Naval headquarters, on the battlefield.

The biggest wars of our time have been frequented since the beginning of the war.

The current Emperor of the Sea in the middle of the day!

The legendary sea thief who has disappeared!

The former deputy of the royal group who has been hidden for many years!

Finally, even the ‘king’ of the Hell Death Realm has returned against the heavens!

From the very beginning, this war has been rushing and running towards the unknown!

To the present.


An unprecedented super-collision occurred.

A great collision gathered eleven top powerhouses standing at the top of the pyramid occurred.

Heaven and earth, overturned for it.

The ground of the Navy headquarters rumbled with overwhelmed loads.

It could completely collapse and sink at any time.

This legendary battle that will go down in history.

Thousands of years, a rare sight.

Even those in it know the danger.

But they are not willing to leave.

It’s like eight supernova pirates on the edge of the battlefield.

Even if he had offered to leave early, no one had left at the moment.

People just stared at the shocked eyes.

Without blinking, he looked at the rare sight of thousands of years.

The mouth is open, but not even a word can be spoken.

The shock of it all goes without saying.



Kira, a killing warrior with a super three-hairstyle haircut, suddenly screamed.

Awaken the supernova captains, including Kidd, from their shocks and dreams.

Suddenly turn your head.

The supernova’s eyes widened further.

“April Four… Four Emperors…”

“Red-haired Shanks!!!”

“They are the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates!!!”

“Sure enough, it’s coming, the Red-Haired Pirates!”

“The twelfth man has appeared!”

“Everything that has happened so far today will go down in history and be passed down for a thousand years!!!”

Supernova captains such as Hawkins, Urgi, Ap, and Cappenbecky shouted in shock.


“Sorry sorry to scare you!”

The kind Four Kings red-haired Shanks smiled apologetically at the supernova.

“Boss, look fast!”

“The situation is completely different from what we expected!”

The little fat man Laqilu narrowed his eyes, and his eyeballs were almost ready to jump out of his eyes.

“That that… Fighting the Admiral Pheasant is Mr. Reilly! ”

“Even Mr. Reilly is in the war!”

Jesus Bu screamed in shock.

“The state of the white beard is also very much of my concern!”

“How does it feel like Whitebeard is fiercer than before!”

“Has his injury healed completely?”

“This… What’s going on here? ”

The Red League senior cadres who have always been the most calm are not calm at this moment.

“Hey, hey, the most important thing to pay attention to now is not the white beard!”

Sniper Jesus Cloth shook his head unconsciously.

A face full of extreme shock and disbelief.

His gaze was only fixed on the man who had dueled the hero Karp without blinking.

The one who should not have existed in the world.

“That’s… That man is…”

“Fake it! Just kidding! ”

“No, no, no! Am I not dreaming now? ”

“Why did that person appear?”

“Is the man who fought the naval hero Karp really fake?”

“That’s the head of the head!” One Piece Roger! ”

“Wasn’t Roger One Piece supposed to have died twenty-two years ago?” Why did it come alive again! ”

“Who can tell me what’s really going on in this battlefield?”


The people of the red-haired pirates are all irrepressibly strange.

When he saw Roger the One Piece who had returned alive, no one could calm down.

In their cognition.

It is supposedly impossible for the undead to appear in this world.

But now it is really in their field of vision.

As far as they can see, show the power of One Piece.


Beckman trembled and held his cigarette and looked at the red-haired Shanks beside him.

Right now.

The most domineering man in this sea—

The four emperors’ red-haired Shanks eyes were already red.

“Roger… Captain!!! ”

Tears burst from the red-haired eyes and overflowed.

He suppressed the stirring emotions in his heart.

The figure swept and ran at full speed desperately.

To touch the figure.

However, just when there were only a hundred meters away from the figure in the dream.

The red-haired Shanks had a flash of red in his eyes.

The top sighters who foresee the future see a corner of the future see a corner.

He did not hesitate to change direction.


Griffin out of the sheath that does not lose the supreme big fast knife.

The ultimate Overlord color rushes into the sky.

The spiral is wrapped around the body of the knife.

Touched with the same impact of the overlord-colored Buddha’s palm.

“That’s it!”

At the same time as the collision, the red-haired Shanks opened his mouth and his mood tended to stabilize.

He knows.

The best greeting between Captain Roger at the moment is not tears.

Instead, he submitted a satisfactory answer to the captain who had high hopes for him.

Show him how he has grown over the years.

For example, in a critical moment, rescue your partner from water and fire.

Show off your handsome side.

Another example is to ask the marshals of the navy and the world government for face.

“I’m here to end everything!”

“Please give me a face!”

“Let the war end here!”

Red-haired Shanks domineering opening.


Marshal Sengoku roared in anger.

The light in the palm of the big Buddha became more and more magnificent.

Obviously there is no intention of giving the redhead face.


Red-haired Shanks was not without an embarrassed grin.

Griffin’s restrained domineering ‘lightning’ erupted.

Will the marshal of the Warring States shock upside down tens of meters.


Qi Yu, who had originally retreated under the steel fist of the steel bone, stabilized his body.

The power that was already close to boiling in the body subsided.

Just one-on-one.

Naturally, there is no need to burst the hole card.


The steel bone void, which was already approaching the age of a hundred, was naturally far from the opponent of Qi Yu, who was at the peak.

The steel fist that gathered all its strength was exhausted, and Qi Yu easily retreated tens of hundreds of meters.

The bear chamber rises and falls violently.


“It’s all right!”

“Because I’m already here!”

The red-haired Shanks turned his head to look at Qi Yu and gave a thumbs up.

For the handsome behavior of this red fruit fruit for the red hair.

Qi Yu just rolled his eyes.

Nothing was said.

But inside is inevitably a burst of belly slander.

【Ahahaha your size】

【Count your luck】

【If only I had to intervene a little later in the evening】

[I can’t promise not to bomb you together]


The red-haired Shanks’ laughter came to an abrupt end.

Whitebeard and Hawkeye: “?! ”

How many hole cards does this guy still have that don’t shine!


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