One punch out.

It’s like a big sun falling.

The terrifying heat distorts the air.

The ensuing force shattered the atmosphere.

This blazing sun from Qi Yu, the peak of noon, smashed down.

The armed defense of the legendary Vice Admiral Captain Cap, of which the legendary Vice Admiral Karp is proud, was instantly broken.

The inseparable armored shield and the fortress made an overwhelmed clicking sound under the weight of the blazing sun.

Then it exploded.

The ‘scorching sun’ fell firmly on Cap’s old face.


The burly figure of the hero Cap is poured out.


Karp’s iron head fell on the ground in the square.

The super-large crack that traverses east and west, splitting the battlefield in two.

In the midst of a loud noise.

The great naval headquarters was converted from two to four.

Endless earth, stone, dust and haze once again rushed into the sky.

“Mr. Cap!!!”

“Lieutenant General Karp!!!”

“How can this be?”

“That’s the hero of our navy, Vice Admiral Karp!”

“How could such a powerful Mr. Karp be 、、、”

The navies who witnessed the horror of the hero Kapu being knocked down by Qi Yu’s punch all trembled and shouted.

“Sizzle ~~~”

Even the hostile white pirates did not fall into the well and taunt Kapu at this time.

For this shocking picture seen in front of your eyes.

People just suck in cool air.


Karp is a legendary hero of the Navy after all.

Once an indistinguishable existence from One Piece Roger.

Also equal to their fathers.

However, it is such an undefeated legend.

At this moment, he was knocked down by a punch!!!

Dry flipping on the ground!!!

What a horror!

“It turned out to be true!”

“That’s not the man who is arrogant and complacent!”

“At noon, he is really the strongest in the world!”


Marko, Joz, Bista and other captains of the White Regiment were shocked.


The straw hat Luffy pursed his lips, and a little worry flashed on his face.

But soon he shook his head again.

“Now is not the time to worry about Grandpa, the most important thing is Ace!”

“Hey, Pineapple Head, let go of me quickly, or take me back to the execution table!”

Straw Hat Luffy struggled and shouted.

Immersed in the shock, Marco bowed his head, and the expression on his face was wonderful and inexplicable.

Pineapple head?

This is calling him!

“Don’t move, Ace’s brother, that execution table can’t get over now!”

Marco clutched Luffy the Straw Hat firmly with his undead claws, preventing him from messing around.



Execution table in the square of the bay.

“What the hell is that idiot Kapu doing?”

“When this is a turn-based duel? What can I do! ”

Marshal Sengoku glared.

“Mr. Sengoku, the situation seems to be not good!”

“Even if Mr. Karp is punched or two more, I’m afraid he’s going to fall!”

Admiral Yellow Ape reminded.

“Of course I know this kind of thing!”

After feeling Qi Yu’s previous punch that destroyed the decay and knocked down Kapu.

The Warring States knew that the speculation of the great general Qingjing that day was not self-respecting.

One minute from 12 noon.

That man has the invincible power to crush everything.

Even if it is Kapu, if he continues to be beaten, he will definitely not be able to hold on.

At that time, Karp’s defeat will be small.

The damage to naval morale in this war was the big thing.

At the same time, the defeat of the undefeated hero will also greatly reduce the prestige of the Navy in the hearts of the people.

Public or private.

Marshal Warring States knew that he could no longer watch the drama like this.

At least one minute with Karp to survive this invincible one.

He waved a big hand.

The cloak of justice behind him fluttered with the wind.

“Oh well”

“Look at the execution table!”

“The Warring States Marshal has moved!”

“Is it true that the marshal is going to attack too?”

“Is that monster arrogant enough to require Lieutenant General Kapu and the Sengoku Marshal to join forces?”

“But even if he is strong, he will face the heroes and marshals of our navy at the same time, he will undoubtedly lose!”


The sailors who sensed the actions of the Sengoku Marshal of the Execution Bench were all excited and discussed.

“Polusalino, during my absence, the execution table will be handed over to you to guard!”

“If something goes wrong, the fine is one year, three hours of overtime every day!”

Marshal of the Warring States majestic opening.

Without waiting for the general Huang Ape to say anything.

The Marshal Warring States figure was already shooting out of electricity.

“No such thing as ah~”




There were still forty seconds left before Qi Yu’s one-minute time limit for being invincible.

Qi Yu gave Kapu five seconds to recover.

Five seconds later.

Qi Yu raised his fist again.

The heavy fist wrapped around the sun and lightning relentlessly shrouded Kapu.

It’s about to hit again.

It’s right between this electric flint.

Marshal Sengoku arrives on the battlefield.


It was as if the yellow bell was ringing.

Another example is the ancient Buddha singing in Zen.


To be engrained in peoples’ hearts.

The golden light of the battlefield on top suddenly burst forth.

The magnificence of the light shines throughout the field.

That was the ability of Admiral Buddha of the Sengoku.

The animal is the Fruit of Everybody Fruit Esper Species Big Buddha Form, which broke out in full force at this moment.

For the first time, Marshal Sengoku showed his great abilities on this battlefield.

The first shot shocked the audience.

At the moment of a thousand gunshots.

Marshal Warring States’ impact Buddha palm with the brilliant golden ‘lightning’ effect blocked Qi Yu’s blazing sun heavy fist.

The Overlord’s ability to entangle is not exclusive to the pirates.

There are also the same overlord color entanglement masters in the Navy.

Not the hero Karp.

It is the marshal of the Warring States.

A marshal of the Warring States who possesses the justice of the King’s Landing.

Like the emperor traveling, the domineering power of the overlord color of the king’s landing in the world cannot be underestimated.

Combined with the shock wave of the esper Buddha.

In terms of attack power, it is not much weaker than the hero Kapu’s meteor iron fist.


Facing Qi Yu, who was invincible at noon, it was still not enough.

Far enough, not enough!

“It’s still far off!”

Qi Yu grinned.

A heavy fist like the blazing sun fell strongly.

In an instant, it was the overlord color Buddha palm shock wave that destroyed the marshal of the Warring States.

The huge war Buddha was also thrown to the ground.

“Oh no”

The Buddha’s mouth opened wide, and a mouthful of blood with golden light spewed out.

The qi and blood in the body surged upwards, like a terrifying wave.

But also injured.

Compared to Kapu who faces the blazing sun.

The state of the Marshal Warring States was still much better.

This is the time.

Kapu, whose brain is buzzing, is also a spirit that has been shocked by the Buddha’s voice of the Warring States, regaining consciousness and returning to thinking.


He rolled over and suddenly got up.

While making the sailors cheer and cheer for it.

It also made them shudder and tremble with fear.

After all, Karp’s situation at the moment is really not good.

The white hair turned into black hair—charred black.

What’s even more frightening is that.

Karp’s head – deformed.

It was already flattened, twisted, like a crooked jujube.

No more heroic martial arts.

The navymen’s attention to Karp’s appearance quickly shifted.

“Here comes Lieutenant General Kapu and the Marshal of the Warring States to join forces again.”

“It’s been twenty-two years, and it’s finally back, and the two legends of our navy are fighting side by side.”

“Twenty-two years ago, the Golden Lion Shiki made a big fuss about the naval headquarters and finally drank and hated under the joint efforts of the lieutenant general and the marshal, and this time will not be an exception.”

“The combined forces of the Sengoku Marshal and Lieutenant General Kapu are an invincible combination, and no one can defeat them both at the same time.”

Look at the two naval legends standing side by side on the battlefield in the distance.

The elite sailors of the Navy Headquarters were moved to tears.

“It should still be able to fight!” Karp! ”

Sengoku asked in a deep voice.


Karp moved the corners of his crooked mouth.

Iron fists clang.

“Navy hero and admiral, what an interesting combination!”

“If you two do this, you should be able to hold on a little longer, so that I can enjoy it for a while!”

Qi Yu smiled.

“Don’t get too complacent, arrogant little devil!!!”


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