Two days later.

Port of Dressrosa.

Three large naval warships slowly entered the harbor.

“Sister Crane”

Gion smiled and rushed forward to greet him at the first time, hugging his sister-like lieutenant general Crane.


Gion only felt a tightness behind his back.

Go back.

It just happened to be the gloomy gaze of the former marshal Sengoku.

“Ahaha, Mr. Sengoku is here too!”

Gion seemed to be a little embarrassed to hit a haha.

“Gion, you are also the one I grew up watching, listen, no matter where you are, don’t forget!”

“Justice in the heart!”

Sengoku knocked on his own heart.

“Yes, Mr. Sengoku!”

“I’ve never forgotten!”

Gion nodded seriously.

“Well, Mr. Sengoku, this liberation of Dressrosa is the credit of Sister Gion!”

“Yeah, yeah, thanks to Gion, Doflamingo’s conspiracy was uncovered!”

“And the children of the last time Punk Hasad…”

On the Lieutenant General’s Crane boat, the female soldiers who were also sisters with Gion spoke one after another.

Even if you know where Gion is now.

They didn’t have any blame either.

“Marshal of the Navy Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru, I didn’t expect that this time it was the two of you who came in person.

King Liku arrived at the port with Violet and the others and greeted them warmly.

Even if I am very dissatisfied with the world government and the Seven Martial Sea system.

However, King Liku would not throw his qi on the Warring States and Crane because of this.

For these two naval elders who guarded the sea in two eras, King Liku always had respect.

“King Liku is very kind!”

“It’s our Navy’s fault this time!”

Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru shook their heads in unison.

“Mr. Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru, if you say so, I can safely hand over the remnants of the Don Quixote family.”

Liku King Road.

“There’s labor!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru thanked him.

Half an hour later.

Cyrus took Lieutenant General Crane to the Wangdu Prison Administration.

“Cough cough cough”

Doflamingo, bound in chains, coughed in pain.

Lieutenant General Crane followed Cyrus to stand in front of Doflamingo’s cell, his old face calm and deep.

It began when Doflamingo was still active in the North Sea.

Lieutenant General Crane has been pursuing him continuously.

The wise lieutenant general Crane was able to see the potential threat in Doflamingo.

If it is not stopped, it will inevitably make the world more and more chaotic in the future.

However, Rao was the wisdom of Lieutenant General Crane, and he was also repeatedly frustrated in the arrest of Doflamingo.

Almost always one step behind.

With spies installed in the Navy, Doflamingo knew all about Lieutenant General Crane’s actions.

This is how to repeatedly pass by it and escape the pursuit.

But this time.

Doflamingo could not escape even if he inserted his wings.

“Lieutenant General Crane?” Cough cough… We are also old acquaintances, so let’s give you two pieces of advice! ”

“Let me fall is the most wrong decision you have ever made, the underground dark undercurrent has begun to surge, and the monsters of the new world are about to start running wild!”

“Especially the monster of that monster, his anger is unbearable for your navy!”

Doflamingo laughed negatively.

“Stop saying such shameful things, the world of ‘if’ does not exist, only the current result is the reality.”

Lieutenant General Crane wrapped his arms around him and drank coldly.


“Don’t be in a hurry, I said earlier, two pieces of advice!”

“That’s only one thing to say!”

Doflamingo laughed.

Lieutenant General Crane’s footsteps faltered slightly.

“That man’s power has grown bigger and bigger, and even the former admiral of your navy has become his minions!”

“This time, whether it’s your navy or the world government, everything will be upside!”

“The five old stars of Mary Joah and someone sitting high on the throne, their end is not far away!”


Doflamingo laughed wildly.

A moment of silence.

Lieutenant General Crane did not stop and walked straight away.


Dressrosa King’s Capital, a field of sunflowers.

Under the care of the snow girl Monet, the general pheasant basked in the sun leisurely.


There were footsteps in the sky.

The Snow Girl Monet looked up.

When he saw the figure that stepped into the air, Monet’s eyes widened, and his pupils shrank like the tip of a needle.

“Yo, Mr. Sengoku, how come you have time to come here today?”

The pheasant smiled and opened his mouth.

“Kuzan, you boy, are you under-beaten?”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.



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