East Sea, sea restaurant Barati.

At this moment, the atmosphere is calm.

Huge fish-shaped restaurant.

There is and only one table of guests.

The chefs of the restaurant.

Each one is hiding behind the door and in the corner.

Peeking at the only guest at the table.

The body trembled uncontrollably with fear.

This is extremely rare for the chefs of Barati.

As a famous battle chef restaurant in the East China Sea.

Bharati is known for its delicious meals.

Also famous in the East China Sea are the powerful Battle Chefs.

Under the training of head chef Redfoot Jepp.

The chefs here are not weak.

Ordinary pirates can’t turn over any storm in their hands.

Even if it is the Navy, if it is making trouble here.

These thorn-headed chefs are not used to it either.

It is inevitable to punish with a fist hammer.


Today is an exception.

The one who suddenly came to their restaurant today, they really did not dare to provoke, nor could they afford it.

“Why did a big man of that level come to us?”

“Not long after the war on the top, why did the King of the Sea appear in the East Sea?”

“This kind of question, you ask me, how can I know!”

“I only pray now that the king of the sea will be satisfied with the food we have prepared!”

“Otherwise, we in Balatti are really not good this time!”

“Such a terrible sea thief, a random sneeze can tear us down!”


The fighting chefs of Baratti trembled.

“What are you all gathered here for?”

“Looking at it again will cause trouble for the guests.”

“Even the gods will not be able to save you then!”

The one-legged old man wearing the chef’s top hat is a majestic drinker.


“I’m sorry!”

The cooks did not dare to stay any longer, and returned to the back kitchen in a hurry, nervously waiting.

Repelled the unsuccessful men.

Red-footed Jeep cleared his throat.

Immediately put on a hospitable face and pushed the cart forward.

“King of the Sea, can today’s meal still suit your taste?”

Red-footed Jepp bowed respectfully.

“It’s delicious, it’s so delicious!”

Yamato couldn’t stop screaming.

“It’s a restaurant that has cultivated Yamaji.”

Robin smiled slightly.

“Good value for money”

Saab devoured the image in spite of the image.

“As you can see.”

Qi Yu nodded.


“It’s great that everyone can eat happily!”

Red-footed Jepp had a flattered expression.

“Then enjoy this dish!”

Jepp serves the special delicacies on the cart.

The lid is lifted.

Suddenly, the fragrance is overflowing.

The light is shining.

This is a truly luminous dish.

As for its producer.

Nature is not Red-footed Jepp.

Instead, Qi Yu had quietly gone to the kitchen after resting.

As for why you should be sneaky.

The reason is also simple.

Let Robin, Carlyfa, and others know that he still has such a craft.

I’m afraid that in the future, I will have to argue to let him serve as the three meals a day.

Qi Yu’s craftsmanship, it is enough to eat once in a while.


I’m afraid the girls on the ship will get fat in a short time.

A meal.

It lasts from five o’clock in the afternoon until seven o’clock.

Even the Kalifa who is clamoring to lose weight.

Today was also an exception to eat one bite after another.

Yamato, Kira, Saab and others praised while eating.

Hearing the red-footed Jepp couldn’t help but feel a pang of shame.

Wipe your sweat while answering the call.

Only he knows.

Such a world-class treasure was not from his hand, but by Qi Yu’s means.

It’s not just the strongest force.

Even the cooking is so superb.

Jepp could not think of any adjectives to describe the shock of the heart.

Seven o’clock in a moment.

The girls’ memories are over.

Each returned to the ship and prepared to sail.

“Jep, another dish, you help me keep an eye on some of the heat, probably tomorrow or so, if someone comes to me, you will give it to her.”

Qi Yu finally gave an order.

“Yes, King of the Sea!”

Jepp respectfully responded.

The sloop sheep Merry set sail again, heading for its destination.

At noon the next day.

“Vice Admiral Gion of the Navy, this is what yesterday’s guests ordered me to leave for you!”

Red-footed Jeep brings a beautiful soup dish that has been boiled for nearly a day and a night to Gion.

Gion lifts up and takes a sip.

The eyes that had been dim suddenly lit up.

The cold and frosty complexion is also warmed for it.


“Don’t think you can buy me with just one dish!”

Gion hummed proudly.

“Wait, I definitely want you to look good!”



Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea.

This is the country with the most beautiful and cleanest country in the East China Sea.

It is also Qi Yu’s destination after leaving Cocoa West Village.

Of course.

Qi Yu’s real target was not the decaying capital of the Goya Kingdom.

It’s a small village on that same island.

Windmill Village in the Kingdom of Goya.

At first glance.

This is just a small ordinary village in the East China Sea.

However, in this village that is too ordinary to be ordinary, there are many unbelievable characters.

The legendary Vice-Admiral Munch d Cap, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Munch D, the son of One Piece, Potekas d’Ace, the future One Piece Monchi d Luffy…

That’s where it all came from.

The hometown of Luffy, the son of Destiny’s straw hat.

It was also the hometown of the blonde teenager who was now walking with Qi Yu.

It’s all coming.

Let’s see if we can help Saab recover some memories.


Qi Yu actually had another important purpose.

That was the Kanban Lady of the only tavern in the Windmill Village.

The green-haired woman named Marcino.

Of course, Qi Yu was not interested in the village flower Marciano.

The main purpose is to explore whether there is any unknown connection between Marciano and the redhead.

In Qi Yu’s impression.

The captain of the family, who is not interested in women, is suspected of having a leg with the village flower Marciano.

And two years later there was a son.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

The sun is shining.

Qi Yu and his party landed in Donghai Windmill Village!!!

“I’m back!”

Saab let out a breath and whispered to himself.

The color of nostalgia appeared on Sunlight’s face unconsciously

“Saab, what’s wrong with you?”

Kirla tilted his head in confusion.

“Nothing was too much”

Saab hurriedly waved his hand.


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