The greatest war on top of this era.

The situation is changing rapidly.

With another legend from the last era the sudden intervention of Pluto Reilly.

The leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Fire Fist Ace, was finally rescued.

The war is coming to an end?


The real big event is only now beginning.


“That’s it!!!”

Suddenly, there was a majestic sound of breaking the drink in the sky.

‘Click, click, click’

A uniform stepping sound sounded.

Not footsteps on the ground, but in the air.

All over the battlefield, people were looking at the air in unison.

A small black dot appeared in the endless clear sky.

It was a neat army.

Except for a few people.

Everyone else was dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, stepping on the moon, falling from the sky, like a heavenly soldier.

Standing at the forefront of that army was a sturdy old man with a strong spirit.

A Mohican hairstyle and an M-shaped goatee are his characteristics.

Not being angry and arrogant is his characteristic.

This is the majesty of those who have long been in power.


“That person is…”

“If I am not mistaken, that person is the former marshal of our navy and the current commander of the whole army of the world government!”

“Empty… Steel bone empty, that’s the empty commander! ”

“Oh oh oh oh”


When the identity of the heavenly man is recognized. Morale on the Navy side suddenly soared, and the cheers of the Navy could be heard everywhere.

This naval war against the Whitebeard Pirates.

From the very beginning, their navy had absolute superiority.

Whether it is the number of troops or the number of top combat forces, it is far above the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.


The war has been going on ever since.

Accidents are a continuous.

First, Qi Yu, who was the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment, appeared domineeringly.

With an arrogant posture, he overshadowed the two legendary heroes of the Navy, Karp and Marshal Sengoku.

In the end, he single-handedly defeated the undefeated hero.

The impact on the morale of the Navy is unparalleled.

After Qi Yu appeared was the legend of the twenty years of disappearance, the flying sea thief Golden Lion Shi Ji.

Their navy was ready to fight with all its might, and they were about to destroy the Whitebeard gang.

As a result, the Golden Lion Shiki came, and he broke the enveloping wall with his raised hand.

It caused them great losses and made them pay a huge price.


Now at great cost.

Their Navy’s execution of Fire Fist Ace failed.

It’s all because of the third uninvited guest.

Once the legend of Roger Pirates’ Order, the sudden intervention of Pluto’s Reilly.

If only Whitebeard and his gang had taken away the Fire Fist Ace safely.


The face of their navy will be completely swept away.

The prestige in the hearts of the people of the world will cease to exist at all.

This is an uncalculable collateral loss.

At this juncture.

The appearance of the former admiral of the steel bone is incalculable in the encouragement brought to the side of the navy.

After all, this is also a legendary figure who has commanded the navy since Roger’s time.


The legendary reinforcements of their navy also arrived.

It’s not just the naval elite of the headquarters.

When seeing the former marshal of the navy, the commander-in-chief of the three services of the world government appeared in the air.

The live broadcast plaza far away in the Chambord Islands is also boiling over.

“That’s a former admiral!!!”

“The current Commander-in-Chief of the World Government!!!”

“Steel bone hollow, the legend of the Navy has finally appeared!” Maybe there will be a turnaround here? ”

“The Navy is not yet defeated!”

“Great! I didn’t know what the result would be? ”

“Even the commander-in-chief of the three armed services of the world government has arrived!” Definitely! ”

“War … The war is far from over! ”

The reporters and melon-eating people in Chambord Square’s live broadcast square shouted excitedly.


“Hahahahaha, it’s been decades gone, Navy Steel Bone!”

In mid-air, the golden lion Shiji and the steel bone were separated by a hundred meters, looking at each other from afar.

Steel Bone Void just glanced indifferently at Golden Lion Stoney.

After that, he came to the battlefield with the Moon Foot Army.

“Sure enough, as Xia Qi expected, after so many variables appeared, the world government would definitely not sit idly by!”

Reilly ends his clash with the Marshal of the Warring States and joins Luffy the Straw Hat.

“Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armed Forces of the World Government!!!”

“Once a naval legend in the name of steel bones!”

“Isn’t it really impossible for us to retreat easily?”

Marko, Joz, Bista and other white team leaders all looked solemn to the extreme.

The arrival of the Navy’s legendary steel bone air has brought them great pressure.

What makes Marco and others more nervous and uneasy is Whitebeard’s current state.

Their old father’s white beard couldn’t last long!

“Empty… Commander-in-chief”

Marshal Warring States withdrew from the posture of the Buddha of War, nodded to the former marshal steel bone empty nod salute, the old face was full of obscurity, reluctance and self-blame.

“Don’t blame yourself, Sengoku!”

The steel bone air raised his hand to pat the shoulder of the marshal Sengoku.

“In the face of a succession of enemies, you have done well enough!”

“Then let me do my part too!”

“Yes!” Marshal Warring States responded, “Betting on the name of the marshal of the Shanghai Army, it will definitely not let the evil parties escape!” ”

Steel Bone Kong nodded satisfactorily.

Majestic eyes swept over the white crowd of people on alert.

Finally, his sharp gaze locked on Qi Yu, who was hundreds of meters away.

“Gee, it’s just you coming.”

The corner of Qi Yu’s mouth, which sensed the steel bone empty vision, raised a trace of ridicule.

“I originally thought that there should be more important people this time, and those five old men are really timid.”

“Obviously, I am just an ordinary sea emperor now!”

Qi Yu shook his head boredly.

The words spoken were that the sailors not far from him wanted to scold the mother.

What is an ordinary sea emperor?

Can the Emperor of the Sea be described in ordinary terms?

A group of naval elites only felt that their hearts were holding their mouths, and they wanted to throw up but could not spit out.

The steel bone void just stared at Qi Yu coldly.

“To deal with you, there is no need for the Five Old Stars to work hard, I am enough!”

Steel bone empty muffled channel.

“Oh well”

Qi Yu smiled.

If he is familiar with him, he must know.

Qi Yu’s smile at this moment represented something bad.

It means that someone is about to be unlucky.

[Although it is not the five old stars personally, but the steel bone of the commander-in-chief of the three services is not bad]

[Just take it to give Bibil a hand]

[After all, the appearance of beep always has to be expressed]

Listen to the long-lost voice of the heart that rings directly in your head.

Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyelids jumped.

At the same time, I can’t help but have infinite curiosity in my heart.

For the eliminated part of Qi Yu’s heart, Eagle Eye couldn’t help but scratch his liver a little.

Who is Beep!

Could it be Shanks?

But is Shanks’s words necessary?

Sharing the same mood as Hawkeye Mihawk is the dying Whitebeard in the confrontation with the Admiral Red Dog on the other side.

“What a grinding bastard!”

“Can’t you just say something straight?”

“You have to hang on to the appetite of others!”

“I don’t have much time left!”

Whitebeard smiled bitterly and complained.


“Thief hahahahahaha”

Suddenly, laughter came from behind the collapsed execution table.

“I smell the mighty smell!”

“This is simply the best hunting ground!”

Following the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the World Government, another group of people arrived at the top of the battlefield.


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