“Mary, Sonia, what are you doing?”

Emperor Hancock came calmly and inquired.

The previous second was still leaning on the saromé with a high fever.

A miserable look of being seriously ill and dying.

This moment.

The female emperor Han Cook was completely healed and restored to the beginning.

There was not a trace of serious illness on his pretty face.

Some are just as beautiful and moving as ever.


The huge perfume snake deck was quiet.

Next second.

“Alas alas”

“Ah grin”

The fierce cries of the Nine Snake Girls rose and fell, one after another.

“Lord Han Cook~”

“Lord Snake Ji has recovered!”

“Lord Snake Ji is healed!”

“What the hell is going on?”


“Sister Lord”

Sandarsonia and Marie Groed strode forward.

“Sister, is your illness really getting better?”

“Doctor Ship, what the hell is going on?” Did you heal it? ”

“How the hell did it come about?”

Sandarsonia asked repeatedly.

At the same time, I was secretly glad in my heart.

Thanks to the sister who had previously stopped the impulse.


Now they really don’t know how to end it.

“No, Lord Sonia, not me!”

The Doctor of the Nine Snakes shook his head with a blank face.

“Lord Han Cook, it’s all of a sudden!”


“This kind of thing … Really fake! ”

The faces of the Nine Snakes were full of shock and puzzlement.

After all, they had witnessed the weakness of the female emperor Han Cook before and was dying.

That kind of posture of serious illness is definitely not pretended.

Moreover, Poyahan Cook had no reason to pretend to be ill.

“What are you talking about, Sonia, Mary!”

“Concubines have always been good!”

“Never got sick!”

Poyahan Cook opened his mouth calmly.

The pretty face looked at her sister and partner with an inexplicable color.

Looked at.

The look of confusion and surprise on Sandarsonia’s face was even worse.

Many people even fall into deep self-doubt.

Is it difficult to believe that they were wrong before?

Ignoring the sisters’ suspicious gaze.

Poyahan Cook stepped forward on his long legs and came to the bow of the ship.

Wait to see Qi Yu on the deck of the sheep Mei Li below.

Poyahan Cook’s pale face was suddenly reddish.

The little heart is pounding like a fawn.

“Cough cough”

Poyahan Cook coughed lightly.

“I’m sorry, the concubines’ sisters caused you trouble earlier!”

She apologized seriously.

“It doesn’t matter”

Qi Yuhun waved his hand indifferently.

“It would be better if it was all right!”

“Since that’s the case, I’m leaving!”


Qi Yu waved goodbye.

Again he steered the sheep Mei Li to go far.

This time, however.

I didn’t wait for the sheep Merry to drive a long distance.


The female emperor Han Cook who was still standing at the bow of the ship a second ago.

The moment was gone again.

Only to see her hiss softly.

The delicate body suddenly stumbled violently.

Then there is the fall of the listener.

“Sister Lord”

Hindsight, Sandarsonia rushed forward to help.

“Not good!”

“My sister has fallen again!”

“What the hell is going on?”

“If only my mother-in-law were here!”

“If you are a mother-in-law, you must know what is going on!”

The Nine Snakes were in chaos.


Summer cheers!

The two venomous snakes glanced at each other.

Without waiting for the order, he chased straight to the sheep boat.

The distance between the two sides was shortened to ten meters.

Poyahan Cook, who was seriously ill and unconscious, seemed to sense something, and opened his beautiful eyes quietly.

Stand still, full of blood, resurrection!

“Alas alas”

This scene completely stunned everyone.

But they didn’t wait long to be happy.

Within seconds of resuming Poyahan Cook, he pounced on the street for the third time.

The venomous snake rushed to follow up.

So it resumed.

If it is after several times.

Even a fool can guess.

Poyahan Cook’s anomalous symptoms were absolutely inseparable from the sheep’s boat.

“Isn’t it true that my sister is sick of dying away from that sheep ship?”

Mary Groed opened his mouth with a dumb face.

“Don’t say stupid things!”

“How can there be such an outrageous disease?”

Sandassonia Road.

“Lord Sonia, what are we going to do next?”

The cadre Zi Fanhua asked incomprehensibly.

“Before you find out the real reason, let’s follow for the time being!”

Sandarsonia nodded.

The vast sea.

Mianyang Meili and perfume swim snake one after the other.

Leave this fertile sea as the sun sets.

“Miss Emperor, I know you don’t want me!”

“But it’s almost there to be sent here!”

Qi Yu looked back and smiled at the female emperor Han Cook, who was peeking at him.

“Don’t… Don’t say stupid things! ”

Boyahan Cook, who has always been strong, arrogant and domineering, is now like a shy little girl, his eyes are panicked and evasive.

“Concubines… The concubine did not follow you. ”

A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.

Don’t admit it.


Qi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Is this sea yours?”

“Concubines just happen to have the same destination as you!”

Poyahan Cook had wide eyes and a hard mouth.

“That’s the way it is, that’s it.”

Qi Yu nodded knowingly and immediately stopped the ship.

“Then please ask Miss Emperor to go first!”

Qi Yu made a gesture of please.


The spirited female emperor Han Cook suddenly collapsed.

She pursed her red lips.

Look down at the big murderer.

Jade kicked uneasily.


Qi Yu smiled proudly.

The teasing of this easy female emperor is over.

“If you want to follow, just follow!”

“But if something happens next, don’t look for me!”

Qi Yu reminded.


The female emperor Han Cook’s beautiful eyes should drink even if they are shiny, happy and well-behaved.

“Today’s sister, there is indeed a big problem!”

Sandarsonia solemnly opened his mouth.

“Yeah, yeah!”

“My sister can’t be so well-behaved!”

Mary Groed nodded sympathetically.

But that’s it.

They really don’t know what to do.

For the time being, I can only take one step and look at one step, and follow.



Two days later.

Mei Li the sheep and the perfume snake arrive one after the other on a unique large island.

Paradise Island!

This is a famous resort island on the Great Route.

Every year, countless wealthy merchants and aristocrats from all over the world come here for vacation.

Even the world’s aristocratic Draco people would patronize from time to time.

Of course.

Every time Draco arrives, it is a disaster for this resort island.

The reason why Qi Yu came to this island.

Naturally, it was because of Shanks’s contacts.

In recent days, the world government has made a big move on this island.

Many warships and ships of the world government were sent.

The island may have been the battlefield between the Whitebeard Crusade and the Blackbeard Pirates.

So Qi Yu came.

Far away.

The island has not yet landed.

It is possible to see several large and eye-catching warships moored in the harbor of the resort island.

One of the lion-headed warships had the flag of the world government flying on its mast.

It’s just that

Qi Yu’s gaze swept over the port.

The brow furrowed slightly.

“Shanks’s intelligence is not reliable!”

Qi Yu whispered to himself.


It is home to naval and world government warships.

But he did not see the conspicuous white-bearded sign.

After all, this time the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was very powerful.

Half of the captains were on the move.

He even mobilized several affiliated pirate regiments.

Such a large number of people.

If anything, if anything.

The island will certainly not be as calm as it is now.


It’s not calm.

See and smell the domineering rough sweep.

Qi Yu sensed some vague situations.

That’s when it happened.

Qi Yu’s sight and smell seemed to capture something.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the corner of the coast not far away.

The air suddenly cracked.

More precisely, it is pushed open like a door.

A wooden man with horned hairstyles pushed a blonde woman out of the air gate.

“Kalifa, run!”

“Even if it’s just you!”

“Absolutely to live!”

The man with the horn closed the air door and disappeared.

The blonde woman burst into tears.

It’s just that

It didn’t take long.

“Ah, found it!”

“Here it is!”

A team of heavily armed world government black suits appeared.

“Hurry up and grab her!”

“She’s a slave girl hand-picked by Saint Saros!”


A group of men in black suits approached the isolated blonde woman with malicious intentions.

That’s when it happened.


The earth suddenly shook violently.

“Come here, I’ll have fun on this island!”


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