It is a small island of peace and tranquility.

It’s almost late afternoon.

The villages on the island are full of cooking smoke.

The gentle sea breeze blows through, making the orange groves rattle.

This is the village of Cocoa West in the East China Sea, famous for its sweet oranges.

It is also the home of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment’s navigator thief Nami.

More than half a year ago.

This is also a hell on earth dominated by the fishmen and dragons.

In order to buy the village from the hands of the dragon.

The young girl chose to carry it all alone.

Do everything in your power to wander around this dangerous sea.

However, just before she was about to save enough to buy the village’s 100 million Baileys.

The harsh reality was once again to crush her.


That’s when she met an idiot teenager in a straw hat.

The evil dragon gang that had been entrenched here for eight years was defeated.

The village, dominated by pirates and decaying navies, was liberated.


Half a year has passed.

Peace and tranquility have been restored here.


The waves lap against the sand.

Sent to guests from afar.

A dhow moors moored on the back coast of the village of Cocoa West.

“Lord Qi Yu, where is this place?”

Kalifa asked curiously.

“Small peaceful village, always has a reassuring atmosphere!”

Yamato opened his arms in fascination.

“The familiar smell of oranges, is it true that this is …”

Robin raised an eyebrow.

I only feel that the sweet orange smell in the air is somewhat familiar.

“East Sea Cocoa West Village, the oranges here are very famous in the East China Sea.”

Kerla, a girl of the revolutionary army, said the name of the island.

“It’s Nami’s hometown!”

Robin nodded.

The pretty face unconsciously raised a touch of curvature.

It is rare to come to the hometown of a partner.

She had already thought about it, and she must take a good look at it.

By the way, you can also help Nami bring souvenirs.

“Mr. Qi Yu, what are we doing here?”

Saab asked curiously.

“Eat oranges!”

Qi Yu answered calmly.

Without saying a word, first step towards the orange grove not far away.

In the orange grove filled with the sweet and fresh orange aroma.

A young girl with short blue hair skillfully prunes the branches.

Pick the ripe yellow fruits.

“This young lady, is this orange grove yours?”

Kirra tapped the ground with his toes, and came to the blue-haired girl Nokigao with light and agility.

“Well… Wow”

Be startled by the sudden Kerla.

The blue-haired girl Nochi exclaimed in surprise.

Scared to fall off the ladder.

That’s when it happened.

A pair of strong hands passed through her waist and held her up, so that she did not fall to the ground.

“Lord Qi Yu”

“Mr. Qi Yu”

Kalifa and Robin smiled, holding one of Qi Yu’s arms to the left and the right.

“Cough cough”

Qi Yu coughed softly and withdrew his hands.

Before, he just subconsciously wanted to save people.

Absolutely no other thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Miss Orange, I didn’t mean to.”

“I’m so sorry to scare you.”

Kirla apologized.

“No, no, no, it’s okay!”

“I should have said thank you!”

Nochi waved his hand repeatedly.

“Then again, this lady has…”

Noki’s high gaze swept over Kira, and then landed on Qi Yu’s party, who was slowly walking not far away.

Just one glance.

Nokiko’s beautiful pupils suddenly contracted.

It was as if he had met the most incredible person in the world.

She is a village girl in a small village in the East China Sea of Peace.

Nokiko did not understand the world situation or anything.

I don’t know anything about the big people in the world.

But that was before.

At the top of the war ended now.

Everyone in the world knows.

A man more terrifying and powerful than Whitebeard has appeared!

That will be the king who will rule the whole sea!

Even a village girl in a remote village like Nokigao knows.

What a big man suddenly appeared in front of her now!!!

“You are…”

Under this huge impact, Nochi opened her small mouth high and did not catch her breath.

Eyes rolled.

I was stunned on the spot.


Kirla screamed in panic.

“Don’t panic, Kira, this lady just fainted.”

Saab reminds.

Robin glanced at Qi Yu.

Qi Yu said that he had nothing to do with himself.

He really didn’t do anything before.

A few minutes later.

Under the care of Kirla and Robin.

Noki’s high eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she was about to wake up.

That’s when it happened.

“Who are you?”

“What do you want to do to Nokigao!”

A guard with a windmill on his head, scarred face, and a fierce look came running in a fiery manner.

“Don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong, we’re just…”

Yamato stepped forward and wanted to explain.

However, the oppressive force brought by that huge size directly caused the windmill Ah Jian to fall to the ground.

Yamato reluctantly let go.

Next second.

When seeing Qi Yu not far away.

“You you you you you…”

Windmill Ah Jian’s eyes were wide open.

As soon as his body twitched, he also fainted on the spot.

Qi Yu: “…”

“Mr. Ah Jian”

This is the time.

Nokiko woke up.

Looking at this scene, I couldn’t help but cry out in panic.

Subconsciously thought that Qi Yu had done something.

The critical moment.

Robin stepped forward.

“Miss Nokiko, do you know me?”

Robin looks closely at Nokigao to attract his attention.

“You are…”

Noqi Gao subconsciously froze, and a little suspicious appeared on his pretty face.

“Are you Nami’s partner, Miss Nicole Robin?”

Nokiko let out a cry of surprise.

For his sister’s Straw Hat Pirate Group, Noqi Gaozi is very familiar.

Especially after the Justice Island incident.

All members of the Straw Hat Pirates made a bounty.

Robin’s bounty order is also one of their collections.

“Well, I’m Nami’s partner!”

“So don’t be afraid, we have no malice, just pass by by accidentally!”

Robin said solemnly.

Under the soothing of Robin.

The turbulent little heart of the village girl Nochigo finally settled down.

Not much time.

Windmill Ah Jian wakes up.

After listening to Nokigao’s story.

The throbbing and fear in his heart gradually calmed down.

“Miss Robin, you’re here, but what about Nami?” Nami must be fine! ”


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