
A large flamingo took off.

It was the Seven Seas of Heaven and Night Fork Doflamingo.

At the same time as it soared into the sky, the palm of Doflamingo’s right hand glowed.

Dozens of thin threads that were nearly transparent erupted from the palm of his hand.

They are entangled and intertwined to form a slender line column.

According to his original vision.

This time, his biggest purpose in the battle was only to see the play.

Witness the end of the old era and the opening of a new era.

A few words of commotion by the way are enough.

It would be impossible for him to go all out and fight without reservation.

Not to mention fighting the terrifying Emperor of the Sea.

Doflamingo didn’t even think about it.

Because he was a man who couldn’t help but tremble when he saw Kaido.

As for the horror of the Sea Emperor, he knew best of all.

Just for now.

Watching Moonlight Moria, Tyrant Bear, Hawkeye Mihawk and even the female Emperor Han Cook.

The four great and seven martial seas attacked one after another.

Doflamingo, who was also the Seven Martial Seas, continued to stand idly by.

Plus being squeezed by the sailors.

Flamenco is also a little bit overheaded.

I always felt like I wasn’t here to do something.

In the future, I am afraid that I will be shorter than the other Seven Martial Seas.

From then on, he could not raise his head in front of the other Seven Martial Seas.

Come to think of it.

Doflamingo couldn’t help but take a shot too.

But just in case.

He didn’t get close to Qi Yu.

Instead, he took advantage of the tendency to ascend to the heavens and retreated more and more, pulling away far enough.

Launch an offensive from a distance with the ‘Super Strike Whip’.

If something is really wrong.

He can also retreat and escape as soon as possible.

Anyway, there were also close Pirate Emperor and Hawkeye Mihawk blocking in front.

He just needs to run faster than the two of them.

Come to think of it.

Doflamingo no longer hesitated.


In the midst of loud laughter.

Doflamingo’s right hand jerked back.

Swung out his ‘super strike whip’.


Just the moment his attack struck.

The smile on Doflamingo’s face froze.

Instead, there was a thick sense of horror and fear.

His mouth was wide open, and his pupils under his pink sunglasses were constricting.

In the dark.

A mighty overlord power enveloped his body.

That’s from the strongest gas machine locking.

That was the lock from Qi Yu.

“[email protected]#####”

In mid-air, Doflamingo was disheveled.

I only felt like a thousand alpacas were rushing through my heart.

He meows you don’t lock in to kill the pirate female emperor in front of you.

What do I do when I am locked a hundred meters away?

Do you look down on One Piece?

Doflamingo couldn’t help but fight for Poyahan Cook.

The next second, however.

Something happened that made Doflamingo dumbfounded.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of him and the navy.

The Pirate Female Emperor who was running towards Qi Yu did not even launch the petrified fragrant feet of pride.

Instead, it went straight and pounced into Qi Yu’s arms in public.

This is where to attack and block.

It is clear that it is to send 、、、

In a place they don’t know.

The arrogant and cold Pirate Female Emperor was actually captured by Qi Yu!!!

What a big event!

Not much less than the defeat of the hero Karp.

After all, it was the most proud beauty in the world.

The pirate woman who hates men the most, Emperor Boyahan Cook.

But now it is the initiative to give hugs.

This moment.

The broken main earth has many more human organs.

That’s people’s jaws and eyeballs that people drop.

Doflamingo: “I’m #####”

Right now.

Doflamingo began to stir up trouble again, greeting all the people who had pit him in his heart.

He finally knew the reason why Qi Yu did not lock on to the One Piece Female Emperor.

People are clearly a group.

At the same time, Doflamingo finally realized the fact that he had fallen into the pit.

I didn’t expect that cautious people like him would even have a day of being pitted.

Thoughts crossed.

Almost without hesitation.

Doflamingo turned and left.

Angry, anxious, panicked.

Even the line was forgotten to be cut.


Next second.

Doflamingo’s fleeing figure snapped.

Qi Yu raised his hand and grabbed the super strike whip that could pierce the golden crack stone.

Shake and rotate.

A super windmill suddenly appeared in the sky.

A swirling tornado storm ensues.

Good moments.

Doflamingo finally came back from his panic.

Cut off the tough line post in the palm of your hand.


A shooting star flew across the sky.

It was the Seven Martial Seas of Flamingo, who had been thrown out by a huge centrifugal force.

“Forget about it this time, Xiaoming, next time I’ll talk to you in Dressrosa.”

Qi Yu smiled.

“Lord Qi Yu~”

The female emperor Han Cook opened her arms and hugged Qi Yu firmly in front of her.

The beautiful face was buried in Qi Yu’s bear chamber.

Greedy breathed.

Inhaling the familiar smell that had been missing for a long time, enough to obsess her.

“Whoops, Lord Qi Yu, after so many days of not seeing, the concubine can’t help it!”

The cold pirate girl Emperor Boyahan Cook was now transformed into a spoiled little girl in front of Qi Yu.

The beautiful face is full of fascination, and I wish I could 、、、

“All right”

Qi Yu smiled and touched Poyahan Cook’s little head.

“Han Cook, now is not the time, wait for the war to end, and then make up for you!”


Poyahan Cook’s eyes lit up.

“Then I want Lord Qi Yu at noon!”

Qi Yu nodded, looking subtle.

“Then without further ado, Lord Qi Yu, this is the handcuffed key of the Fire Fist’s Hailou Stone, so finish everything quickly!”

Poyahan Cook couldn’t wait to open his mouth.

At the same time, he took out a key from the grand justice room in front of him.

Qi Yu took over.

Touch the little head of the female emperor Han Cook again.

To show encouragement and praise.

The female emperor Han Cook had a moving smile of satisfaction.


Qi Yu’s face changed slightly.

It seems to be aware of something.

Followed by.

The people who were originally shocked, envied, and jealous of the intimate relationship between Qi Yu and the Pirate Female Emperor also returned to God one after another and heard the screams of another battlefield of the General Emperor in the distance.

“What’s going on?”

“What happened?”

People looked confused.



The pirates of the white regiment suddenly screamed in fear.

“Oh oh oh oh”

“Admiral Sakarsky!!!”

“Mr. Sakarsky!!!”

The navy crowd shouted with excitement and excitement.

Just a few seconds ago.

The battlefield of the former world’s strongest male fourth emperor Whitebeard and the general Red Dog Sakarsky also underwent unexpected and surprising changes.

Under Whitebeard’s command, the long knife of Captain Skuyad of the New World Great Vortex Spider Pirate Regiment passed through Whitebeard’s chest.

Immediately after that, the lava dog head of the Red Dog was directly penetrated through the bear’s chamber of the white-bearded.


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