Chambord Islands, live broadcast square.

“Oh well, oh oh!”

“The Navy must win!”

“Justice will triumph!”

“Victory will ultimately belong to the just navy!”

“The Whitebeard Pirates are destined to perish today!”

In the square, reporters from major news agencies put down their pencils and papers.

The crowd of onlookers lowered their melons.

The crowd shouted in unison.

Across the screen, shout and cheer for the brave sailors of the headquarters.

Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for the Navy’s performance.


Next second.


A snowflake flashed on the screen.

And then it goes out.

Three live broadcast screens are black at the same time, losing the signal.


“What’s going on here?”

“Why is the screen dark?”

“Hurry up and restore the image, we want to see the war!”

“What’s the matter with seeing half without showing it?” Big deal we pay to watch the follow-up! ”

The huge live broadcast square is a mess.

The reporters and onlookers were anxious to scratch their hearts and livers.

It’s like running an errand, and you can’t get up all of a sudden.

Who can stand it!

“If I am right, the Navy must be making some big move!”

Death surgeon Trafalgaro said in a deep voice.

“How many meanings does it mean that big moves are big moves and don’t let people see them?”

“Didn’t you say that you were so great before, and in the blink of an eye, you will turn off the live broadcast, is it not afraid that the picture of the navy’s defeat will be seen?”

Skurachiman Apu cried out strangely.

“It’s not obvious thing, idiot trumpet!”

“The Navy is bound to be engaged in some kind of disgraceful operation again!”

Big Stomach Girl Joe Ellie Bonnie grinned widely.

“Captain Hawkins, do you have the results of divination?”


Magician Hawkins shook his head.

“There is a fog ahead, and the direction of this war is unpredictable!”

“There may be many 、、、 surprises that no one could have expected!”

Hawkins put away the tarot card in front of him.


Kira, the Killing Warrior with Super Saiyan 3 haircut, looks at his captain.

“Let’s go check it out!”

“The end of the old era and the beginning of the new era, how can it be without me?”

Captain Eustaskid grinned.

This moment.

Eight supernova pirate groups, move together!




Naval headquarters, on the battlefield

The encirclement wall operation was officially launched!!!

With the marshal Sengoku issued an order.

One of the Navy’s battle plans for the Whitebeard Pirates was launched here.


There was a loud rumbling sound under the thick ice.

Under the enraged gaze of the white pirates, blocks made of special alloys burst out of the ice, enveloping the entire bay.

What made the White Tuan pirates even more angry was this.

At some point, the navies that had rushed into the ice battlefield had quietly retreated.

Now there were only their white-bearded pirate regiments in this urn.

Seeing the situation, even the most obtuse people should understand what this is all about.

The navies didn’t need to come down to engage them in hand-to-hand combat.

All it takes is to keep filling the shells and completely break the ice, and they can almost wipe out the main force of their white-bearded pirate regiment except for the captain.

“Damn, it’s so despicable, Navy.”

“That is, if you have the ability, give me down, and I will beat you a group.”

“Is this what your Navy calls justice?” It’s just a bunch of incompetent rats hiding their heads and tails. ”

The pirates of the White Tuan shouted.

Resentful of the Navy’s despicable but highly effective strategy.

“Don’t be fooled by their gibberish, our navy’s task is to destroy the navy, and it is naturally best to be able to use this simplest way, which can greatly reduce the casualties of our army, and now start shelling.”

There were admirals who shouted loudly to stop the little young people with red faces.



From the iron wall of the copper wall rising from under the ice, one black hole hole after another appeared at the muzzle of the cannon.

Aimed at the people of the Whitebeard Pirates on the ice of the bay.

“The Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, all listen to me, now the soldiers are divided into two routes, the rear immediately retreats to the exit, and the others break through with me.”

Whitebeard gave the captain’s order.

The tide of battle was changing rapidly, and under such a wall, they had fallen into a complete disadvantage and had no way to fight.

The worst case scenario is that all of them will be trapped in this encirclement net.


“Daddy’s order, close to the exit to ensure a way out!”

“Ace will be fine, and we’ll get out alive!”

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted to convey Whitebeard’s captain’s orders.

Members of several affiliated pirate regiments closest to the exit pulled their legs and ran.

The exit was getting closer, but it was also at this time.

One of the pirates running in the front suddenly widened his eyes, and his footsteps slowly stopped in horror.

“That’s… What is that? ”

“Don’t stop, keep running.”

Someone urged.


A golden light shot out from the smoke in front of it and landed on the ice to produce a powerful explosion.

The golden red explosion is remarkable, releasing a large amount of light and heat.

“Be careful, there are enemies in front of you!”

“Those are… Those people are the Seven Martial Seas Bartholomew Bear! ”

There were pirates screaming in horror.

“Bear, how can this be? How can there be so many big bears, impossible? ”

Someone else screamed in disbelief.

The next moment, the only exit of the smoke and dust lit up dozens of golden dots of light.

A mighty rain of laser rays shot out at the pirates who were trying to escape from the exit, and the scene was terrifying.

“Damn, the exit is also blocked, damn the wall of surrounding, break it for me.”

A pirate wielding a wolf’s tooth stick roared and smashed his weapon against the iron wall.

In the end, however, his own weapon shattered to the ground, while the walls of the encirclement remained intact.

It was built by the Navy’s first genius scientist Begapunk using the Varbo memory alloy.

In terms of solidity, there are few metals in the world that can match.

“Get out of the way”

Just then, Whitebeard let out a loud roar and analyzed the situation for an instant.

They knew that if they really rushed out from that only gap, their white-bearded pirate group would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

And there must not be just a bunch of big bear fakes there, the Navy must have other arrangements.

As long as the gap in the encirclement wall can be opened, the situation can be alleviated to the greatest extent.

After analyzing this, Whitebeard endured the pain in his body and violently shook his fist.

A powerful shock wave landed on the encircling wall, causing the navy behind it to fly upside down.

However, the final result is only to leave a depression in the surrounding wall, which cannot be destroyed.

Look at the Whitebeard Pirates fleeing under the attack of the pacifists.

Marshal Warring States was still expressionless, unmoved.

The siege wall operation was a ‘surprise’ carefully prepared by the Navy for the Whitebeard Pirates.

The purpose was to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates in World War I.

Just like now.

It doesn’t take a single soldier to trap them alive.

Everything was planned.

The only thing that was no longer planned was Qi Yu’s appearance.

He who single-handedly balanced the two top combat forces of the Navy is the biggest variable in this war.


There are also red-haired pirates who have been silent since yesterday.

No one knows where they went?

Qi Yu’s appearance was an extremely bad sign.

The appearance of the untraced red-haired pirates is only a matter of time!

You have to prepare early.

Just when Marshal Sengoku thought so.

In the distance, a ‘cloud’ floated in the sky.

“Something in the sky seems to be coming towards the headquarters?”

The sailors on the watchtower suddenly shouted.

“That that… That’s the island! ”

“An island is approaching the headquarters!”

The shouts of the watchmen were heard throughout the field through the telephone bugs.


“It’s been decades gone, world!”

“Uncle Ben is back!” Shiver under the majesty of the Flying Sea Thief! ”


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