“What do you say!!!”

“One Piece? Roger? ”

“Hasn’t that bastard been dead for twenty years?”

The voice of the Hundred Beasts Kaido raised eighteen degrees above eighteen degrees echoed in the Skeleton Hall.

“What a joke!”

“How can the dead be resurrected?”

Also screaming were Quinn and Drought Jack, who arrived later.

“Roger did reappear on that battlefield!”

“The exact reason is unknown, but there is a lot of evidence that it all has to do with the arrogance of the Red Pirates!”

The solemn opening of the embers of the plague.

“Arrogance! Arrogance again! ”

“How come that bastard again!”

Kaido, a hundred beasts, was furious and looked fierce.

“Lord Kaido, there is more urgent matter than this one at the moment!”

The royalist panicked to the point of confusion.

“Is there anything more outrageous than the resurrection of Roger the One Piece?”

Plague Quinn had a grim expression on his face.

“No, no, no, this is terrible in another sense!”

“This war on top of the Navy headquarters has formed the strongest pirate alliance in history!”

“Arrogant Qi Yu, Red-haired Shanks, One Piece Roger, Four Emperors Whitebeard, Pluto Reilly, and Golden Lion Shiki!”

“These six people may have been completely connected to each other!”

The royalist exclaimed.

The voice dropped.

The great skeleton hall fell into a death-like silence for a moment.

“What do you say!!!”

The plague Quinn was completely broken.

Frightened by this possible news, the eyeballs were all broken through the goggles.

Kaido, a hundred beasts who were drinking from his own drink, was also choked.

The previous time it was Qi Yu and the redhead, it was enough to choke.

It is difficult to win over an ally at the same level.

I thought that I would have been moving from now on.

Can not fear any force in the sea.

But now.

You told me that the number of imperial powerhouses on the other side had been upgraded from two to six!!!

This is a spanking!

If it’s really an all-out war.

I’m afraid that people will be finished with a charge.


Kaido the Hundred Beasts will not forget.

The original ruler of the kingdom of peace that he occupied.

Mitsuki Oda, who was shot by him in a frying pan eighteen years ago.

He has spent time with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates.

They are the two monsters’ common companions and brothers.

Previously for a variety of reasons.

He was never liquidated.

But today is different.

“Mr. Kaido, what are we going to do next?”

Drought Jack, who has always been the most iron, is also instigated and obedient at this time.

After all, it was a strong person of the level of the Six Sea Emperors.

If the other five people also stared at Qi Yu’s ivory and decided to play with him one by one, then…

Drought Jack shivered coldly, and couldn’t dare to think about it anymore.

“Kaido, you have to make plans early!”

The fire plague embers said in a deep voice.

“Come, contact Lingling now!!!”



The whole sea is stirring and shaking because of the results of the war on the top.

Shocked by the resurrection of Roger One Piece.

Panic over an unprecedented new era.

At this moment, the floating islands of the Golden Lion Stoney.

People standing on the cusp of the storm are holding a grand banquet.


The war on top is night.

Moon stars are rare.

Bright moonshines fall.

The sea is sparkling.

Somewhere in the sky in the first half of the Great Passage.

A huge floating island flies aimlessly, slowly and aimlessly, casting a large shadow on the surface of the sea.

On the surface of the sea, there are occasional merchant ships or pirate ships passing by, and they detect the floating islands in the sky.

Whether it is an ordinary businessman or a vicious pirate, they will all look frightened in their faces.

Then flee immediately, immediately, as quickly as possible.

Before the War on the Top, this group of floating islands created by the Golden Lion Shiki was just a legend on the sea.

Only a few people have seen it occasionally when they look up.

After the war on the top, the floating island group of golden lions is no longer a secret.

It’s not just the Golden Lion Stone’s lair.

At the same time, it is also the base of the first power in the sea.

Right now.

Large Winter Island Central Banquet Hall.

A grand banquet is underway.

It was two days before the war began.

All the preparations for this celebration banquet have already begun.

Because the outcome of today’s war has long been predetermined.



“Everyone, start a happy banquet~~~”

Lu Fei, the king of the banquet, raised his hands high and shouted in excitement.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

The little fat man Raqilu, Jesus Bu and other red-haired pirates shouted in unison.

For the Red-Haired Pirates, the banquet was like a common thing.

Open anytime, anywhere.

Emotions can be entered anytime, anywhere.

The melodious song of pirates echoes in the warm banquet hall.

It adds a bit of excitement and excitement to this banquet.

– Oh

Bring Binx’s wine to your side

Like the sea breeze riding the wind and waves at will

On the other side of the sea

The sunset is also noisy

The song of the birds

Draw circles in the air

Goodbye the land of harbor silk

Let’s sing a song, the song of the voyage

The waves of gold and silver also turned into splashes of water

We left only because of the ocean…

Driven by the atmosphere of the red-haired pirates and the straw hat Luffy.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates also gradually entered the state.

The pirates were meant to be a good hand at the feast celebrations.

Although they also lost a lot of partners in today’s war.

But now that the war has been won.

All they have to do is celebrate with their dead companions, nothing more.

The atmosphere of the banquet hall gradually moved towards the highest dynasty.

“Hahahahaha, although eating and drinking, food and wine are all managed today.”

Golden Lion Schipper laughed.

“This is the pomp and circumstance I want to see!” But in my lifetime, no, even in the past, I have never organized such a luxurious lineup! ”

“But for the rest of my life, I’ve found peace of mind!”

Golden Lion Shiki’s expression gradually became firmer.

“Ku Lala, Shi Ji, you guy has indeed allied with Qi Yu!”

Whitebeard laughed.

“Oh no, Whitebeard!”

The red-haired Shanks moved his ears and quickly denied it.


Whitebeard, Marco and the others were stunned.

“The relationship between Mr. Skey and my ship’s vice president is not a simple alliance.”

Red-haired Shanks said with a point.

“Not an alliance, what is that?”

Many people subconsciously opened their mouths, looking like the second monk was confused.

“Kula la”

The whitebearded man who was the first to grasp the voice of the red-haired voice grew louder and louder.


“So it was so it was!”

One Piece Roger and Pluto Reilly nodded knowingly.

“Hee-hee, Captain Roger, Vice Ray, now rounded up, Mr. Squire is also mine…”

“Shut up! Redhead boy! ”

Golden Lion Squire gritted his teeth in annoyance.


The crowd laughed.


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