“Mr. Karp, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Saab looked at Kapu with a smile on his face as bright as the sun.

‘Who’s you, almost like the hippie smiley face of the old man’ – Karp wanted to say this back

However, not even the first word has been exported.

Karp’s words and the expression on his face stopped abruptly.

Look at the face of the youthful sunshine.

Look at the curls of blonde hair under the gentleman’s top hat.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity immediately struck Karp’s mind.

“You, you, you… Sassa…”

Look at the blonde teenager who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The old man’s eyes with the title of hero suddenly opened to the limit.

An old face with an expression of incredulity like a ghost.

Emotions called shock and disbelief suddenly invaded his body and mind.

As a strong man standing at the top of the world, Karp’s heart has not been so turbulent for a long time.

Even the constant conquest of the powerful in the New World did not make his heart fluctuate in the slightest.

And yet now…

“Man, have you forgotten my name?” What a heartbreak! ”

Saab smiled and shook his head.


Finally, Karp said the name of the blonde boy in front of him in a voice that raised eighteen degrees.

In this way to prove that you have not forgotten.

“Saab, it’s really you boy! You guys didn’t even die! ”

Kapu narrowed his eyes and involuntarily grabbed Saab’s shoulder.

“Mr. Karp, this has no vendetta and no complaints, you don’t need to curse me to death as soon as you meet.”

Saab Road.

After a brief silence.

“Poof, hahahaha”

Kapu’s angry laughter echoed like thunder, echoing under the sky.

The afterglow is endless.

“It’s good to be alive, it’s so good.”

Kapu said yes in a series of excited voices, and a powerful hand tapped on Saab’s shoulder.

Cap first met Saab when Ace was seven years old.

At that time, he returned to his hometown to visit his relatives on vacation, came to see Ace on Mount Corpo, and met Saab, who had become friends with Ace.

For the first friend Ace made in his life, Kapu was also very happy.

After getting along, Saab’s gentlemanly courtesy also won Karp’s favor.

Immediately, Kapu added Saab to his devil training package.

Three years later, Cap sent the seven-year-old Luffy to Dadan.

Later, it was learned that the three little ones got along well and even formed a brother of the opposite sex, and Kapu’s heart was also beautiful.

Treat Saab as his grandson.

However, the good times did not last long.

Ten years ago.

Not long after he returned to Navy headquarters after he had finished his vacation.

The three brothers had an accident on their side.

The Draco people visited the Kingdom of Goya and spread the news of shelling the children out of the sea.

Kapu also learned from the news that the unfortunate child who was shelled by the Dracos was Saab.

Under the fury, Karp was red in the eye on the spot and lost his mind.

If it were not for the Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane, the two men would have been dead.

He was almost about to break into the Holy Land of Mary Joa to find the Dracot murderer who killed his own righteous grandson.


Yi Sun, who originally thought that yin and yang were separated and would never be seen again.

Just suddenly appeared in front of him, returning alive.

Karp’s inner excitement and surprise can be imagined.

Under the great surprise of Saab’s resurrection and return, nothing else matters.

“Oh well! It’s really great! ”

Under the extreme joy, the corners of Kapu’s eyes involuntarily burst into tears.

The big hand still couldn’t stop tapping Saab’s shoulder.

“Mr. Karp, can we stop?” You’re taking a weird shot. ”

Saab face does not change color reminder.


Karp was stunned.

This is finally the reaction.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry, Grandpa is a little happy.”

Karp touched the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled.

“Poof, hahahaha”

The loud laughter of the naval hero Capuna echoed under the sky.

Listening to this hearty laugh, people know.

Karp is really happy today.

Karp was pleased.

Many people in the room were also happy.

One of the most relieved is of course the Neptune and other top level of Fishman Island.

Previously on the way to come.

They were really afraid that Kapu would be hot-headed and launch an earth-shattering three-way war with One Piece King Roger and Qi Yu, the King of the Sea.

If it really starts, they are afraid that the fish man island will really be pierced.

“Poofhahaha, I’m happy today, Grandpa won’t teach you a lesson!”

“Go, Saab, Ace, Grandpa take you for a big drink!”

Karp waved a big hand.

“Wait a minute!”


One Piece Roger interrupted with a loud cry.

The smile on his face disappeared without a trace because of Karp’s words.

“What kind of moth are you messing with?”

Karp looked at Roger with a bad look.

“Cat bastard, what does your guy’s ‘grandpa’ mean?”

Roger asked rhetorically.

“That’s the literal meaning, what’s wrong?”

Karp was uncompromising.

Hearing Karp’s confirmation, Roger’s facial expression suddenly twisted together, as if he was constipated.

“Good you Karp, I treat you like a brother, you want to be my father!”

Roger said angrily.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked.


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