A few minutes ago.

Qi Yu was busy retreating.

Use the new abilities of her Shipwright God to create a matching ‘body’ for Mei Li.

Suddenly, I heard the jingle outside.

Feel the familiar meaning of the sword.

Qi Yu’s heart clucked.

You don’t have to look to know that Gion is coming.

He knew that the comers were not good.

Gion must have come from the priesthood at this time.

Just as Qi Yu was thinking about how to fool around.

The duel between Hawkeye and Gion begins.

Look at Gion, which was completely suppressed by Hawkeye.

Qi Yu decided to take advantage of the situation to save the United States with a long-lost hero.

Sure enough.

After wronging the brother Hawkeye and saving Gion.

Gion was already a mess that he had touched on.

Even the original purpose was forgotten.

“You, you, you… You guys…”

“Qi Yu, what the hell is going on?”

“This woman is a navy!”

Hawkeye Mihawk took a deep breath and finally confided in his inner doubts.

“I know I know!”

“What happened to the Navy?”

Qi Yu Old God asked with a smile on his face.

“The Navy … Pirates, are you coming really? ”

The expression on Hawkeye’s face was inexplicable.


“The pattern is small!”

“Mihawk, a forty-year-old single dog like you won’t understand!”

“As long as there is love, what a naval pirate!”

Qi Yu’s bold Dao.


Hawkeye had an urge to vomit blood.

What a forty-year-old single dog!

My mother’s womb is still forty-one years old!


Suddenly I want to hurt even more!


“Who has love with you?”

On the other side, Gion, who had finally returned to God, unceremoniously pushed Qi Yu away.

Words of disgust.

However, the delicate white face was full of happiness.

Looking at the public, hugging and hugging in front of their own faces, Qi Yu and Gion interacted intimately.

Hawkeye Mihawk only felt a cold pot of dog food pouring into his mouth.

He was full.

What a thing this is called!

Dare to feel that you were nothing to do before, and you have done more than that!

Almost ruined the secret private meeting of these two mouths!

Come to think of it.

The corners of Hawkeye’s mouth were twitching uncontrollably.

“Mihawk, what do you think of me doing in this way?”

“Then again, you’re not too old, don’t learn from Shanks, hold a knife all day long!”

“After all, I still have to find a companion!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth seriously.

Hawkeye: “…”

“With your hardware, if you send a marriage advertisement, if you want to marry you, I am afraid that I will have to surround the water capital for a week!”

Qi Yu added.

Hawkeye: “…”

Although there are many mmp in the heart, it cannot be said that it should be high and cold.

“If you can’t find it, why don’t I introduce it for you?”

Gion suddenly opened his mouth.

Hawkeye: “??? ”

Who did the Vice Admiral introduce to the Seven Martial Seas?

Thank you so much!

“The female soldiers in our navy are not much worse than me.”

“As long as you join the Navy, the chances are great!”

Gion earnestly opened his mouth.


Dare to come and pull people.

This time, he wanted to completely pull the Hawkeye, who was already in the same camp, into the Navy.

If only this were the case.

That’s a lot of fun.

[Mihawk joins the Navy]


[If Shanks were here, the expression would be funny]

Hawkeye Mihawk is full of black lines on his forehead.

“How’s it going? Mihawk, do you want to consider Gion’s suggestion? ”

Qi Yu’s expression was not too big to look at the hilarity.


Hawkeye Mihawk decisively refused.

“Twenty years ago, I decided to dedicate my life to Kendo!”

“Women only affect the speed at which I draw my knife!”

Hawkeye’s eerie opening.

Like a ruthless swordsman, the high place is invincible.

Looked at.

Qi Yu stopped Gion from speaking.

No more demanding.

But inside I couldn’t help but think.

[Mihawk is not close to the female color at this young age, should not be the same as Shanks, there is a problem with that aspect of the orientation]

[Wait, he really has a leg with Shanks?”

【No, no, no, no

Hawkeye Mihawk: “??? ”

[email protected]#¥%!!!

A moment of stunned.

Hawkeye’s resolute face suddenly turned red.

Eyebrows upside down.

It was already extremely angry.

Just wanted to find Qi Yu trouble.

However, he saw that Qi Yu had already entered the house with his arms around Gion’s waist.

Want to open your mouth to refute.

But he was stunned to find that he couldn’t say it.


Hawkeye Mihawk finally recovered from his stupid state.

“What’s the name of this?”

“Qi Yu that guy is really 、、、”

Hawkeye Mihawk was happy.

“But I seem to have learned some terrible secret!”

“Isn’t it true that Shanks 、、、 doesn’t like women?”

Thinking of Shanks’s unusual enthusiasm for himself, Hawkeye nodded.

“I’ll have to stay away from him in the future!”

Right now.

A new world thousands of miles away.

Red-haired Shanks sneezed for a minute in a row, wanting to cry but without tears.

“He’s meowing on me again!”



Spacious room.

Stare at~~~

Qi Yu and Gion stared wide-eyed.

The ambience is very quiet.

Half a day.

Gion sipped his lips and couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“Qi Yu, do you have one thing that you must apologize to me?”


Qi Yu asked obliquely.


Gion was in a hurry.

“Don’t tell me you forgot!”

“What did you do on the Isle of Justice two days ago?”

“Oh, that,” Qi Yu suddenly realized.

“I remember what seemed to be my going into the arrogant form, what happened to me in the arrogant mode, and what has to do with the current me!”

Qi Yu said seriously.

“Wow, ah, ah”

Gion went crazy.

Get started decisively and directly.

Knock down Qi Yu who is a ‘rogue’.

“You big liar, last time you obviously said that even if you are in a different camp, you must have a righteous heart!”

“Why turn around and do it to the Navy again?”

“Do you know that the tsunami you caused almost wiped out 100,000 sailors?”

Gion had tears in his eyes and a cry in his voice.

“If you really did, I… I just…”

A finger landed on Gion’s lip flap.

“I’m sorry, but you know, at noon, I can’t control myself!”

“Besides, I already knew my tsunami would be blocked!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“You already knew Kuzan was there?”

Gion was full of surprise.

“Of course!”

“How could the Kuzan guy not be there!”

Qi Yu smiled confidently.

“Why why?” Gion hurriedly asked.


Qi Yu did not hide either.

Entanglement of karma between the Great General Green Pheasant and Robin of the Straw Hat Regiment as he knew it.

There is also his own speculation about the Judiciary Island incident that informed Gion.

“How come?”

“Kuzan him he he…”

When it was learned that the general Green Pheasant had ‘planned’ the Justice Island incident.

Gion only felt as if his worldview was about to be subverted.

“Wait a minute”

Gion seemed to have thought of something.

“Then why do you know so clearly?”

“And that Nicole Robin! As soon as you said it, I remembered! ”

“I hear you seem to take good care of that O’Hara survivor!”

“Even flushed with anger and blew up the cp9’s Spandam?”

“Is there such a thing?”

Gion’s vision gradually became dangerous.

“Cough cough”

“Rumors, absolute rumors!”

“I just hate Spandam the scum!”

“It’s like hating Draco, and I will never let go of it when I encounter them!”

Qi Yu hurriedly straightened his face and explained his righteous words.


Gion’s long, narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

Her jade foot was pulled out of her high heels and lifted.

The little foot wrapped in delicate silk slowly falls.


“This is the punishment for the incident on your Isle of Justice!”

Gion arrogantly opened its mouth, like a queen high above.

Up and down!

It’s just that Gion’s arrogance is doomed not to last long.


The event came to eleven o’clock in the morning.

Arrogant sun passive, launched.

Qi Yu’s body suddenly swelled as a whole.

The ensuing sun-hot temperature made Gion face twitch slightly.

“They stomped me under my feet!”

“What arrogance! Gion! ”

Qi Yu’s large hands landed on Gion shoulders.

“Then let’s take a look!”

“Who is more arrogant?”





“I’m sorry~”

“I’m really sorry~”

“Please spare me!”

Gion begs for forgiveness.


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