Naval Headquarters, Marin Fodo.

Under everyone’s attention, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Grand Fleet finally appeared.

It confronts the full combat power of the Navy.

An atmosphere of terror haunts the skies over Malin Fodo.

The invisible will of war is falling.


Crescent Bay, the bow of the Whitebeard Pirate Mothership Moby Dick.

The white-bearded man with the name of the world’s strongest man grinned domineeringly.

The captain’s cloak behind him hunted with the wind.

“Wait for me, Ace.”


Whitebeard raised his hand and stabbed the knife in his hand into the whale’s bow, his arms wide open.

He clenched his fists violently with both hands and closed them in front of him.

The body leaned forward slightly, maintaining a half-squatting posture.


Whitebeard let out a low sigh, and his closed fists slammed open to the sides.

“Click, click, click”

It was as if the sound of something breaking was clearly in everyone’s ears.

Every navy in the square of the bay was stunned and wide-eyed.

“The atmosphere… The atmosphere cracked! ”

“How could there be such a thing?”

“Is this what humans can do?”

Following the fragmentation of the atmosphere, the sea around Malin Fodo underwent dramatic changes.

The sea was like a boiling, surging violently.

Beneath the clear sky, the sea rumbled.

The level is constantly rising, almost breaking through the sky.

“Sea quake! The white-bearded bastard shook the sea! ”

Sengoku roared in horror.

“That’s what Whitebeard is capable of!” How terrible is that! ”

Even the elite admirals of the Navy could not help but feel afraid at this time.

“Kula la”

Whitebeard laughed proudly.

One step at a time.




The ground roared with a bang.

The entire island of the naval headquarters vibrated and tilted at this moment with a magnitude visible to the naked eye.

The waves on the sea are continuous, and the water level is rising rapidly.

“It’s coming! The sea quake that the guy had caused earlier turned into a tsunami and came over! ”

Karp drank a reminder.

Just as Karp’s voice fell.

A huge shadow shrouded the naval headquarters, an indescribably large tsunami.

The power of a natural tsunami caused by human beings.

That’s what Whitebeard is capable of!

The power of the Shock Fruit in the Superman series that is strong enough to rank in the strongest sequence!


“Tsunami! It’s a tsunami! ”

“The sea quake caused by Whitebeard turned into a tsunami and came over!”

The sailors in charge of observing the coastline were shocked and shouted.

If the terrifying tsunami of that day were to fall on Malin Fodo, the consequences would be unimaginable.


At this critical juncture, it was one of the highest combat forces of the Navy Headquarters, General Green Pheasant Kuzan.

Justice Island incident a month ago.

The general Qing Yan was severely injured by Qi Yu.

However, with the monster physique of the general level.

A month’s recovery is naturally more than enough.

“Ice Age !!!”

The pheasant Kuzan leapt up from the execution table, his hands pointing at the tsunami waves on both sides.

Natural Frozen Fruit Ability Explodes !!!

‘Click, click’

The ultimate freezing gas is released, freezing the entire bay and the tsunami of the open sea.

The bright sun shines down and sparkles.

This move of the general Green Pheasant is also to completely turn the entire bay into a battlefield platform.

The fighting began to spread.

Smoke suddenly rose from the gun to the ground.

The Whitebeard Pirates Regiment fought a war between the pirate army of forty-seven pirate fleets and the 100,000 naval elite of the headquarters.

“It’s really scary ~ war”

Directly below the execution table, after the admiral Green Pheasant, the second highest combat power of the Navy was dispatched.

The Flash Fruit Ability turned the yellow ape’s body into countless photons and dissipated.

In an instant, the whitebeard appeared directly above the bay.

The dazzling golden laser shines.

For the great threat overhead, Whitebeard was unconscious.

I didn’t even lift my head.

“Yellow Monkey, how can you get in touch with our king so easily?”

Marko, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, lit up with the fire of the undead bird and soared into the air.

A type of ‘phoenix upside down golden hook’ will kick the general yellow ape away for 100 meters.

On the other side, face the terrifying slash of the crackable sea sent by Hawkeye.

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Captain Diamond Joz rushed out quickly, his body full of diamonds.

With a strong body, he turned Hawkeye’s slash ninety degrees and flew into the sky.

Then Joz did not retreat, and punched his right hand on the ice.


Joz let out a loud cry and buried his hands into the ice.

Pick up a huge piece of ice weighing tens of thousands of pounds and throw it at the execution table in the square of the bay.

“One or two are like this, if you are gone, who will guard the execution platform?”

The last admiral, Sakarsky the Red Dog, touched his small flat head and stood up.

“Big Spitfire”

The huge magma fist touched the huge ice cube thrown by Joz.

In an instant, countless scorching hot water mist evaporated.

Immediately after that, the Red Dog’s magma giant fist exploded, turning into countless fire meteors and falling.

Both the pirates and the navy are affected by the indiscriminate AOE of the Red Dog.

The scene was tragic.



The screams became the only melody in this battlefield.

Blood rain sprayed everywhere, and the shadow of swords and swords could be seen.

Every minute and every second.

The navy and pirates kept falling.

‘Bang Bang Bang Bang’

Suddenly heavy footsteps sounded on the surface of the coastal ice, like a war drum beating, making the rubble ice on the ice jump up.

In the depths of the fog, the huge figure gradually revealed its true face.

The little Oz, a demon with a green body and the size of several large warships, appeared.

Holding a huge chopper in his hand, he took a heavy step and walked firmly in the direction of the execution table.

Just like the straw hat friendship between the red-haired Shanks and Luffy.

There is also a unique straw hat love between Ace and Little Oz.

Little Oz looks rough on the outside, and a blue-faced fangs is enough to scare any child in the world into crying.

But in such a small Oz there is also a unique tenderness in his heart.

The original love of grass into a hat has now become the driving force for Little Oz to move forward.

Qiang Zi endured countless artillery fire erosion, and his steps were always firm.

“Ace, wait for me, I will definitely save you!”

Little Oz blasted away the last Giant Admiral in front of him and burst into the last bay.

At this moment, however, strange fluctuations occurred in the atmosphere.

Unlike the previous atmospheric vibrations of Whitebeard, this time, the atmosphere is compressing.

“That’s the Seven Martial Seas Bartholomew Bear!”

“What does he want to do?”

“Isn’t it… Little Oz be careful. ”

The pirates on the whitebearded side shouted reminders.

Little Oz looked down in hindsight.

What I saw was an expressionless bear with his hands folded and opened like a turtle sect qigong.

A bear’s paw-shaped ball that exuded a destructive aura drifted slowly toward his abdomen.


The power of the Bear’s Impact, a stunt that belonged to the Seven Martial Sea Tyrant Bear, exploded in full force at this moment.

The massive amount of atmosphere that had previously been compressed by the ability of the meat ball fruit in the bear’s hand expanded in an instant.

The unparalleled blast shock began with Oz Jr.’s abdomen and spread out in all directions.


Everywhere the shock wave struck, the screams were incessant.

Both the pirates and the navy flew out under this terrifying power.

On the thick ice, there are traces of interlaced paths.

The ice where Oz Jr. stood, and dropped by more than a few meters.

A circular ice cave with a radius of 100 meters then appeared.

Little Oz, who had suffered the all-out blow of the Tyrant Bear in the front, was scarred and his eyes turned white with a pair of large eyes.

There was blood splattering all over Zhou’s body.


Little Oz tilted his head, kneeling weakly on his knees, smashing two holes in the ice, almost unconscious.

“Little Oz”

“Captain Oz”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted in horror.

“Oz, you idiot.”

“But… Even such a stupid son, I can’t ignore it. ”

The whale boat bows, the white beard scolded in a deep voice.

An angry blow knocks an incoming Giant Clan general away.

However not waiting for Whitebeard to make further movements.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sense of depression in the air.

Whitebeard, Marko, Foil Bista, Sengoku, Karp, Generals, and more.

The powerful people in the entire naval headquarters battlefield all looked up at the sea in unison.

A brilliant pillar of sunlight rushed into the sky.


Suddenly, there was a loud popping sound in the atmosphere.

The frozen mist that enveloped the sea was melted by the terrifying heat.

It’s like the launch of a rocket.

The ice surface of the bay exploded several sonic boom clouds in succession.

A figure that seemed to be burning swept past the battlefield.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of unbelievable eyes, he parachuted straight towards the execution table.

“Ace ~ I came to save you!”



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