One o’clock in the afternoon.

Above the sky hung a thick cumulonimbus cloud.

The pouring rain poured down without warning.

The sea is surging and the waves are wave after wave.

Not long after, two crimson towering continental walls appeared in Qi Yu’s line of sight.

And between the red earth continents, a canal rushes up against the current under the tug of special magnetic forces.

The climbing canal of the upside-down mountain is a spectacle that will be breathtaking, no matter how many times you see it!!!

“Let’s go”

Qi Yu whispered, controlling the sheep Mei Li to enter the middle of the canal impartially, and climb up to the top of the mountain in the face of the fierce wind and rain.

Behind, Kirla and Saab flew the Navy reconnaissance ship modified by Qi Yu to keep up.

“Wow, this is the Upside Down Mountain!” I’ve only seen it in books before, and it’s the first time I’ve seen it like this! ”

Yamato stood at the bow of the ship, screaming in excitement at the storm.

“I’ve heard that the entrance to Upside Down Mountain occasionally has a moving wall, and if you accidentally touch it, once you hit it, it will immediately collapse and disintegrate, I don’t know if we will meet it this time.”

Kirla’s mysterious way.

“Oh, if only it had happened, wouldn’t it have been great?”

“Then why is there a moving wall at the entrance?”

“Is this a man-made mechanism or a natural magic!”

Yamato was spooked.

“Miss Yamato, that wall is actually an island whale from the West Sea, and under normal circumstances it doesn’t deliberately block people.”

Saab explains.

“What, it’s a whale!”

“Wait a moment, Cape Gemini, whales, lighthouses, I seem 、、、”

Yamato seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help but look suspicious.

Sheep boat.

Kalifa and Gion are also short of interest.

But Robin’s eyes lit up.

For the island whale Rab of Cape Twins, Robin naturally wouldn’t be unaware.

Even if you didn’t experience Cape Twin with the Straw Hat gang.

But then at the time of Moria’s terrifying three-masted schooner

Robin also learned everything from the Straw Hat and other people.

It is learned that the whale has been waiting for the return of the Rumba Pirates.

The Rumba Pirates had been destroyed fifty years earlier.

But their last partner, Brooke, is still alive.

“This time, let me go and say hello on behalf of everyone.”

Robin thought.

“Oh well”

“You can already see the sky!”

“The beginning of the great voyage, here I come!”

Amid the shouts of the hot-blooded maiden Yamato, Mei Li the sheep and the reconnaissance warship crashed through the barrier of the cumulonimbus clouds.

Suddenly, the sky is bright.

“It’s so pretty!”

Stand at the top of the Upside Down Mountain and look at the endless sea.

Even Kalifa and Robin were amazed.

But the beautiful scenery doesn’t last long.

Next second.

The bow of the sheep Merry fell downwards and began to fall, swooping down at a rapid speed driven by the current.

Fortunately, this final steep slope is not too big.

In just a minute, two small boats rushed into a smooth strait.

The beginning of the great voyage, Cape Twin has arrived.

“Have you arrived?”

“It should be here!”

“Is this Cape Twins?”

“Yes, we have arrived safely.”


After the pleasure, Yamato looked around, as if looking for something.

“Kirra, Saab, doesn’t that mean there are whales bigger than islands?” Why not? ”

Looking at the quiet Twin Cape, Yamato couldn’t help but wonder.

“Don’t worry, it’s coming soon.”

The answer to Yamato’s question was not someone else, but Qi Yu.


In the blink of an eye, Qi Yu had already stood firmly at the top of the mast.


The next moment, a fierce roar suddenly came from below the surface of the sea.

The calm sea ripples in circles.

Then the sea suddenly bulged, as if some behemoth was about to jump out of the sea.

The huge waves pushed the two small boats backwards for more than a hundred meters.


The behemoth that was rapidly emerging from the sea let out a cry of joy.

Sharp sound waves came and shook the deaf, causing the little girls on the boat to cover their ears in unison.

“That’s the real body of the ‘wall’!”

“Is that an island whale?”

“It’s so big! Bigger than an island! ”

Kirra, Yamato and the others sighed in amazement.

Although the existence of island whales is known, Kirla is still the first time to see it.


The huge island whale Rabu looked at the familiar sheep Mei Li without blinking, and once again let out a cry of joy.

Although the boat did not have a straw hat flag on its mast, Rab knew it.

This is the ship that used to be a gang of straw hats.

But when Labuna’s brass bell eyes swept across the boat.

Didn’t see familiar people.


Rab’s cry was tinged with anxiety.

The huge body writhed uneasily.

“Giaogiaogiao’s, noisy death, the old man’s rare nap time, have been wasted by you Ah hey, Rab.”


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