On the battlefield, the strange changes rise again.

The shouts of death suddenly froze.

The waves of the sea freeze still.

Even time seemed to freeze in this instant.

The whole world seemed to turn into a gray color at this moment.

The void suddenly gave birth to countless squirming shadows of vicious ghost claws, emitting the breath of the most evil.

In the center of the hellish claws, there was also a little eerie blue light.

That’s a blade.

With countless ghost shadows, he mercilessly stabbed straight towards Qi Yu’s heart.

Just when the blade with the flickering demonic light was only the last centimeter away from Qi Yu’s back.

Qi Yuwei’an, who was also immersed in gray and white colors, suddenly shook his body.

The sun shines brightly.

Forcing the gray-white color that makes time seem to stand still retreat.


It was the soft sound of the sword and the soldiers.

The demonic blade with the ghostly shadow failed to penetrate Qi Yu’s body, and it was blocked by the body of the Sun Holy Sword.

‘Click, click’

Like the sound of a mirror breaking.

A series of cracks appeared in the sky.

It eventually exploded.

Time resumes flowing.

Or more precisely.

Time never stops.

Previously, the gray world was a hyper-accelerated field.

It represents the ultimate speed in the world.

Under that absolute speeding.

The average person will be killed without even having time to react.

There are only four emperors and strong generals at the level.

With super strong insight and domineering, there is a certain chance to find the loophole in this speeding field.

And one hit breaks.

After all, this is beyond the speed of the extreme.

Relying solely on the flesh and blood of ordinary human beings.

Especially a crispy swordsman like Samurai Old Star.

It is simply impossible to maintain it for a long time.

“Whew, huh”

The blow failed, and the samurai old star was hundreds of meters away, his mouth wide open, and he was breathing heavily.


Using the previous killing blow was also a great burden on his body.

On the other hand, Qi Yu was introduced.

Still like a nobody.

Even if you take the initiative to open the arrogant posture is not small.

But Qi Yu was different from the warrior old star, the crispy old swordsman.

He is a real ‘monster’!!!

Physical strength is like running out.

In addition, there is still a sword of victory in the rotation.

The imitation of the sun in the hilt of his sword also became the source of Qi Yu’s strength.

There is no need to worry about consumption at all.

Qi Yu raised his hands.

The sword of victory in the rotation is raised above his head.

The body of the sword stretched for three hundred meters.

Lock on to the samurai old star who is gasping for breath in the distance.


The blonde old star on the side adjusted and relay the battle.


The wind is fierce, and the earth and stones are rushing.

Three pairs of angel wings behind the blonde old star flapped gently.

The sea rushes high under the strong wind, forming a series of waterspouts, one after another.

The six wings fanned again, the earth shook violently, and the sand and stones flew away.

Countless pieces of rubble rushed into the air under the blowing of the fierce wind.

In the end, even hundreds of thousands of pounds of stones were rolled up into the sky.

The blonde old star pushed with both hands.

Suddenly, all the saloon rolls and waterspouts went in unison towards Qi Yu to crush them.

Qi Yu took a step forward, and the sword of victory swung away.

The three-hundred-meter-long light cannon swept through the heavens and the earth.

It’s like chopping vegetables and cutting melons.

Chop and crush the terrifying hurricane tornado.

Between the hazy dust, there was a ghostly aura spreading through.

Qi Yuxin swung his sword in his hand and cut off a section of the corner of his clothes.

The four cases of passivity are not false and launched.

Under this passive bonus.

Qi Yu’s attack will definitely hit.

“The legs and feet are Liso!”

Qi Yu smiled lightly.


The samurai old star was furious and at the same time frightened.

Qi Yu’s sword had actually touched the corner of his coat.

This is an extremely bad sign.

This time it’s the corner of the coat.

Next time, wait until Qi Yu is more accustomed to his speed and trajectory.

Maybe it is to be able to capture his real body.

There can be no further delay.

The samurai old star gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

The field of hyper-acceleration is open again.

Jingle Bell!

The sound of gold and iron clashing is endless.


In an instant.

Qi Yu and the Samurai Old Star had already collided an unknown number of times.

It was the collision between the First Ghost of the Supreme Great Fast Sword and the Sun Rotation Holy Sword.

At the same time, it is also the collision between the body of the first generation of ghosts and Qi Yu Kong.

Face the speed of the Samurai Old Star beyond the extreme.

Even Qi Yu couldn’t catch it again and again.

If you can’t catch it, use the body of King Kong to resist hard.

Fortunately, Qi Yu’s Kongo body was tough enough.

Fortunately, the Samurai Old Star’s rapid attack power was completely inadequate.

But not anymore.

After all, it is still a big sword hao.

Dozens or hundreds of chops.

It also left Dao Dao blood marks on Qi Yu’s Kongo body.

Even if it is quickly restored under the immortal nature, it has appeared after all.

Of course.

Let Qi Yu in an arrogant posture be injured and bleed.

The Samurai Old Star could not have paid no price.

Just a limited number of sword collisions.

The damage done to it is already considerable.

Even if Qi Yu did not take the initiative to attack.

The hot sun fire that followed the sword still burned his clothes and skin.

The hidden double shock force even made his sword-holding hands crack and blood flowed.

The qi and blood in the body are even more surging and unembellished.

But this time, he didn’t go far to rest


In his hands, the demonic qi belonging to the first generation of the Supreme Great Fast Sword was fully released.

Behind him seemed to appear a gloomy scene of hell.

Countless ghosts are stirring.

It was accompanied by a creepy ghost cry.

It was like a scene of eighteen layers of hell.

The shortcomings of the warrior old star with little combat experience are revealed.

He lost his normal heart.

At this moment, it is bold to give birth to the idea of a head-on collision and put it into action.

He wanted to test Qi Yu’s depth with his strongest sword skills.

And this is also doomed to his defeat.

“Under the scenery of my yellow spring, go on the road.”

The Samurai Five Old Stars let out a broken sigh.

The Supreme Great Fast Knife First Generation Ghost slashed out.

The strange purple-black sword light carried the terrifying hell scene towards Qi Yu to suppress it.

“Hitting the sun with Yellow Springs is really stupid!”

Qi Yu shook his head.

The sword of victory in the rotation is cut down.

The fire of the sun from the masculine to the rigid is surging brightly.

The Samurai Old Star’s demon sword struck and collapsed at the touch.

The eerie shadow picture like the eighteen-story Senluo Hell was instantly burned away by the hot sun.


The samurai old star screamed in horror.

With his hands in his hands, he tried his best to fight against the crushing cannon of brilliant light.

The dark purple sword body of the first ghost was burned red in the heat.

It seems like it could melt and disintegrate at any time.

The flesh and blood of the samurai old star were also scorched black and mushy under the fire of the hot sun.


A misty divine light sprinkled on him.

Relieves its burning pain.

That is the healing power of angels.


The blonde angel Old Star spread its wings and struck Qi Yu sideways, forcing it to switch targets.

Whether he succeeds or not, the blonde star retreats with one blow.

Cover yourself with the fierce wind and come to the side of the samurai old star.

Take him with you and soar into the sky.

The battle had reached this point, and they no longer had hope, but only wanted to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible.

“I want to go!”

“At least leave some souvenirs!”

Qi Yu’s knees were slightly bent.

The island shook and collapsed.

The atmosphere exploded and roared.

By absolute power.

Qi Yu’s instantaneous speed surpassed the six wings of the blonde old star.

No sword swinging.

Because there are time intervals for swinging swords.

Qi Yu reached straight out and grabbed the Divine Angel Wing behind the blonde old star.


The blonde star was torn by hand!

Blood stained the sky red!


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