
The shattered naval headquarters shook violently.

It was further torn apart by the roar

The smoke and dust are like dragons, straight up into the sky.


“Lieutenant General Karp”

“Mr. Karp”

The 100,000 elite navies of the headquarters shouted anxiously.

Eagerly await the recurrence of the ‘miracle’.

Expect the pillars of their hearts to stand up again.

However, the miracle they were expecting did not happen.

The Navy’s generation of legendary lieutenant generals, the hero Kapu has fallen!

Totally defeated!

It adds a strong touch to Qi Yu’s record resume.

Long silence.

The ruins of the headquarters building remain silent.

Navy hero Cap failed to stand up again.

The hero really lost!

This fact caught all the navies off guard and were deeply shaken.

Karp’s defeat was nothing less than a thunderbolt for the entire navy.

All the naval elites on the battlefield, whether in battle or watching, were wide-eyed.

His face was full of disbelief, and for a moment he didn’t even know what to do.

“Mr. Karp”

“Lieutenant General Karp”

Kirby screamed in horror when he came back to his senses first.

He used the shave continuously, and rushed as quickly as possible to the ruins of the collapsed headquarters building.

Bogart and others from the G3 branch of the Navy also arrived immediately.

He dug into the ruins like crazy, smashed boulders, and dug the charred Kapu out of the rubble.

“Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Karp.”

The double-chinned teenager Berumeber cried out in panic, and the tears couldn’t stop flowing down.

“Still alive!”

“Lieutenant General Cap is still alive!”

Feeling Kapuna’s still beating heart, Kirby couldn’t help but burst into tears of excitement.

“Medical class!”

“Where is the medical class?” Hurry up! ”

Bogart and the others shouted and urged.

“Cough cough… Wow”

Beaten shut and went to Karp coughing violently several times.

Spit out a mouthful of black bruises.

“What’s the noise?”

“The old man is not dead yet!”

Karp scolded weakly.

“Great! It’s really great! ”

Bogart, Kebi and the others all shouted with excitement.

Word soon spread that Carp was still alive.

As a result, the hearts hanging on the battlefield of the entire Navy Headquarters were put down.

“Hard work! Old man! ”

At the execution table, Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane Qi Qi exhaled a long breath.

Karp is happy that he is still alive.

However, the current situation is becoming more and more serious.

Marshal Warring States’ gaze fell on the steaming cloud in the distance, and his expression was solemn to the extreme.

Even Kapu, the hero of the Navy’s undefeated legend, was defeated.

Who else in this battlefield can balance that arrogant monster?

As a marshal, he must now sit at the execution table.

At the moment, they had no spare strength to separate the corresponding opponents to drag the man’s footsteps.

All that remained was the Great General Green Pheasant.

“The situation may not have reached the most serious time, although Kuzan lost the previous time, but in the end he is still our admiral of the navy, and the man’s increase state is almost over!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru Michi, the Great Staff Officer.

At the end, she added another sentence.

“Big deal, if no one is there, I’m on!”

“Little Crane!”

Marshal Sengoku’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Don’t worry, I’m also a veteran of many battles, and 、、、”

“That guy didn’t dare to look at me like Karp.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru Road.



Chambord Islands, live broadcast square.

The only lit image is still live broadcasting the paddling air battle between the golden lion Shiki and the general Yellow Ape.

Even if it is a rare battle of generals.

It will get tired of watching it for a long time.

Not to mention, from the very beginning the battle between the golden lion and the yellow ape had no highlights.

The general Yellow Ape fired a laser, and the Golden Lion Shiki avoided it.

The Golden Lion Shi Ji slashed out a brilliant sword light, and the general Yellow Ape dodged it.

You have a laser, I have a sword.

You dodge, I avoid.

It’s like a boring turn-based paddling game.

There is not the slightest bit of a pop.

It doesn’t make people’s mood fluctuate in the slightest.

“Protest protest!”

“Unscrupulous anchor, quickly switch shots!”

“Let’s not watch those two men paddle the water!”

“I seem to have heard about the explosion of events in other battlefields before!”

“The director quickly switches the camera!”

The reporters in the live broadcast square and the melon-eating crowd protested and shouted.

I seem to have heard their complaints.

It was as if the Golden Lion Skey had said something.

The live camera finally switched.

At the same time, a professional host’s narration sounded.

“Now let’s give the camera to Elder Qi Yu… The battlefield of the Five Emperors Qi Yu and the hero Kapu! ”

“As you can see, not long ago, this battlefield has already achieved some results, and the victory and defeat have been divided!”

“Navy hero Kapu has been defeated, and this strongest battle is the victory of the Five Emperors Qi Yu!”

“The new world’s strongest man really lives up to his name!”

“Let us welcome the Five Emperors Qi Yu to the world’s strongest throne with warm applause!”

The host of the Flying Pirates opened his mouth passionately.

Snap Snap!

Warm applause rang out from the lion boat first.

Followed by.

The live broadcast square of the Chambord Islands also seems to be brought into the rhythm, and there is a little sparse applause.

“No… Wrong”

Suddenly, someone was drinking.

“How is this kind of thing possible?”

“That’s the hero Karp!”

“The undefeated hero of the Navy has been defeated!”

“How many times has Lieutenant General Karp, who has forced One Piece Roger into danger, how can he lose?”

“I don’t believe it, it must be fake!”

Journalists who are particularly familiar with the major events and news of the past years have taken the lead in ‘rioting’.

Their eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Unwilling to accept this fact.

For the glorious past of naval heroes.

They are the most clear about these newsmakers.

But even if you don’t want to believe it anymore.

The facts are right in front of their eyes.

Hero Karp, really defeated!!!



The naval headquarters went to the battlefield, and the war did not stop because of the fall of the hero Karp.

It was only Karp’s defeat that had a certain impact on the morale of the navy.

The fierce attack from the pirates of the White Regiment made the marshal Warring States dare not be distracted any longer.

I had to give everything about that battlefield to the great general Green Pheasant.

For the great general pheasant, this is undoubtedly a mountain of pressure.

It’s just that no matter how much pressure there is, you have to bear it.

“The temperature in the air is starting to drop!”

“After the final outburst, the man may have exited the amplification state early!”

“If that’s the case, I seem to be able to do it!”

The Great General Qing Yan thought to himself, and his turbulent heart gradually stabilized.

It wasn’t just the Great General Green Pheasant who had the same idea.

Holy Land, Mary Joyce’s deepest deliberative hall.

“It’s almost time!”

“That arrogant little devil’s increase is no more!”

“That bastard of Karp finally played a role!”

“Notice empty, ready to go!”

“The new world’s strongest is defeated and arrested on the first day of becoming the strongest, which is good news!”

The five old stars laughed.


With a long and narrow head of fire onion, the demon-like Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moria also smiled.

“The arrogant bastard of the red-haired pirate group, the vendetta of four years ago is time to liquidate!”

“My zombie soldiers, up!”


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