The naval hero Kapu incarnated as an emperor and fully entered the role.

As if he really was Roger’s father.

Listen to Karp’s funny run on Roger.

The people in the field, including Qi Yu, were already speechless and had no idea what to say.

As for Roger, who has become a son in vain, he is furious at the moment.

The old man’s face was flushed, and the white smoke went straight to the Tianling Gai.

The critical moment.

Saab and Ace glanced at each other, both stepped forward, and intervened among the two old children.

“All right, old man, didn’t you mean to take us for dinner?”

Saab Road.

“Dad… Daddy”

Two words popped out of Ace’s mouth.

Just two words, but it is enough to calm Roger’s inner shame and make him smile again.

“That’s right, Roger, Lieutenant General Kapu, and Your Excellency Qi Yu, let’s go back to Dragon Palace City together!”

“The banquet has long been prepared! Gammon ~~~”

Neptune, the fishman king, also came forward to play the round field.

Mediated in the mediation of Saab, Ace and King Neptune.

The spitting behavior of Roger and Karp, two legendary ‘old children’, has finally come to an end.

The anchovy boat, which symbolizes the royal family of Fishman Island, takes off into the air.

It faded away amid the excited cheers of the people.

“Go! Gammon ~~~”

With Neptune’s order, the anchovy set sail.

Carrying Qi Yu and his party, he returned to Dragon Palace Castle.



Departing from Mermaid Bay is about a quarter of an hour later.

A magnificent bubble floating building appeared within the sight of Qi Yu and his party.

“That’s Ryugu Castle!!!”

Looking at the large and luxurious palace made of large coral reefs, shells and other building materials, Kirla could not help but be amazed.

“I have seen the description of Ryugu Castle more than once in the book, but I actually saw it much more spectacularly than what was written in the story!”

Robin couldn’t help but sigh.

The coated anchovy boat sailed straight to the main gate of Ryugu Castle.

“Your Excellency, Qi Yu, we have arrived at Gamon!”

Neptune rides on the little whale Hoai and, with a wave of his hand, the entrance to Ryugu City opens.

Immediately afterward, all the preparations that Neptune had ordered before he left the house were unfolded.

The Grand Hall of the Dragon Palace City was illuminated in a flash.

From the main hall to the entrance position, all the sea water is isolated by huge bubbles.

Such a move fully demonstrates Neptune’s emphasis on Qi Yu.

If it was someone else, even if they were invited to Dragon Palace City, they would never do this.

Qi Yu looked as usual, and together with a group of big little girls, Roger, Kapu and others, under the guidance of Neptune, walked up the stairs leading to the main hall.

Along the way, the girls’ eyes are bright.

Even the stable Gion is no exception.

With surprise and curiosity, he observed the corners and corners of Ryugu Castle.

For them, everything here is novel.

The 10,000-meter deep sea of the Fishman Island, the beautiful mermaids and now the Dragon Palace Castle in the air…

These wonders are something they have never seen before when they live on earth.

After a 10-minute stop-and-go tour.

The Ryugu Castle banquet hall arrived.

A lively banquet ensued.

The beautiful singing and dancing of the young fish girls prepared in advance by Neptune begins.

The huge flounder carried Qi Yu and a group of big little girls slowly and leisurely.

The spacious air bubble wrap is filled with a variety of melon and fruit delicacies.

Qi Yu leisurely pillowed Kalifa’s Hi Silk Knee Pillow, enjoying the quiet and peace of this moment.

“We’re back, Father King, Red Rollover~”

Earlier, the three princes who had left early turned over and overturned.

Along with him was the Second Prince Dragon Star.

“What about the Dragon Star, the Rollover Star, the White Star?”

Neptune asked.

“White Star’s words, just behind.”

Long Xing chuckled.

“Father King”

The voice of the Grand Prince Shark Star sounded.

“Father the King”

At the end was a timid and weak girl’s voice.

“Oh, here it comes, the legendary mermaid princess.”

Looking at the huge mermaid princess White Star not far away, Yamato and the other maidens stood up in a flash, excited and soothing.


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