“Good value for money”

On the shores of Cape Twins, the exclamations of the girls are heard one after another.

“What the hell is this fairy taste?”

“Can a simple grilled fish reach this level?”

“I never knew that grilled fish could taste so good!”

“It’s so delicious.”

“And this fish soup, it’s just a masterpiece!”

“I’ve never eaten such a delicious dish!”


The girls marveled at the same time.

The line of sight also fell on Qi Yu’s body.

There are shocks and there are grudges.

Shocked by Qi Yu’s cooking skills, it is so strong that it can be called a unique step in the world.

Qi Yu had never told them about it.

Let these laymen be in charge of three meals all day long.

He, the real chef, watched their clumsy cooking skills from the sidelines, watched them get into trouble, and made all kinds of kitchen jokes.

It’s 、、、 too much!

If only it hadn’t been revealed by Gion today.

They are afraid that they will be hidden from heaven and earth to grow old.

“Oh wow”

Kalifa whimpered, with a chuckle expression.

“What’s wrong? Carlyfa, isn’t that palatable? ”

Qi Yu smiled.

“No, no, no, how come!”

Kalifa shook her head.

“It’s just that Lord Qi Yu is so much that we never knew it!”

“Such a delicious thing, Lord Qi Yu, you don’t make it for us to eat!”

Kalifa muttered a small mouth.

“Who said you didn’t eat it?”

Qi Yu took it for granted.


Carifa was stunned.

“The sea restaurant Balatti that time?”

Robin was the first to react.

At that time, they had eaten a delicious dish.

I thought it was the bottom of the pressure box of the head chef Redfoot Jep.

But now think about it.

At that time, the expression of the head chef Jepp was indeed very subtle.

“Mr. Qi Yu is so cunning!”

Yamato ate with a mouth full of oil, vague Tao.

“Yes, yes, obviously after that day, we have been chanting many times, and Mr. Qi Yu has not even moved!”

Kirla Road.

“Forget it, the past is over!”

“At least from now on, we all know it.”

Robin was smiling.

No complaints the whole time.

And yet that’s exactly what happened.

On the contrary, it made Qi Yu’s eyelids jump.

For Robin’s belly black son.

Qi Yu couldn’t not have known.

“Oh, the legendary arrogant king of the sea! It’s a little different from what I imagined! ”

Culokas sighed.

“Mr. Qi Yu’s arrogance is only at a specific time, and the ordinary state is elegant and easy-going!”

Saab had a hard time opening his mouth.

Since the beginning of the meal.

His mouth never stopped.

While Kirra and the others sighed while eating.

He was just a hard brat.

Such a moment of kung fu.

The twenty-meter-level sea king roast meat had already been destroyed by him.



Kirla discovers Saab’s stealing behavior.

On the spot, it was Bangbang who gave him two punches.

“Saab, don’t go too far, leave us a little too!”

Kirla Road.

“Hey, hey, isn’t there still half of it?”

Saab smiled shyly.

The meat was snatched away, and he had to eat the aftertaste of his fingers.


Looking at Saab’s pitiful appearance, Qi Yu couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly.

Throw a large piece of flesh and bone at you.

Saab’s eyes lit up, and one of them got up and leaped forward, grabbing the delicious roast.

“Mr. Qi Yu, thank you!”

Saab said vaguely.

At the end, I would like to add another sentence.

“If Luffy were there, he would be made to cry out deliciously… Alas, why did you suddenly think…”

“Straw Hat Luffy!”

On the side, listening to Saab talk about Luffy, Culokas couldn’t help but sigh.

More than half a year ago.

The first time I saw Luffy with the straw hat.

He already recognized it.

The child of fate that spanned eight hundred years, the right place at the right time.

The legendary joyboy !!!


The island whale Raab on the coast suddenly became giao again.

“Got it, got it.”

Culokas waved his hand knowingly.

“Speaking of Luffy, Qi Yu, how did this ship end up with you?”

“And the straw hat words, I saw on the news, but what about the others?” Are they all right? ”

Culokas asked.

“Alas, everyone must be all right!”

It was not Qi Yu who answered him, but Robin.

“Are you Nicole Robin who joined later?”

Culokas nodded knowingly.

“Yes, Mr. Culokas, I have one more thing to tell you and Rab.”

Robin looked at the island whale.


Culokas asked.

“Fifty years ago the Lombard Pirates, we have already met!”

Robin said solemnly.



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