

Qi Yu stood calmly and proudly, every cell in his body seemed to be permeated with confidence and strength.

The invisible momentum stirred between heaven and earth, causing cracks to appear in the solid earth out of thin air.


“Lion Thousand Cut Valley!!!”

Golden Lion Shiki regrouped.

The two famous swords Sakuragi and Kushi at his feet stirred up thousands of golden sword qi and tore the earth apart.

Face the Golden Lion Skey to gamble everything on the battle.

Qi Yu naturally had to respond.

Griffin, who had gathered the power of the sun, attacked.

The sky is like a picture, completely cut open.

Then crush.

Turned into countless fragments.

Fly with the wind.

Also shattered was the thousands of golden sword qi of the Golden Lion Shi Ji.

When everything calms down, everything changes.

The only constant is the consistent Qi Yu.

Under the onslaught of the great sword of the previous era.

Qi Yu didn’t even move a single step.

“Hahahahaha, it’s just the beginning.”

The golden lion laughed several times.

Fluttering fruit ability awakens.

The earth fell into his control.

‘Roar, roar, roar’

Eighteen vicious earth lions opened their blood basin mouths in a row.

Bringing up a raging earth frenzy, it swallowed up Qi Yu.


“The little devil who talks big”

“Shattered to pieces under my power!”

Golden Lion Squire laughed wildly and wildly.

But only for a moment.

Golden Lion Stone’s laughter came to an abrupt end.

“The same move is useless to me!”

“It’s better to say that your boring move is useless!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth proudly.


Griffin roars in the name of the legendary creature griffin.

With Qi Yu’s wave.

Draw a perfect arc.

Next second.

The brilliant sword aura suddenly expanded.

Cut off the earth frenzy caused by the Golden Lion Stone.

The ensuing double shock caused the eighteen vicious lion’s heads to shatter and cease to exist.

“It’s almost over! Golden Lion! ”

“Now you don’t even have the qualifications to see my strongest posture!”

Qi Yu put away Griffin.

Knees bent.

Its massive body suddenly disappeared from the sight of the golden lion.

Ascend hundreds of meters in the air.

“Captain Squi, be careful!!!”

In the distance, Dr Indigo, who was riding in a hot air balloon, cried out in horror.

The Golden Lion Shi Ji seemed to sense something and suddenly looked up.

One slap!

Out of thin air!

Cover the world!

At the same time, it is magnified in his lion’s eyes


The golden lion Shiki cried out irrepressibly.


The Japanese costume on his body was torn into countless pieces by the fierce wind.

A thick blonde hair like a lion’s mane dances wildly.

He desperately tried his best to summon the ability to flutter fruit

The earth rushed up one after another of Optimus Pillars, trying to resist and block the blow that fell from the sky

However, it is impossible to reach the palm of the hand like a heavenly power.

The power that was like a palm of the gods completely exploded.

Wind pressure and shock wave coincide.

The weight of terror was constantly superimposed on his old body.

The muscles of his whole body, and even the bones in his body, were overwhelmed with sorrow.


It was accompanied by a loud bang.

Under the ravages of the years, the golden lion Shiki, who had long been old, could no longer resist the pressure.

With the pressure of the matchless wind, the body fell heavily to the ground, splashing endless dust.


The whole island shook violently at this moment.

Countless large and small, horizontal and vertical cracks emerged.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The island, which was close to the brink of collapse, no longer shook.

The smoke and dust of the sky dissipated in the howling of the wind.

A five-finger palm print with a radius of 100 meters appeared on the ground by the lake.

It was tens of times larger than the palm of the giant’s hand.

It’s like a ‘god’ hand!!!

Palm of the hand.

Golden Lion Squi is covered in blood!

Weakness, collapse!

The legendary Flying Sea Thief, the Golden Lion Shiki, ended !!!


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