“Do you want to die?”

The legendary Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki’s angry roar echoed under the sky.

An extremely powerful and terrifying momentum burst out and swept through the whole field.


oh oh oh oh”

Watching Captain Shi Ji finally appear, the pirates of the Flying Regiment all shouted with excitement and excitement.

“Captain Squire!”

“The captain is here!”

“Arrogant little devil! Enlightenment! ”

“The previous account will be repaid a hundred times!”


Ignored the cries of the weak little ants.

Aniru’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes locked on the golden lion Shiki in mid-air.

The momentum from the Golden Lion Shi Ji was released, which made him feel the slightest pressure.

This old guy, not simple!

、、、 though

I am God!

No matter how simple it is, it is still a mortal after all!

As Aniru thought so, faith returned, returning to his usual arrogant posture.


Flashing electric light.

Aniru’s figure suddenly disappeared, and he reappeared above the sky higher than the golden lion.

“Mere mortals, dare to stand above God?”

Aniru looked down on the golden lion from above.

Golden Lion Shiki was stunned.

It took a moment to finally understand what Aniru meant.

I wanted to look up.

It’s really… Arrogant!

Think of arrogance.

Golden Lion Shiki couldn’t help but think of the man who was pacing closer.

Then I thought of the memory of being crushed by ‘arrogance’ a few days ago.

Nameless fire struck the heart.

Although Qi Yu had orders first, the Golden Lion still wanted to make this arrogant boy who claimed to be a god suffer some hardships first.

The golden lion thought so, not waiting for the shot.

A great sense of crisis suddenly struck.

The Golden Lion can basically dodge sideways.


Brilliant thunder pillars brushed the corners of his coat.

Explode a huge crater in the bottom of the island.

“Is this …”

The golden lion’s eyes froze slightly.

“Nature is the one with the ability to ring the Thunder Fruit?”

“Good boy!”

“The ability to reproduce the Ring Thunder Fruit that has not been reproduced for many years has actually been obtained by you!”

“What a lucky boy!”

Golden Lion Squidway.


“Now that you know my ability, don’t you hurry up and get down on your knees!”

“Pray for my forgiveness as God, or I will be annihilated by the power of God!”

Aniru’s arrogant way.


“It’s just good luck getting a powerful natural ability.”

“Do you really think that you are invincible in the world?”

The golden lion sneered at the opening.

Through the analysis of Aniru’s words and deeds.

He has come to a conclusion.

This kid who had the best luck with the strongest natural abilities was a complete idiot.

Having been staying on the empty island, he was afraid that he didn’t even know the common sense that the armed color domineering could grasp the ability of the natural system.

Aniru’s next words also confirmed the Golden Lion’s speculation.

Be aware of this.

The Golden Lion Shiki is calculated from the heart.

He sped up abruptly.

With his right foot raised, the big knife passed towards Aniru’s body.

Aniru easily elementalizes to dodge.

The golden lion Shiki’s face appeared ‘surprised’.

With a look of disbelief, he attacked one after another.

Still nothing has been achieved.


“The attacks of mere mortals also want to hurt the gods?”

“It’s delusional…”

Aniru’s last thought word has not yet been exported.

The attack of Golden Lion Stoney is coming again.

The domineering hand wrapped around the dark armed color slapped at Aniru’s arrogant and arrogant face with lightning speed.

“Did Lao Tzu give you a face?”

“With whom do you two?”

Golden Lion Shiki changed his previous panic.

The big hand that wrapped around the armed color domineering split the head and covered the face was a fat beating.

Directly give the arrogant thunder god Aniru to… Confused.


“Boss Squire mighty!”

“Captain Skey is domineering!”

“See? That’s the legend! ”

The pirates of the Flying Regiment, who had been holding back for a long time, were all shouting in excitement.


Aniru returned to God in confusion.

Seizing the opportunity with the heart network, he decisively distanced himself from the Golden Lion Stoney.

“Abominable, abominable”

Feel the fiery pain on your face.

Aniru’s heart was constantly roaring.

He had never been punched in the face in his life.

What’s going on here?

I am the strongest natural thunder fruit ability!

Aniru cried out in disbelief.

Ever since he received this nearly invincible divine power ten years ago.

A mortal attack should not have caused him half a bit of damage.

Not long ago, the Straw Hat Boy was able to hit him because she lost her cool and forgot about elementalization!

But now what’s going on?

He clearly maintained an elemental state at all times

Why was this old guy’s attack able to fall on him!

Anger, shock, confusion, confusion and other emotions come to mind.


“Isn’t that already scary?”

“Isn’t that good to you, the so-called god?”

Golden Lion Shiki wantonly ridiculed and ridiculed.

Hearing that, Aniru was about to explode his lungs.

He knows.

The previous surprise and panic of the golden lion were all pretended.

Obviously, he has the power to hit his body, but the result is to pretend and act there.

Just to taunt and tease him!

How could this be!

As the ruler of the Heavenly Thunder Punishment, how could he ever suffer such a grievance?

Aniru’s body trembled uncontrollably with anger.


“A fool like you who is lucky enough to get the ability of the natural system to think that he is invincible in the world, and who does not even know the armed color domineering!”

“The sea in the new world can’t live for even three days!”

“What about God? Stinky fish rotten shrimp god? ”

The golden lion sneered mercilessly.

Pass on all the taunting injuries he had received from Qi Yu a few days ago to Aniru.


Aniru was surrounded by electric light.

He was out of anger.

But he did not wait for him to send heavenly punishment to the blasphemers.


Heavy footsteps like the heartbeat of the earth suddenly sounded.

Along with this came an amazing heat wave.

The crowd parted in a panic.

A tall figure surrounded by the power of the sun slowly approached.

The oppressive force of terror spread out, startling Aniru’s heart.

An unprecedented sense of crisis struck.

The muscles, bones, and even cells of his body are constantly warning him.

For the first time in my life.

Aniru had the idea of running away.

“What are you?”

Aniru snapped his drink.

“If you are God, then I am a God Killer!”

Qi Yu grinned.


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