Above the sea, the wind whistles.

With the big events continue to ferment.

The whole sea is overshadowed.

Shrouded in an atmosphere called repression.

All over the world – southeast and northwest seas, great shipping routes.

Countless people are nervous and afraid.

Everyone in the world, including children of a few years old, knows it.

Whitebeard is a human being more terrifying than a demon and the strongest man in the world.

His presence governs the Age of the Sea Thieves that began after Roger’s death.

Among the many pirates in the sky, Whitebeard was always recognized as the one at the top.

This era was called Whitebeard!!!

Today, this represents the horror of an era.

After many years of silence, he finally woke up completely.

The public execution of the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s second team, Fire Fist Ace, was the trigger.

The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters is about to begin.

“In which direction will the world go?”

“Win or lose? Whichever it is, the next era is the best time for us to go to sea. ”

“Will Whitebeard really go to war with the Navy?” Just for a partner? ”

“It will definitely appear, Whitebeard, he is definitely not the kind of man who will leave his partner alone, the war can not be stopped, who can ascend to the top of the king in this era of violent exile?”

“The Mobicock is no longer visible in the territory of the Whitebeard of the New World, and the famous captains are gone, and it seems that the first half has arrived.”

“Hahahahaha, we just have to watch it, and the biggest drama of our time is about to open!”




The all-out war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy is in full swing.

The other side.

For the brief collision of the three emperors that occurred in the country of Wano.

But few people know.

Even the intelligence networks of the Navy and the world government are not aware of the difference.

The third day of leaving the country of peace.

Qi Yu and Shanks converged with the Red Regiment’s large troops.

After a brief explanation of some situations.

Qi Yu quietly left the team with Yamato.

Another day.

A huge floating island ascends over the sheep Merri.

“Wow, ah, ah”

“Empty island, really empty island!”

“What Mr. Oda wrote in his logbook is true, there really are islands in the sky.”

The curious baby snake who came to the open sea for the first time held one of Qi Yu’s arms, and exhaled with excitement.

Even Qi Yu’s arm was caught between the ‘justice’ in front of her by her, and she was unaware.

If it’s some other woman.

Such an act is inevitably suspected of seduction.

But if it was Kaido’s filial daughter Yamato, it would be a different matter.

After all, she had never considered herself a girl.


The golden lion Schi’s loud laughter came from the empty island.

A small black dot gradually expanded.

It didn’t take long to fall on top of the sheep Merriam.

“Oh wow, this old man, he seems to look very strong!”

Yamato is on the line.

“The little girl has a good eye!”

“Where are you from?”

The golden lion nodded satisfactorily and asked.

“She’s Kaido’s daughter.”

Qi Yu said calmly.

A moment of silence.


Golden Lion Shiki stared at the big and small eyes, and the old face had an extremely wonderful look.

“Kaido’s daughter?” Is it really fake, Kaido’s little devil can give birth to such a water spirit? ”

The golden lion carried a face full of absurdity and incredulity.

I couldn’t believe that the cruel-looking Kaido had such a flower-like daughter.

He was even more amazed.

The golden lion looked at Yamato, who was waiting nervously, and then at Qi Yu.

Look at the ‘intimate’ posture of the two at the moment.

Golden Lion Skey smiled.


“It’s really worthy of Qi Yu, the front foot captured the female emperor, and the back foot abducted Kaido’s daughter, not bad, the young man has the style I had in the past.”


Qi Yu squinted at the golden lion Shi Ji.

“Cough cough”

The pride on the golden lion’s face was stagnant, and he did not dare to put the score of his predecessors in front of Qi Yu anymore.

“Then again, Kaido’s handmaiden, if you think about it, you will call me an uncle!”

“I took good care of your father back then!”

The golden lion old god is in the opening.

At the end, he silently added in his heart, ‘Beating him every day is also a kind of care, if it wasn’t for their beatings, how could Kaido have the immortal body he has now’.


I have not experienced the sinister social little white Yamato Shin.

“All right, no nonsense!”

“Hurry up, the Straw Hat boy should be fine!”

Qi Yu shook his head and couldn’t help but intervene.


“Then go up first!”

The golden lion smiled and raised his hand to pat the sheep Merriam.

Under Yamato’s shocked and astonished gaze, the Melee took off.

A few minutes later.

Sheep Merry lands in the central square of the island.

The ring not far away.

“Rubber – machine gun fighting”

“Six Styles of Upanishads – Six Kings Gun”

The battle between Luffy the Straw Hat and Robluch is still going on today.

For the Straw Hat Kid who accidentally landed on the island.

Golden Lion Squire did not fully drag out his identity.

Just tell him.

Want to get out of here and go where you want to go.

The test must be completed first.

So these days time.

Straw Hat Luffy is either dueling against his former opponents every day or on the road to duels, and today is no exception.

“Those two people seem to be very powerful!”

Yamato marveled.

“If you want to play, go for it!”

Qi Yu Dao.


Yamato nodded in surprise.

Carrying the mace upside down, she tapped the deck with her toes, and her figure leaped out lightly.

Descend from the sky and enter the battlefield of Straw Hat Luffy and Rob Luke.

Luffy and Luke, who are perceptive, invariably perceive the arrival of a third party and punch in unison.

Yamato’s eyes lit up, not surprised, not retreating.


Dark armed colored air flowed from between his white hands.

Wrapped around the mace and exuding a sense of supreme power.


A stick to swing out.

With a thunderous sound.

The atmosphere is rippling with it.

Straw Hat Luffy and Robb Luke’s faces changed in unison.

Under the attack of Yamato’s strongest thunderous gossip.

Both of them were repulsed.

His feet made a mark of tens of meters on the floor of the ring.

“How can that be?”

“Luke and that straw hat boy were knocked back by double double-double!”

“Who the hell is that?”

“Except for the Sea Emperor, who can fight off Luke and the Straw Hat Boy at the same time?”


Kaku, Kalifa, Snuggle, Owl and others who fought in the ring all screamed in unison.

For the strength of the Straw Hat Boy and Luke, they are the most clear.

There have been reasons for hasty responses before.

But being able to knock off both of them with one blow is definitely not simple.

“Look, that ship, Lord Qi Yu is coming!”

Following the route of Yamato’s arrival, Kalifa saw the boat in the sky and exhaled in surprise.

“Ah, is that 、、、 Meili!!!”

At the same time, the shock and shouting were also the straw hat Luffy.


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