The sky is the limit.

The sword is brilliant.

The sword meaning stretched for three thousand miles.

Supreme Fast Knife Black Knife Ace——

In this battlefield, the first time out of the sheath!


“Stop pretending!”

“Next we’re going to pull it back in one go!”

Marshal Sengoku roared in anger.


With the sound of Huang Zhong Da Lu.

The Battle Buddha once again showed his mighty posture.

The golden palm of the Buddha flipped between the two.

With a fog of ‘lightning’ flowing.

It was the embodiment of the overlord aura of King’s Landing.


The massive War Buddha exhibits agility and speed that do not match his posture.

Driven by the shaving of the six styles, the moment disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Qi Yu’s body.

The terrifying Overlord Colored Shock Buddha Palm fell towards Qi Yu’s cover.

Not yet touched.

The square under Qi Yu’s feet had already exploded and sank.

“It’s really underestimated!”

Qi Yu shook his head helplessly.

The supreme fast knife black knife Ace bloomed with the radiance of the sun.

A knife is thrown.

The heavens and the earth seemed to be darkened.


This sword of Qi Yu, who was a superior sword master, touched the overlord impact of the marshal of the Warring States.

The terrifying explosion ensued.

The already devastated and dilapidated headquarters further disintegrated.

The island bedrocks buried deep in the earth appear and shatter.

“Bastard, arrogant little devil, why do you still have such power?”

Feeling the power of Qi Yu’s sword, Marshal Warring States’ face suddenly changed.

No more self-confidence and arrogance.

In his original vision.

Survive that toughest minute now.

It is up to them to regain control of the situation.

He teamed up with Kapu to quickly take down the weak Qi Yu.

After that, he used this to cheer up the army, start the battle, and wipe out the white-bearded pirate regiment.

This battle will be a great victory for their navy.


Imagination is beautiful.

The reality was to give him a hard slap.

The first step in all planning is that something goes wrong.

The Overlord color shock wave that he went all out for was still easily blocked by Qi Yu.

Even vaguely, no, is indeed suppressed.

“Marshal of the Navy, you claim to be a wise general, but your brain is not very good at this time!”

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a hint of ridicule.

“What do you say!!!”

Sengoku cross-eyebrow cold pair.

“I am the sun in the sky, and even if it dims slightly, the sun is still the sun after all!”

“Your creatures on earth, whether ants or giant elephants, would be a little too stupid to want the sun above the heavens!”

Qi Yu slowly shook his head.

That arrogant posture and arrogant words were almost going to make the marshal explode his lungs.

I was eager to knock it to the ground on the spot and teach it a harsh lesson.

But he alone can’t do it.

Although Qi Yu’s attitude was very arrogant, arrogant enough that people couldn’t help but beat him.

But Marshal Sengoku also reacted at this moment.

Qi Yu’s arrogance does have its capital.

It was indeed he who was too optimistic before.

The minute at noon was the minute he was invincible.

Whoever collides head-on with it will be frustrated.

Beyond that.

Ordinary form Qi Yu without the blessing of the sun is also terrifying enough.

Overlord level Overlord color domineering, top armed color and smell color, superb Overlord color winding skills, that immortal King Kong-like physique, plus the world’s top level of kendo achievements.

All of this is added to one.

He was already the best of the Sea Emperors.

If you add the blessing of noon.

Even if it’s only the initial stage of eleven o’clock.

His strength level will also be greatly improved.

Truly reach the peak of the Four Emperors and Generals.

And over time.

This power will be further enhanced.

Stayed for fifty-nine minutes.

His power will indeed be far superior to that of the Four Emperors and Generals.


He was in his early twelve.

Today’s level of strength is still above the existence of the Four Emperors.

A single general, even if he was a marshal.

I’m afraid it’s far from that.

“Let’s move on!”

“Next, let you have a good understanding of my strength!”

“Marshal of the Navy!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

The Supreme Great Fast Knife Black Knife Ace bloomed the second hegemonic light.

Click, click!

The atmosphere crumbles at this moment.

Marshal Sengoku’s pupils shrank suddenly.

He felt his rounded Overlord shock wave shattered by a familiar force.

That was how 、、、 had felt when I had fought Whitebeard.

Sure enough, as the Great General Green Pheasant said.

The man had mastered some kind of terrifying power similar to Whitebeard’s ability to shock the fruit.

Quick as a wink.

The stalemate was broken.

The hidden vibration power from Qi Yu’s sword completely crushed the Marshal Warring States’ palm impact.

The body of the Marshal of the Warring States Buddha flew upside down.

Rotate seven hundred and twenty degrees in mid-air.

In the end, he was resisted and taken over by the soaring Kapu.

The golden light retreated.

Already injured, he was once again beaten by Qi Yu out of the true state of the Battle Buddha.

“Sengoku, are you okay?”

Karp asked in a deep voice.

“Ah, and… Good! ”

Sengoku spat out a mouthful of blood.

“That guy really seems to be like the second Shock Fruit Ability!”

“Not only that” Karp’s old face looked solemn to the extreme.

“Look at the knife in his hand, it’s Roger’s bastard’s supreme knife!”

Kapu, who had been fighting with Roger for half a lifetime, had already recognized the black knife Ace in Qi Yu’s hand.


Sengoku narrowed his eyes.

“Whitebeard’s abilities, plus Roger’s knife !!!”

This moment.

Both Kapu and Sengoku couldn’t help but dream back decades ago.

Back to the time when they were heroes and generals, chasing the two overlords of the sea.

Yet now.

They are faced with just one person.

A terrifying monster that seems to possess the power of Roger One Piece and the Four Emperors Whitebeard at the same time.

“It’s still a tough battle that follows!”

Hero Cap solemnly opened his mouth.

Marshal Sengoku nodded.

“Mr. Sengoku”

A frozen cold air approached.

That’s the Great General Pheasant.

“Mr. Sengoku, let me take over this battle next, and the overall situation of this war needs you to command!”

The solemn opening of the general pheasant.

“Kuzan, you…”

Marshal Sengoku’s face was worried.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Sengoku, I’m also a general in the Navy!”

“Even if you are defeated once, it will not leave a psychological shadow on it!”

The Great General Green Pheasant Wind Light Cloud Dao.



One of the generals who stopped Marco and Luffy in the Straw Hat at the execution table felt contrived.

“Kuzan, you’re good!”

“Then please!”

Marshal Sengoku did not shirk any longer.

Decisively turn away from the battlefield.

To this.

Qi Yu did not stop him.

As long as there are two more opponents of their generals, it is enough to enjoy.

“Mr. Karp, we finally have a chance to fight side by side again!”

The general Green Pheasant smiled.

“Don’t fall down too soon!” Kuzan Kid! ”

Cap Road.

“I’m not the little ghost I used to be, don’t underestimate me!”

Kuzan was dissatisfied.

“Poof, hahahaha”

“Let’s get started!!!”


The earth-shattering battle between one emperor and two generals has once again begun.


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