“It hurts… Painful”

At the ruins of the palace, the man who called himself Mitsuki Mita held his head and cried out in pain.

She was tall, and her figure was unreal under the cover of a wide kimono.

He wears a mask of the King of Ren tied around his waist.

A gradient of blue-green white hair shimmers with a moving luster.

“It hurts, Mr. Qi Yu, what do you do?”

“It’s me, I’m me! We saw it four years ago! ”

The man who called himself Mitsuki Mita had tears in his eyes and his mouth pouting under his mask.

“Who are you?” I don’t know anything about Mitsuki Oda! ”

Qi Yu smiled calmly.

“I… I am Yamato! ”

The young girl who called herself Mitsuki Mita shrugged her head, took off her mask, and said her real name.

It was not Mitsuki Mita, the original lord of the Kingdom of Wado, but Yamato, the daughter of Kaido.

It was only because eighteen years ago I witnessed Mitsuki Oda’s persistence in the oil pot for an hour.

She has since become a fan of Mita’s brain.

Obviously, she is a young girl, but her makeup, dress, words and deeds are all imitations of Mita.

“Mr. Qi Yu is really good!”

“I saw it all!”

“My dad… Kaido is not Mr. Qi Yu’s opponent at all! ”

Yamato looked at Qi Yu with a look of adoration, and his beautiful eyes glowed with a moving color.

“That’s it.”

Qi Yu’s face was marked by the arrogance he deserved.

Without waiting for the big sum to say more, it is to continue to take steps.

“Alas, wait a moment!”

Yamato hurried to keep up.

“Mr. Qi Yu, this time I really really have something important to ask you!”


Qi Yu’s eyes do not squint.

“Mr. Qi Yu, please be sure to help me remove the shackles and take me out of this place!”

Yamato ninety degrees bow request.

“So, why?”

Qi Yu asked calmly.

Just like four years ago.

Similar words.

Yamato had already asked for it once four years ago.

However, Qi Yu did not take her away at first.

Not out of fear that Kaido would come to the door.

It’s just that Yamato’s reasons for wanting to leave the sea aren’t enough.

Want to travel overseas like Mitsuki Mita and experience everything Mita has experienced?

What is this?

Just live according to the trajectory of others!

This life without self!

Qi Yu didn’t bother to help.

Even if it’s just a show of hands.

“This time is different, Mr. Qi Yu, I have found what I have to do!”

Yamato earnest and solemn opening.

“I’ve seen the news too, Ace… The leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Fire Fist Ace, is about to be publicly executed by the Navy! ”

“I want to save him!” Ace he’s my friend! ”


A brilliant firework exploded on the shores of the ruined Ghost Island.

Yamato looked at his hand in shock.

The explosive shackles that bound her life for eighteen years.

Just suddenly disappeared?

So sudden and unprepared.

“Mr. Qi Yu, thank you!”

The smile on Yamato’s face gradually widened and brightened.

Under the excitement.

She opened her arms.

Gave Qi Yu a big hug.

Just for a moment.

Her clothes were set on fire.

Shocked and slapped continuously, destroying Mars.

However, it is still inevitable to be burned out of one big hole after another.

The snow-white skin beneath it appears.

However, Yamato did not have any self-consciousness about this.

Not as shy or anything as the average little girl.

Just scratch your head and smile.

“If you want to go to sea, pack your bags now and wait for me on the boat.”

Qi Yu said calmly.

“Yes, Mr. Qi Yu!”

Yamato nodded his head and trotted away with a sneaking cigarette.


Qi Yu returned to the captain and took out two altars of wine from the cabin.


A brachiosaurus ship and several samurai ships from Hana no Goku dock on the coast of Oni Island.

“Lord Quinn”

“Where are the thieves now?”

“Has the thief who had the audacity to assassinate Lord Serpent already solved?”

The warriors under the general Black Carbon Serpent spoke one after another.

“Hahaha, that’s not a matter of course!”

Epidemic Quinn laughed wildly.

Although it feels a little incredible.

But the end of the Great War on the Isle of Ghosts is a fact.

Ten minutes ago.

Looking at the sky and the sky on the Ghost Island from a distance, he didn’t even move his heart.

It wasn’t until the terrible fluctuations of the great war stopped that the courage was finally plucked up to continue to advance and dock.

“Oh well”

“It’s really worthy of a hundred beasts!”

“It’s really worthy of Kai’s age…”

The cheers of the samurai began and came to an abrupt end.

The beanie-like eyes of the plague Quinn suddenly opened wide, smashed the sunglasses, and almost wanted to pop out of the eye sockets.

Because they saw the tall figure of the coast not far away that was as conspicuous as the sun, and no one could ignore it.


The cigar that Quinn had been clutching in his mouth for many years fell to the ground and bounced off a wisp of Mars.

The great shore fell into dead silence at this moment.

The samurai under the Great Serpent just stared at the terrified eyes and did not move.

The ambition of coming, the words of the black charcoal serpent were all left behind.

Look at the tall figure not far away.

Feel the horror of Naha’s world.

All that remained in their hearts was fear and tremor.

Qi Yu glanced indifferently at Quinn and the others.

Ignore it, and leave.

That’s when it happened.


A sharp cracking sound sounded.


“Crazy Boss!”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t be impulsive!”

The samurai were horrified.

However, the blue figure with the nose of the plane was already rushing out.

With an indomitable momentum, he ran towards Qi Yu.


The sound of gold and iron fighting exploded.

Qi Yu grabbed the samurai sword of the mad death lang with one hand.

The power of the sun burned the shiny body of the sword red, as if it would melt at any moment.

However, there was no fear on the face of the mad death lang, and the corners of his mouth grinned a little.

A moment’s stalemate.


A loud bang.

The premier chivalrous guest of the Flower City.

The underworld boss Berserker Lang was casually shot by Qi Yu and flew tens of hundreds of meters.

It fell heavily between the reefs on the coast, losing consciousness and falling unconscious.

Qi Yu didn’t look at Quinn and the other samurai either, and turned around and left.

Not much time.

Qi Yu returned to the Skeleton Banquet Hall.

The redhead and Kaido’s are still deadlocked.

Face is not yet coming down.

But with the arrival of Qi Yu.

The icy atmosphere of the field suddenly warmed up.

Qi Yu casually threw a pot of wine to Shanks.

Then he opened his own wine altar and drank heavily.


Qi Yu, who had drunk a pot of wine, smashed the altar with his bare hands.

“Where is the trouble, Shanks!”

“Just let me beat this guy to the point where he can’t take care of himself!”

Qi Yu took a domineering step.

The mighty momentum rushed like a tidal wave, covering the entire hall and the entire Ghost Island.

Twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Qi Yu’s strength reached its true peak.


The red-haired Shanks stood up, drank all his wine, and smashed it.

“Then come on!”

“If the two of you are together, it should be faster!”

Red-haired Shanks drew his famous knife from his waist, Griffin.


The second overlord qi exploded in the main hall.

Click, click!

The ground, walls, and skeleton banquet hall are riddled with cracks.

Under the double domineering spirit of Qi Yu and Red-haired Shanks.

The entire hall was on the verge of exploding.

“You… Don’t deceive people too much, you guys! ”

Kaido the Hundred Beasts was furious and stood up.


It was now twelve o’clock in the afternoon, when Qi Yu was at his strongest.

Qi Yu alone had suffered it.

If the red-haired Shanks mixes a hand again, then play a fart.

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido was already from the heart.

“Lao Tzu had no intention of doing anything!”

“It is clear that you are bent on coming to the door!”

“Besides, Whitebeard used to be my partner and had a good relationship with each other, so how could I fall into trouble and find trouble for him?”

Kaido stared at the bull’s eye and pretended to be angry.

This chapter comes and speaks with the gesture of righteousness as if Whitebeard is really his brother!

It was as if he had already assembled his troops a few days before, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to attack Whitebeard’s territory, and the plan was not what he had proposed!

“Ahahaha, is that so?”

People are hard.

Red-haired Shanks didn’t break through Kaido’s last fig leaf.

“If you don’t mean that, it couldn’t be better!”

“That is, the agreement has been reached!”

“Hum,” the Hundred Beasts Kaido snorted, not commenting.

“Then let’s go!”

The red-haired Shanks retracted his outward domineering spirit and smiled gently.



Qi Yu took a deep look at Kaido.

Staring at Kaido was a little hairy.

But in the end, nothing was done.

The red-haired Shanks is also the captain.

Until I watched the menacing figures of Qi Yu and the red-haired Shanks go away.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido sat back on the animal skin chair with his ass.

His back was already completely wet with cold sweat.


“Mr. Kaido”

“Lord Kaido”

Yan Yan and the others rolled their throats with difficulty, looking at Kaido.


Kaido looked sinister.

A slap shatters the stone table in front of you.

“It’s just two little devils, don’t get carried away!”

“If it were one-on-one, Lao Tzu wouldn’t be afraid!”

Two words came to Kaido’s mind.


As for who to tie with?

There is never only one option!



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