The sun sets in the west.

The afterglow of the setting sun recedes.

Night falls.

Carrera Pool Square.

The roaring bonfire was burning.

Illuminates half the night sky.


The lights are brilliant.

People gathered together, singing and dancing.

The luxurious Carrera Pool Ballroom is a joy.

When the Pirates Straw Hat gang held a celebratory banquet.

The news that the whole consumption was paid by the ‘road boy’ spread.

The inhabitants of the entire Water Capital were moved by the wind and flocked to it.

Join this free carnival worth a hundred million.




Qi Yu, who had slept all afternoon, yawned and went straight downstairs.

“Yo, Mihawk, still waiting for me!”

Qi Yu warmly greeted the eagle eyes in the hall.

No response.


Qi Yu strode forward.

“Don’t hold on tonight, enjoy the banquet!”

“Forget what I say, you go on your own.”

Hawkeye Mihawk did not open his eyes.

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

Only when Hawkeye can’t pull down his face and celebrate with the little devils, he will no longer insist on it.

“All right.”

“I’ll have someone bring you something to eat and drink later.”

Without saying a word, Qi Yu stretched out his waist and strode towards the pool banquet hall.

After ten years in the red-haired pirate group, he naturally did not have the burden of an idol of Hawkeye.

As long as it is a banquet, where there is a reason to refuse.


Pool banquet hall.

The lights are brilliant.

The cheers and cheers of the people became the only thing in this place.

Qi Yu’s arrival did not cause much of a stir.

At this moment, everyone is immersed in the joyous atmosphere of the banquet.

In contrast, Qi Yu, who had completely absorbed his breath, was not very conspicuous.

To this.

Qi Yu also happened to be so happy.

After all, the banquet still has to be celebrated together.

If it is because of his reasons that lead to cold and rigid, it is not beautiful.

“Hahahahaha, brother, your amount of alcohol is really great~”

“So many of us can’t drink you!”

“At the banquet, I would like to call you the strongest!”

The French family and Carrera boatmen, who were drinking with Qi Yu, had just finished speaking, and the next second they fell to the ground.

It was already Qi Yu drinking and lying down.

“Got it”

Sauron, the Straw Hat Regiment’s recognized ‘drunkard’, was also defeated after several ‘confrontations’, and some could not hold back.


The corner where Qi Yu is located has also become the center of attention of the huge pool venue.

People’s eyes no longer focused on the straw hat gang, and gradually attracted Qi Yu.

One more line of sight rises.

Even if Qi Yu is low-key.

It is also impossible to hide the light that rushes into the sky.

An hour after Qi Yu perfectly integrated into the venue.

A long, straight black girl recognized him first.

“That’s… Mr. Qi Yu? ”

Robin subconsciously covered his red lips.

“I really made a big mistake that even my benefactor didn’t recognize it at the first time.”

Robin blamed himself.

The encounter at Justice Island two days ago.

Appearing in front of Robin’s eyes was Qi Yu, who had an arrogant and macho posture.

This also made Robin preconceive that it was Qi Yu’s original posture.

Start with a banquet.

She had been paying attention to the ‘big macho man Qi Yu’.

So much so that Qi Yu, who appeared in an ordinary posture, was ignored.

Although there was confusion, it did not attract much attention from her.

Until now.

When really looking at Qi Yu who perfectly blends into the banquet.

Robin finally knew.

It turned out that the benefactor was right next to me.

It turned out that Qi Yu had already arrived.

“Yes, that is Mr. Qi Yu’s real posture!”

“The same is true of the portrait on the wanted warrant that I have seen before!”

“I’m so retarded!”

Robin blamed himself in a whisper.

Taking a big long leg, three or two steps came to Qi Yu’s body.

“Hiccup, Robin, do you want to drink together?”

Sauron burped a drunken burp, looking confused.

It’s already a drink of hemp.

Robin nodded politely.

Then his gaze fell on Qi Yu again, without blinking.

“If you can, help me call that long nose.”

Qi Yu pointed to Usop, who was singing on the campfire stand.


Robin was well-behaved.

Not much time.

“What’s the matter?” Robin”

“My Sniper King’s Song is about to reach the highest dynasty!”

Usopp, wearing a mask, wondered.

“Don’t ask, come here!”

Robin urged.

Bring Usop to Qi Yu.

“Mr. Qi Yu, Usopp is here!”

Robin Road.


Qi Yu nodded.

Groped behind me for a moment.

He took out a star cloak and threw it to a confused Usop.

“Next, this is what your father asked me to bring to you!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth casually.


The expression under Usopp’s mask became more and more confused and puzzled.

“My father entrusted you to bring it to me!”

He looked at the star cloak in his hand.

The brain began to run wildly.

Usopp remembered his first encounter with Luffy.

The first time I saw him, a fool like Luffy recognized him.

Because someone had mentioned himself in his ear countless times.

It was his father, Jesus, !!!

It was that time.

Usopp learned a shocking truth.

The fact that his own father turned out to be in the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment.

Daddy is a member of the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment!

So is the person in front of him who brought his father’s things be…

It took a minute.

Finally sorted out the context of everything.

The face under Usopp’s mask was momentarily occupied by extreme shock.

“Lororo… Robin, this and this… Is this person just that…”

“Yes, this is Mr. Qi Yu, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment who saved us!”

Robin smiled and nodded affirmatively.

“Oh well”

“But… But what I saw that day was clear… It feels completely different! ”

Usopp was stunned.

On the day of the Justice Island incident.

He was one of the few people besides the Slayer Navy, who had witnessed the whole process.

He saw it clearly.

The man who freed Robin and defeated the Admiral and the Demon Slayer Order was clearly a fierce man with muscles like a dragon.

However, although Qi Yu in front of him was tall, he was far from reaching the same high level as he remembered.

That’s a full double.

“I know your confusion, but don’t doubt that this is Mr. Qi Yu’s Buddha-figure!”

Robin opened his mouth seriously.


With Robin’s assurance, Usopp has finally accepted the setting of a macho man becoming a handsome man.

“Really… Thank you very much! ”

Usopp hugged the star cloak in his hand tightly and thanked Qi Yu in a loud voice.

“I’m just bringing something for my partner!” No thanks! ”

“But you, boy, your father has always been proud of you, and you should respond to his expectations.”

“Don’t 、、、 for the sake of the so-called noodles”

Qi Yu shook his head and didn’t continue to say more.

For the contradiction between Usopp and the Straw Hat.

He was naturally clear.

But there is no need for him to mention something here.

When Usopp himself is willing to give up the so-called face, that is the real growth.

“Hey Alas”

“Sniper King~”

Luffy came swinging like a monkey.

“Sniper King”

“Hurry back and continue singing the sniper song!”

The little cute Joba who is about to offer a reward of fifty beries trots over.

“Usopp looks strange?”

“Go check it out!”

Nami and Yamaji also got up.

“Sniper King, what’s wrong with you?”

“This is a banquet, a banquet, why are you crying?”

Straw Hat Luffy laughed and slapped Usopp on the back.

“I am… I’m happy! ”

“For so many years, I… I still received it for the first time… Receive a gift from Dad! ”

Usopp cried silently.

“Alas alas”

“Sniper King’s father?”

“A gift has been delivered!”

Yamaji, Nami, and Joba all narrowed their eyes in shock.

Glance around, looking for someone who might be Daddy Usopp.

At last.

Nami’s eyes fell on Qi Yu, who was the most likely and impossible.

Look at Qi Yu, then look at Usop.

One is a handsome guy, the other…

Probably not, Nami is a bit dumbfounded.

“Nami, don’t be too disrespectful!”

Robin saw Nami’s careful thinking and rushed to explain it before she could speak.

“Mr. Qi Yu is just helping people bring gifts to Longnose Jun.”

“That’s right!”

Nami and the others knew.

“Wait a minute”

“Lororo… Robin, you said Qi Yu earlier? ”

Nami’s beautiful eyes widened sharply to the limit.

Not just Nami.

Except for Luffy the Straw Hat and the sleeping Sauron, everyone else narrowed their eyes.

Because they had already heard the name from Robin.

“He’s the deputy captain of the Red Haired Pirates, and ours… Benefactor!!! ”

“Alas, alas—”


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