The end of the first half of the Great Passage – the islands of Chambord.

A week ago, Straw Hat Luffy, in anger, beat up the Draco, triggering the appalling Draco incident.

This led to the attack of Admiral Polusalino the Yellow Ape.

Under the overwhelming strength of the Admiral Yellow Ape.

Whether it is an ordinary pirate or a famous pirate supernova, there is no resistance at all.

All the way to the land of Chambord, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, which was still above Kidd, was almost tragically destroyed by the general Yellow Ape Group.

At the critical moment, if it were not for the timely appearance of Reilly and the Bear, the Straw Hat Pirates were destined to be only a flash in the pan and cease to exist.

It is also because of the turmoil between Reilly and the Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear, so that the Yellow Ape and the Straw Hat Regiment pass by, unable to make a difference.

In a fit of rage, the general Huang Ape arrested nearly five hundred pirates, large and small, in one go.

In the face of the yellow ape’s grumpy means of grasping small fish and prawns with one hand, all the pirates were horrified.

The pirates were all in hiding, leaving the shampoo at the first time to hide, and did not dare to show their faces for several days.

This also led to the exceptionally deserted Chambord islands on those days.

Some of the otherwise noisy and noisy illegal areas can’t even see a single shadow.

A week has passed since that incident.

The shadow of the general yellow ape faded, and the pirates on the island gradually returned.

And because I don’t want to miss a big event that is about to happen.

Pirates have re-infiltrated the mangrove island of Chambord 32 on a large scale.

A live broadcast of the war on top of the Navy Headquarters is about to be broadcast here.

The time is 10:50 a.m.

There were still four hours left before the public execution of the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s second team, Firefist Ace, at three o’clock in the afternoon.

The world is changing.

The eyes of the world are focused on Malin Fodo.

Countless people were waiting for the great war that was about to take place at the naval headquarters.

The war between the Navy and the old king of the New World, Whitebeard, the world’s strongest man.

The outcome of this war will determine the future direction of the world, people are so convinced.

Compared to the people in other seas, they can only wait for the final results of the notification.

The people of the Chambord Islands are much luckier.

Due to the close enough distance to the naval headquarters.

The Chambord Islands receive live images directly from the Naval Headquarters.

Right now.

The 32nd Mangrove Island of the Chambord Islands, live broadcast square, is crowded with people.

Journalists from the world’s major newspapers gathered together, staring unblinking at the central live screen.

Lively nobles and rich people kept coming to see the events of the times.

In addition, among the bars, tea shops, and shadow alleys in the surrounding area, one after another pirates who have gone through countless hardships to get to Chambord are gathered in pairs.

The protagonists are the supernova teams that have been rewarded with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Captain Eustaskid’s Kidd Pirates, Becky’s Flame Tank Pirates, Joe Ellie Pony’s Bernie Pirates;

Trafalgaro’s Heart Pirates, Empty Island Monster’s Broken Monk Pirates, Magician Hawkins’ Hawkins Pirates;

Former Rear Admiral Drake’s Pirate Regiment and the Long Hand Clan’s Broadcast Pirate Regiment of Disc Sound Apu.

No matter which one is a super rookie pirate group with great talent and strength.

Zatui appeared in the same year.

This is the first time since the beginning of the Sea Thief era.

Their simultaneous appearance seems to indicate that an era for new people is coming.

This time, the war between the old Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates of the New World and the Navy Headquarters further confirmed this.

As the most high-profile supernovae of the year.

Kidd and others are particularly concerned about the aftermath of the war.

Will the curtain of the old age, represented by Whitebeard, fall?

Will a new era come for them?

That’s what they really care about!


Before the opening of the war.

An incredible thing happened.

Attracted the attention of a large number of supernovae.

Is that the resurrection of the Pirate Straw Hat gang?


“Hey, hey, it’s impossible!”

The head of the radio pirate regiment played the disc sound of Apu strangely screaming.

“Straw hat!”

“That’s the Straw Hat Boy!”

“Luffy, the straw hat boy who was destroyed by the Seven Martial Seas and the Great General a week ago!”

“He he he … He’s back! ”

The crowd of the Flame Tank Pirates shouted in horror.

“Now it’s not the straw hat boy who should be concerned!”

“Why did that straw hat appear with that man?”

Magic Hawkins’ eyelids were pounding.

“The man next to that straw hat… That man he was…”

The strange monk Urgi of the Empty Island opened his mouth, but he could not say a word.

The emotion called shock suddenly occupied and dominated the whole body of everyone in the room.

“Deputy Captain of the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment, Uncrowned Emperor of the New World—Arrogant Qi Yu!!!”

Fallen Rear Admiral X Drake snapped a word and shook the opening.

“Monsters! The monster is here again! ”

In the second-floor restaurant, the big stomach girl Joe Ellie Bonnie did not forget to tear the pizza in her hand even if she was physically and mentally shocked.

“Redhead… The arrogance of the Pirates!!! ”


Captain Kidd clenched his fists reluctantly.

My palms were full of nervous sweat.

Obviously, I have thought about it.

After going to the New World.

It is necessary to challenge the emperors who stand at the top.

Pull them off their horses.

But when the figure at the top of the pyramid actually appeared in front of him.

Even if it’s just a passing by.

The slight breath that was inadvertently revealed was a trepidation in his heart for no reason.

Tens of trillions of cells are telling the story of danger.

“Mr. Qi Yu, there seem to be a lot of interesting people around here?”

“Sure enough, as Ace said, two years from now, the sea is going to be lively!”

Yamato looked around like a curious baby.

The pretty face under the mask is eager to try.

“It’s just a bunch of stinking boys!”

“Leave it alone!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.


Yamato is well-behaved.

Lu Fei, who did not squint at the straw hat, followed Qi Yu calmly.

Two minutes later.

Wait to see Qi Yu and his party of three leave the street.

The people in the light and in the dark all breathed out in unison.

Another five minutes.

Qi Yu arrives at Island XIII in Chambord with Luffy and Yamato in his straw hat.

Far away.

You can see a lonely little bar standing on a lonely hill.

It was Shaki’s ripping bar.

“Mr. Qi Yu, who are we going to see here?”

Yamato couldn’t help but ask again.

“Ah, there I know!”

The silent straw hat Luffy suddenly shouted excitedly.

Dull as he was.

After seeing the ripping bar also reacted.

“That’s Reilly and Shaki’s bar!”

“Everybody… Nami are they back? ”

Luffy thought nervously.

After greeting Qi Yu, he went full speed and took the lead in climbing the small mountain bag.

“Reilly? It always feels familiar! ”

Yamato’s face was suspicious.

A moment later.

“Reilly? Pluto Reilly! ”

“Could it be Mr. Mita’s partner, the Pluto King?”

Yamato reacted.

“Let’s go!”

Qi Yu moved forward calmly.

The other side.

Jingle Bells ~~~

Lu Fei, the straw hat who took the lead in climbing the hill bag, pushed open the door of the small bar in a fiery manner.

“Reilly, Shaki, have my buddies returned?”


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