Naval Headquarters, Marin Fodo.

A top-up battle left the centuries-old base in ruins and on the verge of destruction.

In the pirates have left one after another now.

The skies over the naval headquarters remained bleak.

Up to the marshal of the Warring States, down to the ordinary elite navy.

They were all sitting on the ruins with their heads down, looking depressed.

The morale of the entire naval headquarters was extremely low.

This is a big battle on the top.

They lost

Defeat to the end!

Failed a mess!

The war, which gathered all the forces of the Navy, was ultimately lost.

Although they were not defeated at the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this war, there are too many unexpected variables.

But to lose is to lose.

The world will only remember the result of the defeat of their navy.

A heavy haze hung over the hearts of every sailor in the field.

The whole cause was the arrogant man.

That will be the nightmare of this world, of this new era.

The Navy’s elite generals could already imagine.

What kind of ‘hell’ will the next new era of upheaval!!!

“Attention all!”

“There is no time for sadness!”

“Now immediately retreat to the warship with all the wounded!”

The voice of Lieutenant General Crane of the Great Staff resounded over the broken naval headquarters through the telephone bug.

For Lieutenant General Crane’s sudden instructions, the sailors who were immersed in grief could not help but look confused.

The next second, however.

They know why.

In the roar, another piece of the ruins of the headquarters sank into the sea, swallowed up by the raging waves.

“Hurry up!”

“Hurry up!”


“The headquarters is going to collapse!”

The sailors shouted.

Those who still had physical strength rushed to carry the wounded to retreat.

Just ten minutes later.

All of them, including the dead and wounded, boarded the warship.


It was as if he had realized that the people of this land had left safely.

The ground of the mutilated naval headquarters sank into the sea with a roar.

It has experienced the power of fourteen top sea pyramid strongmen to wreak havoc.

No island can afford to live.

Even the naval headquarters of Malianfodo is no exception.

The once glorious naval headquarters has now become a passing cloud and no longer exists!!!

“Uh oh oh oh”


On each warship, the cries and wailings of the sailors rose and fell, one after another.

“An era has come to an end!”

Lieutenant General Crane sighed quietly.

“The naval headquarters is gone, and it can be rebuilt!”

“If people’s hearts are scattered, then really… Scattered! ”

Sengoku shook his head and sighed.

“It’s not time to give up!”

Cap’s head was fierce, and his eyes were clearer than ever.

It seems to be back to the glory days of riding the sea more than 20 years ago.

“Roger that bastard, I’m going to arrest him with my own hands and send him back!”

Karp clenched his fists and opened his mouth firmly.

“Marshal of the Warring States”

Brigadier General Brannewer trotted in a hurry.

“Communication with the outside world has resumed, and now everywhere we are asking about the outcome of the war, what we should do, and … One more thing…”

“The outcome of the war is pressed first, and what else do you say?”

Sengoku waved his hand weakly, and a small goat with a bell tied around his neck stood quietly beside him, opening its mouth from time to time to pull on Sengoku’s cape.

“Report Marshal, just now, the situation of the advance city has been determined.”

Brigadier General Branniu said hurriedly.

“Is Magellan all right?”

Sengoku asked weakly.

“No, Director Magellan was seriously injured and is still in the process of being rescued, and I want to report the tragedy of advancing the sixth basement of the city.”

“Due to the big trouble of Blackbeard’s gang and the great chaos in the city, in addition to the few people taken away by Blackbeard, there are many infinite hell murderers who have disappeared.”

Branniu said with a look of horror.

“What do you say!!!”

Sengoku once again narrowed his eyes in anger

“It would be a disaster for a sixth-level criminal in the underground hierarchy, even if he just escaped one and mixed into a certain country, and now quickly determine the number and identity of the number and launch a wanted manhunt for the world.”

Say the words.

Marshal Sengoku was like a deflated ball, instantly aged by dozens of years.

“Let’s take a break!”

Lieutenant General Crane patted Sengoku’s shoulder and softly reassured.



A continent of red earth, towering into the clouds.

On it lies the most prosperous capital in the world, the holy land of Mary Joy.

It is also the headquarters of the World Government.

At this time, in the depths of the Holy Land of Mary Joya in some glorious hall.

The silent frown of the old man representing the highest power in the world on the surface.

“Cough cough cough”

A suppressed cough of pain resounded in the dead and silent White Jade Hall.

The blonde old star’s old face was pale.

The bandaged back was blood-red and shocking.

Even if it has been dealt with in an emergency.

But the blood was still flowing.

Rao is a powerful restorative power of the animal esper species, and it is also invalid at this moment.

Because this time he hurt the ‘body’.

It was not he who carried the power of the animal esper angel, but the six wings behind him.


Only two wings remain of the six wings.

The blonde old star was seriously injured.

If you want to recover, I don’t know how many years of recuperation will be needed.

Compared to the blonde old star, however.

At this moment, the situation of the Samurai Old Star was even worse.

Finally finally.

Hit head-on by Qi Yu’s full-power rotating sword of victory.

The first ghost of his Supreme Great Fast Sword had dense cracks and was on the verge of disintegration.

Even though his body was not cut off in two.

However, the heat from the light cannon almost made his whole body highly burned.

If it were not for the timely assistance of the blonde old star at that time, at the same time with the healing power of the angel to add blood.

A moment later.

He is bound to evaporate under the power of the sun and cease to exist.

“That arrogant bastard, silent, has grown to this point, and his strength is far beyond our prediction.”

The five old stars in black suits looked sinister.

“What worries me more than his strength is why Roger is resurrected?”

“And the elixir that almost brought Whitebeard back to life, so what?” Who owns it? ”

“Is it all made up by that arrogant little devil?”

“What the hell is he?”

The five old stars with aristocratic curls gritted their teeth.

“One Piece Roger, Four Emperors Whitebeard, Golden Lion Sckey, Pluto Reilly, Red-haired Shanks, and Arrogant Qi Yu”

“This force is far beyond the Navy, beyond what we can constrain!”

Dark blue suit old star cold and gloomy opening.

“Perhaps, it’s time to ask Lord Im for instructions!”


The other three all nodded.

“The next thing is to get busy, and the sea is about to usher in the unprecedented chaos of eight hundred years!!!”


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