The effects of Dressrosa’s egregious pirate theft of the country continue to ferment.

The world’s major government countries have caused a sensation.

Also alarmed were the major forces of the sea.

Especially the dark world underground.

For the entire underworld, the changes suffered by Dressrosa and Don Quixote family are an unprecedented and major blow.

As a major force among the pirates, it also has the identity of the Seven Martial Seas and the existence of the relationship between the former Tianlong people.

Doflamingo eats both black and white, and the network is huge.

The title of the greatest dark intermediary is naturally not a talk.

The impact of his downfall on the world’s black trading market is unimaginable.


In a war-torn country in the South China Sea, the king sitting on the throne in a magnificent robe looked at the newspaper in his hand, and the whole person trembled unconsciously, but in the end he only sighed helplessly, and his expression was depressed to the extreme.

“Declare your surrender.”

The king said weakly.

Without the follow-up arms support of Doflamingo, they had already lost more than half of the war against the revolutionary army.

Now they have run out of food and are unable to continue.


Similar events are not unique around the world.

The four seas of the southeast, south, and northwest include all sections of the Great Passage, and they all occur.


In a certain area of the turbulent New World, a pirate ship sinks and floats in the middle of a large wave.

“Damn, joker that bastard, we’ve all paid the deposit, but the promised Devil Fruit is going to be in vain?” This kind of thing makes me how to accept. ”

A pirate captain angrily dropped the newspaper in his hand on the deck.

“By the way, Devil Fruit, our merchandise must still be in Dressrosa, and since that’s the case, we’re going to take back what belongs to us.”


“Damn joker, Lao Tzu’s goods are still pressed against him!”

The Underworld Warrior Crocodile yelled in anger.

“The loan that Lao Tzu gave to the clown has not yet been recovered!” Talk to whom! ”

Luffer, king of usury, roared.

“Don’t mention it, Lao Tzu shouldn’t trust any intermediaries!” Sure enough, it was a black intermediary! ”

Organ dealer Jigula pounded his chest and feet.

A group of predators from all walks of life in the dark world are now holding emergency telephone worm video conferences, spitting bitter water.

“Well, Dressrosa is there, and if you have the guts, go get your things back, from the hands of the emperor.”

Happy Street Queen Stussy smiled charmingly.

Luffer, Umidt, Jigula and other dark predators instantly muted.


Grab something from the current Dressrosa?

Fools go!



Baldigo, the headquarters of the revolutionary army in the yellow sand.

Combat conference rooms.

The cadres of the revolutionary army, led by the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Long, gathered together.

Terry, the intelligence officer of the Revolutionary Army, distributed a copy of the information to the cadres present.

“This is… Dressrosa、、、”

“There are also the Seven Takekai Doflamingo’s deals with the underworld、、、”

“What I got was the Don Quixote family’s branch bases all over the North Sea!”

Beloberty, commander of the Eastern Army, Lindbergh of the Southern Army, and other cadres of the Southern Army were all wide-eyed.

“Hip hop ~ it seems that our chief of staff is greatly active!”

“Dragon, you asked Saab and Kirra to follow that one, and it was the right choice!”

The revolutionary army elder with a huge face, the demon king Ivankov, posed with a golden rooster independent movement.

“Great, the fall of Doflamingo and this information will be of great help to our revolutionary action!”

Confederate commander Lindbergh clapped his hands excitedly.

“Dragon, regarding the North Sea base of the Don Quixote family, do we want to…”

Commander Kallas of the Northern Army seemed to have thought of something.

“Yes, we are going to occupy these terra nullius before the others, or at least get all the trading weapons stored in them and start moving, gentlemen.”

The leader of the dragon said calmly and firmly.


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