An undersea volcanic area not many miles away from Fishman Island.

A faint flicker of light.

It was the light of the giant lanternfish.


The bald sea monster who followed the light saw the footsteps and stumbled.

Tripped by the stones on the bottom of the sea, he suddenly vented unhappily at the lantern sea monster.


Just then, a low bass voice came from the tattered ship held by the big bald sea monster.

Flying Dutchman, the legendary sea thief Van da Deacon’s pirate ship.

There are many legends left in various seas.

Even after death, it is a legend of a ghost ship, wandering in the deep sea.

And the flying Dutchman at this time will naturally not be a ghost ship.

Its current owner is none other than the descendant of the original sea thief, Van da Dyken IX.

A fishman who eats the fruit of a Superman target.

“Mizumi, haven’t you replied yet?” White Star’s reply? ”

Vandakén IX continued to whisper.

“Well, not yet, Captain Deacon.”

The bald sea monster replied stupidly.

“It’s been nine years, and White Star hasn’t been looking for my beloved me, and it must be because the evil Neptune has done something about it!”

“Shut up the White Star in that hard-shell tower, and don’t let the two of us who really love each other meet, and then in a year or two we will make the White Star a victim of politics and marry those human nobles!”

“Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable, the White Star can only belong to me alone, only I can be worthy of such a noble her!”

“So if you can’t be together anyway, then you have to ask you to die, White Star!”

“Hahahahahaha, today is still the usual rose axe, with my love to convey to the white star!”

Vandakdiken laughed wildly.

In both hands, he held a double-sided axe with a rose pattern printed on it, and threw it in the direction of the opposite of Ryugu Castle.

However, it wasn’t long before the two-sided rose axe turned upside down.

Towards the target it had locked, the mermaid princess White Star flew straight to the Dragon Palace Castle.

This is Vandakéken’s Demon Fruit ability, the Superman Target Fruit.

Ability to lock firmly on the person whose palm has been touched.

As long as that mark is not washed away, this lock will last a lifetime.

Ever since he touched the White Star with his right hand eight years ago.

Vandérken IX never washed his hands again.



Right now.

Fishman Island, Ryugu Castle.

Under the absolute hit mark of the target fruit’s ability.

The two-sided rose axe thrown by Van da Dyken IX spanned an unknown number of sea miles.

Straight towards the banquet hall, or rather, towards the white star.

The sudden appearance of the Rose Axe made the faces of the people in the hall change slightly.

Almost invariably.

One Piece Roger and the hero Cappuqi attack.

One punch at a time.

The menacing Rose Axe suddenly broke into several pieces and fell powerlessly.

“Roger the idiot, don’t get in the way!”

Karp’s punch is a vacuum waterway.

“You are, don’t get in the way.”

Roger used the supreme knife Black Knife Ace to lightly defuse Kapu’s attack.

The two of them clicked to the end.

There was no big fuss.

When even each of you returns.

Don’t want to scare the crying mermaid princess.

“Roger, Lieutenant General Cap, thank you this time!”

King Neptune nodded to the two.

“King Neptune, what the hell is going on?”

Yamato, with a puzzled look on his face, asked in a loud voice.

“This is Dragon Palace City!”

“Why are there axes?”

Gion also raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, Shi Ping, what the hell happened to this axe before?”

“Where did it come from?” Is there still an assassin in this Dragon Palace City? ”

Marco and Ace both stared at each other.

This time they came here to quell the chaos.

On Whitebeard’s orders, solve the problem of overloaded pirate rebellion on Fishman Island in the short term.

The princess of Fishman Island was assassinated, and naturally they could not sit idly by.

“Neptune, what the hell is going on?”

Roger and Karp both opened their mouths at the same time.

“Your Honor, in fact, this axe is…”

Bai Xing opened his mouth, lowered his head, and turned his index fingers of both hands in circles, unable to speak.


“Vanda Deacon that bastard!!”

“It’s so deceiving!!!”

The three princes of Shark Star, Dragon Star and Flip Star all roared in anger and their eyes were broken.

King Neptune sighed.

“Well, I’ll explain it next.”


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